This and the other issue are provided by Susie Scott N8CGM. -------------------------------------- The Q-Fiver for January 1999 Volume 41 Number 1 President's message Happy New Year! In recent months Dana WA8M has challenged the participants in OH-KY-IN's annual Field Day event to exceed numbers set in years past. Through effort and hard work this challenge was not only met but the numbers were surpassed. A similar challenge was issued to the DXers during the '98 DXpedition. Again, the challenge was met and the numbers were surpassed. Well, it's challenge time again! I would like to challenge each and every member of OH-KY-IN to make an effort to involve a young person into amateur radio. You might invite them to attend an event with you or perhaps a workshop. You could easily enough invite them to attend a meeting with you or perhaps invite them to see your shack or a friend's shack that you know holds particular interest. If you have any good ideas that you feel would be workable as far as interesting young people into amateur radio, please feel free to share them with others. I would like to see our membership increase by a significant number by this time next year and in particular I would like to see more young people in our number. As pointed out by ARRL Section Manager Joe Phillips K8QOE at the October OH-KY-IN meeting, you have done an excellent job of involving young people in the past and I commend you for that -- but let's give a real push in our efforts during this new year. I am excited about the upcoming months and events. I have said it before but it bears repeating -- we have a strong, viable membership and because of this our club has a lot to offer not only the members but the community at large. As always, I invite you to seek out other members with like interests and make this the year you achieve your goals -- perhaps gain that higher license or serve more actively within the club, whatever your individual goals, I applaud you in your efforts. It is with regret that I accept the resignation of N8RVR Judd Sexton as Director. Judd has served the club well in his two year tenure in this position. Judd has vowed to continue to be as active in supporting the club as he has in the past. I would like to also welcome Rick Haltermon KD4PYR into the position of Director. Rick has been very active with the club particularly as an instructor for the code and theory classes and the Hamfest committee. Welcome aboard Rick. See you at the next regular membership meeting, January 5, 1999. 73, Dick WB4SUV Next meeting The program for the OH-KY-IN meeting on TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1999 is on the FISTS CW group, presented by Otto Bielefeld AA8KK. Our dearly departed SK John N8FU was a member of FISTS. Timing is excellent for this -- the period for qualifying contacts for the N8FU CW Achievement Award ended the Thursday before the meeting. Copies of logs are due to Eric N8YCL by Sunday, January 31. The meeting will be held as usual at 7:30 PM at the Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Road, one block from Glenway Avenue. From town, pass Ferguson Road and turn left on to Sidney between the BP station and Sebastian's restaurant, just before the Frisch's, then turn right at the light into the church drive which leads down to the parking lot. The entrance is at the back of the church building; plenty of parking is available. 73, Eric N8YCL Minutes of members' meeting, Tuesday, December 1 Dick WB4SUV called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and introductions. There were about 60 present. Guests were Jerry Colgrain, Sean O'Conner and Mike KB8FCL (hi; Mike is finally off night shift!). Sean used to work in commercial radio and got sick of it. He would like to see a ham shack. No new licensees, no upgrades. Health and welfare: Al KD4PYQ had back surgery and was present; Ev KC8JR had knee surgery and was present. Gene N8KOJ introduced the candidates for offices and board, who each made a few comments. Harry WA8LOJ, candidate for director, has withdrawn for personal reasons. Gene N8KOJ, Bob WA6EZV and Bob WB8W will serve as tellers for the election. Bill KI4QJ moved that Rob K8CO count the ballots (tongue in cheek). Motion was not seconded. Dick WB4SUV, candidate for president, observed that this will be his third term in that office. Initial goals were to stage an OH-KY-IN hamfest and to get more youth involved in amateur radio. In the coming year youth will be targetted especially in the drive to increase membership. Eric N8YCL, candidate for vice president, announced "Three words only -- 'what he said'." Susie N8CGM, candidate for recording secretary, echoed the sentiment, "what they said." Carol K8DHK, candidate for corresponding secretary, cut it even shorter: "Ditto." Bill KI4QJ, candidate for treasurer, made a comment relating to the current US presidential scandal. Lynn WD8JAW, candidate for director, said he has no agenda in mind. He's been a club member since 1977, served on the board previously but job developments forced him to resign. He cited the member survey done in the early part of his tenure, and the moves to give the members what they were interested in. Revisions in the direction of the club have been carried out well, in his opinion. He concluded by saying "The club's done a lot for me." Rick KD4PYR, candidate for director, was licensed and joined the club in 1992. He has been more involved lately and enjoys teaching the tech class. He said the one thing he's learned is that "if Carol K8DHK calls, hang up!" Judd N8RVR, candidate for director, promised to do what he can for the club. Bruce N8FWA mentioned that he's been a member for 15 years and promised "if you vote for me we'll have pizza!" Ballots were distributed, marked and collected. A ten-minute break was called at 8 PM to count votes. Fred K9OHE suggested the business meeting be dispensed with; motion was not seconded. Mike KB8FCL will accept membership applications and dues. Business meeting convened at 8:14 PM. Dick WB4SUV thanked Rick KD4PYR and Jo KD4PYS for staffing the hospitality table. Dick then called for any corrections to the minutes; almost everyone in the room raised a hand. (This was to tease Carol K8DHK who took the November meeting minutes.) Minutes were accepted as printed by acclamation. Bill KI4QJ passed around copies of the treasurer's report. The report does not include the bill for tonight's pizza or the bit of coming expense for the club's 1999 Hamfest. Assets/equity amount to $26,732. Hamfest meeting scheduled for this Thursday is off. Event chair Dana WA8M and Karen will be in Tortola to scuba dive. DXers will meet at Bob WA6EZV's. There is a lot of good DX to be had now. Dick WB4SUV reported that there was good participation at the last foxhunt. He and Janie hid two transmitters at opposite ends of a small park on Fairmount Avenue. This was the hunt where the park's neighbors thought fox and hounds were examining the territory for a communications tower. Dick thanked Bob WA6EZV for going to look for the QRM that plagued the repeater early on. Gene N8KOJ reported that Bob Waiss K9GKN (former OH-KY-IN member--ed.) has become a Silent Key. The family has been sent a letter. Bob WB8W is still working on a questionnaire for workshops. He got a new HT recently with a huge list of modifications. He may be able to plan a modifications workshop for January, possibly the 14th, at Salem Presb. Church. Please call Bob (and see article elsewhere in this Q-Fiver) and he will print out directions for your radio. Meanwhile, the library is open. Eric N8YCL said that the SSTV net progresses and will be on .67 at 8 PM tomorrow. Bruce N8FWA noted the lowered number of Tech Talk checkins for the holidays. BBS and Nodes: Bob WA6EZV announced that packet gear will be redirected to other areas. BBS and Node committee reviewed and filed a report at the last board meeting. As of today (Dec. 1, 1998) the K8SCH BBS will be turned off. That will free some of the gear. The high-speed backbone is still up, it is still possible to connect on 144.95 and 145.01. Computers and 2 meter gear is available for reassignment. There are at least tentative plans to put up a "wide" (not "Y" as stated in minutes of Nov. meeting) on the west side. It's ready to go on at .925 if it doesn't cause desense. Gene N8KOJ asked if there'd be anything left for a DX packet cluster; yes! Details re a cluster to be determined, Bob WA6EZV said he'd buy the software himself if necessary. It's desirable to have the right gear there and not have to spend more. Ray W8LKX mentioned a 3-way project for Bright IN; Bob WA6EZV asked if that would do something for OH-KY-IN. Brad WD9HDZ asked about APRS traffic. Bob WA6EZV's been on APRS for 6 months and has noticed a growing amount of traffic, also more mobile and weather stations. There are "wides" to north and south but not to west. Next logical BBS is UC. N8ZFM BBS is generally out of the picture for this. Fred K9OHE moved to accept and implement the proposal for the western "wide". Gene N8KOJ second, motion carried. Lynn WD8JAW announced that the ARPSC Christmas party will be this Friday at Hartwell Presbyterian Church. Call Bill KA8LAY to reserve. WARN is down to one meeting a month in winter. Eric N8YCL advised those present to read the Technical Committee report in the Q-Fiver. Bob WA6EZV announced that .625 is expected back from the factory this week. Carol K8DHK reported that spring classes will start February 25 with the exams May 8, missing a week for Easter. Of this last class, half passed and half didn't. There will be an organizational meeting in early January. Harry WA8LOJ reported all club gear recorded and/or accounted for. Attendance award: Eric N8YCL commented that it's a bribe to get members to come to meetings. Dr. John Huschart WB8TDD's name was drawn. As he was not present, the sum next month will be $20. Old business: OH-KY-IN light blue jackets are at the least postponed due to lack of interest. Otto AA8KK was not present. Rick KD4PYR reported that the reflector now has 44 subscribers. News of the Clean Sweep was posted on the reflector. All are welcome to subscribe. Dale KC8HQS reported that the web page is doing well; items from the reflector have been copied to the web page. Ray W8LKX complimented Dale on the nice job he's doing with this. Bob WA6EZV reported on the phone Sweepstakes effort. There were 20 operators and it was a generally low-key operation. The team achieved a sweep of 78 sections by 2 AM Sunday. Bob apologized for forgetting Dick WB4SUV's broom. 79th section achieved was Alabama, which had been hard to find. Carol K8DHK snared the Yukon. Bill KI4QJ and Bob WA6EZV got 50 contacts in the first two hours. Bob observed that more spotters would have been useful. Even so, 450 QSOs were logged in achieving the Clean Sweep, with 25 band changes. Rob KC8HMQ and Dale KC8HQS made the run to the end of the contest. Bob asked for the money for either pin or mug for the contest this evening. Pat Frey gets credit for agreeing to have Sweeps at their place. Dick WB4SUV has offered to host Sweeps next year (!). Dennis KB8JVK reported that the Price Hill Thanksgiving Parade went well despite some changes (like float judging the first thing and not while the parade's moving). This was the best one so far. Dennis thanked all who worked the event. Eric N8YCL reminded those present that there are only 30 days left to make contacts for the N8FU CW Achievement Award. Rules are in the November Q-Fiver. Members only need 1 CW contact during 1998 to be eligible for consideration. Submit log copies to Eric N8YCL by the end of January. New business: Roger W8CRK said that Phil K8THT (SK)'s tower is in good shape and may be claimed by anyone willing to come get it. Doug KB9SZS needs some info about antennas for a Kenwood 130S. Gene N8KOJ reported for the Nominating Committee that, after three recounts, all officers were re-elected and directors for 1999 will be Lynn WD8JAW, Judd N8RVR and Bruce N8FWA. The count was really close! (See mast and President's message for further developments --ed.) Rob K8CO won $32 in split-the-pot. Al KD4PYQ won the wine that was an auxiliary holiday door prize. Meeting adjourned to pizza at 8:55 PM by acclamation. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary Sweep Sweep Sweep!! Many thanks to all who made Sweepstakes a great success. Dick Arnett WB4SUV gets the coveted broom this year. He worked Alabama as section 79 just before 9 AM on Sunday. (Author's note: Since everything else was gone, thought we would save something for the Sunday crew). Everyone chipped in by scrapping for, at the time, one of the many sections we needed. Bob N8CW had a good run on 20 meters on Sunday afternoon to help the point total while Dale KC8HQS and Rob KC8HMQ met a late challenge to get us to 450 QSOs by the end of the contest. This provided a fun and scrambling finish. Just ask one of them. Mugs and pins for those who ordered them came in shortly before Christmas. If you put in for one, please come to the January club meeting to collect it. Here are a few facts. 1997 1998 Sections 79 79 Operators 17 20 QSOs 385 450 Band Changes 39 25 Operating Hours 21 22 QSOs by Band 10 Meters 0 42 15 Meters 58 58 20 Meters 160 218 40 Meters 108 80 80 Meters 59 52 73 (and exulting), Bob WA6EZV January Workshop to feature HT mods I recently bought an inexpensive Handheld Transceiver at the Fort Wayne Hamfest. The fellow who sold it to me said that I could find how to modify this transceiver to increase the receive capabilities from the Internet. The next day I checked out t he website and found a large variety of HT models listed with many modifications. My rig took about five minutes of my lunch time to remove one resistor that opened the receive from 137Mhz to 173Mhz. This gives me the capability to receive the weather and business bands. After this experience I thought it might make a good workshop to bring in the equipment and help others to do these receiver mods on their rigs. The workshop will be on January 14 at the Salem Presbyterian Church at 7PM. If you are interested you must let me know by the end of the January meeting, in order for me to look up the instructions for your model rig. 73, Bob WB8W 574-8099 Beasley K6BJH cartoon Muscular rough-looking guy (cigar & 5 o'clock shadow) from Ajax Repo Co. is carrying ham's rig away. Mic cable is cut, half is dangling from rig, other half from mic which ham is holding. Ham protests "I suppose you know I was just about to snag a Clipperton Island contact!!" from Worldradio April 1998 via Sterling-Rock Falls Electron, April 1998 DX Extras January 1999 First let me congratulate and thank everyone who took the time to make OH-KY- IN's sweepstakes effort such a great success. Twenty different operators managed to make some 450 QSOs and grab all 79 sections for a "Clean Sweep". Two in a row! Next year we go for a trifecta. WOW what a great month for DX. If you have been on the bands at all you had a change to work Amsterdam Island, Myanmar, Cambodia or the United Arab Emirates, just to name a few. If you missed these, here are some upcoming operations. FT5ZH -- Amsterdam Island -- QRV since Nov. 25th, Great signals state side. Plan to be on air till Dec. 25th 8Q7LE -- Maldives -- Scheduled for Dec. 22nd to Jan. 13th VK9CL -- Cocos Island -- Scheduled for Dec. 26th to Jan 2nd. VP8CRB -- Falklands -- Scheduled for Dec. 26th to Jan 16th JD1/JI1FLB -- ogasawara --Scheduled for Dec. 30th to Jan. 3rd. Future Operations: The Lyon DX group, current operation FT5ZH, is pursuing operations from both Crozet and Tromelin in the near future. ZL9CI -- Campbell Island -- Scheduled for January 1999. No specific dates yet. (How's DX in QST says they hope to have all 6 stations operational by Jan. 10 -- ed.) PY0S - St. Peter & Paul Rocks - March 1999, More later. DX Web Sites -- With the Internet readily available, more DX operations are posting current status and often up to the minute logs on the web that allow you to confirm that you made it through the pile up and don't need to try for a second (precautionary) QSL. It was interesting to listen to the FT5ZH operation and how often the operator replied "already have you in the log, same band, same mode". Perhaps the internet is useful to the DXer. If one can verify that they are in the log maybe they will refrain from calling endlessly for a second or even third QSL. This might give the other guy who needs the station for a "new one" a chance. Here are a sample of current DX operation sites: Pratas -- E30 -- Eritrea -- FT5ZH -- Updates at Until next month, Gud DX 73, Bob WA6EZV Contests January 1999 Dec. 31 Last day to make qualifying contacts for the 1998 N8FU CW Achievement Award! 1 ARRL Straight Key Night-- No Y2K problem with this 8-10 JA International DX Contest, CW Meet the Novices and Technicians Day QRP ARCI Winter Fireside SSB Sprint NA QSO Party, CW 15-17 NA QSO Party, SSB 22-24 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes 29-31 CQ WW 160 meter DX Contest, CW REF French Contest, CW UBA contest, SSB YL International QSO Party, CW KS QSO Party 31 Logs for N8FU CW Achievement Award contacts due to Eric N8YCL May be the last chance to work a Novice, if the new licencing goes through. Lots of good contests, and lots of CW!! A good way to work off those holiday pounds. For more see QST, CQ, etc. 73, Dan KF4AV Ohio QSO Party being revived To all Ohio hams, The Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club ( has decided to restart the Ohio QSO Party. We have scheduled it for the 3d weekend in March 1999. If it goes well we will continue to have it that weekend each year. With the Ohio Bicentennial coming up in 2003, we are hoping to have this as an official event and do something special. Attached is a copy of the rules as they stand now. There is also a copy on the CFARC web page. A mailing to all 99 Ohio ARRL affiliated clubs will be made in the very near future. The only thing that we ask, is your support by publicizing the QSO Party and then supporting it on the air that weekend. If you have any questions, please drop me an e-mail. 73, Ted Sarah W8TTS Ohio QSO Party Chair OHIO QSO PARTY Sponsored by the Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club Inc. (CFARC) W8VPV DATE: Third weekend in March (20 & 21 March 1999) TIME: Saturday 00:01z - Sunday 24:00z (Total time 48 hours) OBJECT: Stations outside of Ohio work as many Ohio stations in as many Ohio counties as possible. Stations in Ohio work anyone. EXCHANGE: Ohio stations send QSO number and county. Stations outside of Ohio send QSO number and state, province, or country. QSO POINTS: Each complete non-duplicate Phone contact is worth 2 points. Each complete non-duplicate CW contact is worth 3 points. Each station may be worked on multiple bands for multiple contact points. No partial contact credit. Duplicate contacts must be clearly identified in log. MULTIPLIERS: Maximum of 88 multipliers. Ohio stations count states (50), Canadian provinces, and foreign countries for a maximum of 88. All others use Ohio counties for a maximum of 88. Ohio stations on a county line may be claimed as a multiplier for any or all of the counties they give in their exchange. Number each multiplier as worked. SCORE: The total score is the total number of QSO points multiplied by the total number of multipliers (88 Maximum). FREQUENCIES: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meters. WARC band contacts do not count. Suggest CW on 1805 and 40 kHz up from band edge. Phone on 1850, 3850, 7230, 14250, 21300, 28450, 50135, and 144210 kHz. Novices 10 kHz up from band edge and 28450 CLASS ENTRY: Single-Operator, Multi-Single, Multi-Multi, Ohio County Expedition, Mobile, and Novice/Tech. Single-Operator entries limited to 36 hours maximum; off times must be clearly marked in the log and be a minimum of 15 minutes. Multi-Operator entries may operate the full 48 hours. Multi-Single entries must work only one band/mode for at least 10 minutes before changing band or mode. Stations may be worked once on CW and once on Phone per band. Single-Operator and Multi-Single entries are allowed only one transmitted signal. All CW contacts must be made outside the Phone sub-bands except for 160 meters. MCW is not permitted. All contacts must be simplex. Ohio stations that change counties are considered to be a new station and may be contacted again for point and multiplier credit. ENTRIES: Entries must be post marked no later than May 1st. Entries of 200 or more QSOs must include duplicate check lists. Ohio stations be sure and list county(s) of operation. A signed summary page, listing all the usual information, is required. Logs are to be submitted via postal mail to: Ohio QSO Party c/o Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club, Inc. P.O. Box 614 Cuyahoga Falls OH 44262-0614 No electronic log entries will be accepted this year (1999). Will look at doing it electronically in upcoming years. For a copy of the final results, please enclose a SASE with the entry. These will also be posted on the CFARC's Home Page: AWARDS: Certificates -- To top Single-Operator entry in each Ohio county, state, province, and continent (as defined in WAC). To the top CW and phone -- Single-Single, Multi-Single, Multi-Multi, Ohio County Expedition, Mobile, and Novice/Tech station. MISCELLANEOUS: We are just starting to rebuild the Ohio QSO Party, and are working towards a special QSO Party in 2003 to help celebrate the bicentennial of Ohio statehood. Any and all constructive comments are welcome to the address above. New OH ARRL SGL named Jeff Ferriell K8ZDA, Columbus, has accepted the post of Ohio Section ARRL State Government Liaison. Jeff, a professor of law at Capital University School of Law, was appointed by Ohio Section Manager Joe Phillips K8QOE. He succeeds the late Paul Krugh N2NS, Reynoldsburg, who became a silent key in September. Jeff is best known among Ohio hams as communications director of the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure (GOBA) which organizes ham radio communications for this June event in about 22 Ohio counties. As State Government Liaison, Jeff will keep track of Ohio legislation as it relates to ham radio and advise us of law changes which affect our hobby. He is responsible for Local Government Liaisons (LGL) appointments -- hams who observe city councils, county commissioners and boards of zoning appeals in their particular area. Please welcome Jeff aboard as the newest member of the ARRL Ohio Section Cabinet. 73, Joe Phillips K8QOE, ARRL OH SM The good old days! Think amateur radio hasn't changed in a relatively short time? The following is taken from a Mini Log from ARRL dated 1962. "Must be recorded: Input power, band, type of emission, vehicle or operator. Portable and mobile stations must log the location of the transmission and appropriate entry each time it is changed. Every transmission must be recorded, including calls that did not result in QSO, CQ calls, and tests." ARRL Publication No. 17. Submitted by Sam KJ8K November 21 VE exam results 'Twas the weekend before Thanksgiving ... as 13 people, some more lucky or better prepared than others, sat for a total of 33 elements at Salem Presbyterian Church at noon (or a bit after) on Nov. 21. One candidate from out of town was heard calling for talk-in from down on River Road. He received his directions & while he reached the exam site later than 12 noon, the trip was definitely worth it. He achieved his upgrade! The numbers in detail: Element 1A 1B 1C 2 3a 3b 4a 4b CSCE - 1 - 1 - 1 - - (not figured in p/f) Pass 4 1 - 6 2 2 1 - Fail - 3 - 6 6 1 - 1 % 100% 75% - 50% 25% 67% 100% 0% When the dust settled, there were 2 freshly minted Novices, a Tech and a Tech+ who came from no license, a Tech-to-Tech+ upgrade as well as a Tech+-to- General, and a General-to-Advanced (the guy who needed talk-in). Serving on the VE team this time: Bill KI4QJ, Bob WA6EZV, Otto AA8KK, Gene N8KOJ, Rick KD4PYR, Bob W8JSO, Bruce N8FWA and Carol K8DHK. 73, Bill KI4QJ VE exam opportunities Sat. Jan. 2 at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs, sponsored by CRA. Registration 8:30 AM; walk-in only! Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 891- 7556. Sat. Jan. 9 at Indian Springs Admin Bldg, Morris & Millikin Rds in suburban Hamilton OH, sponsored by Butler Co VHF Assn. Registration starts at 9 AM, testing at 10. Parking on side opposite police station only; don't block the driveways! Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 868-7012 or Bill Moore W8KVU, 868-0102 or, 868-0210. Talk-in 146.97 Sun. Nov. 17 in Mt. Auburn, sponsored by SOTA & OMIK. All license classes. Info: Thierry Winkfield W8UX, 861-2544. Sat. Jan. 23 at Union KY Firehouse on US Rt 42 at 9 AM. All license classes. Walk-ins OK. Checks or money orders to ARRL/VEC. Info: Bill Merten K4JBV, 356-2115. IN ALL CASES 2 IDs (at least 1 with photo), originals (bring to exam) & photocopies (enclose with preregistration or bring to exam to file with 610) of license & CSCEs are required. Headphones for the CW elements and photocopying available at OH-KY-IN exams but NOT at most other testing locations (call for info). A Form 610 (required) can be obtained from the FCC by calling 1-800-418-3676. Pre-registration encouraged where available (see specific exam info for where to send, enclose SASE for confirmation). $6.45 is 1999 ARRL/VEC exam fee; if paid in cash, correct change expedites walk-in registrations. Elements 1A & 2 are always free at ARRL/VEC exam sessions. January ARPSC meeting Just a heads-up for anyone planning to attend the January meeting of the Hamilton County Amateur Radio Public Service Corps. The meeting is usually on the first Friday of each month. However, the first Friday in January is also New Year's Day. Therefore, the January ARPSC meeting will be re-scheduled for the following Friday, January 8, 1999 at 8 PM. The meeting will be held in the usual location, the Hamilton County Sheriff's Training Center (Academy Center), by the big antenna tower just south of I-275 on Hamilton Avenue (127). That would be exit 36 off I-275. Talk in will be on the 145.37 (-) K8YOJ repeater. All interested persons are welcome and invited to attend. Thanks, 73, and hope to see you at the meeting. Dennis KB8ROA How To Buy a Gel Cell from November 1998 ARNS Bulletin This article appeared in the "NEDA Report" for September 1998, the journal of the Northeast Digital Association, Tadd Torborg KA2DEW Editor. I wrote this article to help clear up some of the confusion about buying batteries at hamfests. This is a collection of my personal experiences and opinions that might give you ideas so that you can make the final decision. Some factors to consider are: AGE: Look for a date code, usually stamped or melted into the case. The date code should be obvious, but may be encoded. For example, the numbers "9012" might mean that the battery was manufactured in December 1990. Ask the vendor how old the batter y is, but take any answer with a bit of skepticism. I have actually found date codes on batteries and decided to ask the vendor anyway, just to see what kind of answer I get. The answers can be surprising - - many vendors simply do not know what a date code is, or just lie about it! LOOKS: Cleanliness can give a clue at to how the battery has spent its life so far. Dust, dirt, and grease can indicate that it has had a rough life. Carefully examine the battery for damage: are there any cracks, dents, or deep scratches. Gel cells don't leak acid, but you do want to stay away from damaged batteries. An impact strong enough to damage a battery case can rearrange the battery's insides, ruining it. Finally, examine the terminals for arc burns. If they have been unsoldered, look for burn marks on the case indicating a high wattage iron (or torch) was used -- both can cause damage that is difficult to detect. TEST: Bring a load! If the vendor is honest, he won't mind letting you run a load test. At the least, bring a light bulb and see what you get. You can also use an HT, with the proper connections. Don't forget to bring a voltmeter, to watch the battery voltage under load -- if it drops rapidly, the battery is spent. Ideally, you should test a battery at 3 times its Amp-hour rating for 15 seconds -- if the battery is good, it will stay above 4 volts. Smaller loads should draw the voltage down less. Make sure you have permission before testing, and try not to annoy the vendor with crazy requests. Any lead-acid battery becomes permanently damaged if it is allowed to discharge deeply, and the damage becomes worse every day the battery remains uncharged. A week at 11 volts or less will kill the battery. I personally would NEVER buy a battery that reads a resting voltage less than 11.8 volts! This is my (liberal) rule of thumb. You might want to be a little more conservative, perhaps 12.2 volts. A fully charged battery should measure 12.65 volts, and every 0.2 volts less means 25% less charge. Depending on the type of charger and how you charge your gel cells might have something to do with your final decision. Here is a case: Suppose that you are testing a few batteries and they all seem to show a resting voltage of 9 to 10 volts. You bring one home and charge it. While charging, all signs of full survival are seen, i.e., the battery takes the charge up to its 14.4 volt max rate. But you find that when you remove it from the charger it goes down to the original 8 to 10 volt range. Well, this shows that this battery is no good, because one or more of the cells have gone bad. Remember there are 6 cells that make up the 12v battery, each one providing 2.1 volts. Another case: I accidentally let two batteries that I keep in parallel to run my packet station run down to 3 volts. This is not a good thing to do, since the battery will not forget you did this to it. I put them on my charger and, because these cells were in extremely good shape, they were up and running in a few days. Since they were at the low voltage for less than two days, they probably got a little damage, but they should come back most of the way. PRICE: Eventually you will want to buy it, assuming it tests OK. A 6 or 7 Amp- hour battery should cost between $10 and $15. Higher capacity (15 to 24 Amp- hour) still shouldn't cost more than $30. After all, these batteries are usually not new, but they should still have plenty of life in them for radio applications. What's coming in OH-KY-IN in January 1999 Wed Dec 30 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Gene NU8U, 146.67 Thu Dec 31 Last day to make qualifying QSOs for 1998 N8FU CW Achievement Award! 1999 Tue Jan 5 7:30 PM Club Meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Topic: FISTS CW group, presented by Otto Bielefeld AA8KK Wed Jan 6 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Carol K8DHK, 146.67 Fri Jan 8 8 PM ARPSC meeting at Hamilton County Sheriff's Training Center Sat Jan 9 10 AM Monthly fox hunt, hounds start from Mt Storm Park; talk-in to start on 146.67 Tue Jan 12 7:30 PM Technical Committee meeting, location TBA Wed Jan 13 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Eric N8YCL, 146.67 Thu Jan 14 7 PM HT modifications workshop at Salem Presbyterian Church Fri Jan 15 Copy deadline for February Q-Fiver Tue Jan 19 7:30 PM DXers at Bob WA6EZV's Wed Jan 20 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dennis KB8ROA, 146.67 Tue Jan 26 7:30 PM Board of Directors' meeting at Carol K8DHK's Wed Jan 27 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Mike KB4VKS, 146.67 Sun Jan 31 Logs for N8FU CW Achievement Award contacts due to Eric N8YCL Tue Feb 2 7:30 PM Club Meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Topic: To be announced Wed Feb 3 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Carol K8DHK, 146.67 Hamfests &c. January 1999 10 South Bend IN Hamfest & Computer Expo, sponsored by Michiana Valley Hamfest Assn. 8 AM-3 PM. Century Ctr, US 33N at Jefferson Blvd. Fleas, mfgrs, dealers, equipment, computer hard- & software. Advance $4, at door $5. Talk-in 145.29. 16 13th Annual SW OH Digital Symposium at Thesken Hall, Miami U Middletown Sponsored by Center for Chemical Education, Miami U Middletown, Dial ARC, OH Packet Council 9 AM - 4 PM Free! Talk-in: 146.61, 224.96, 444.825 Info:, 513=385-8363 (Hank N8XX) or 17 Nelsonville OH Hamfest, sponsored by Sunday Creek AR Federation, 8 AM-2 PM. Hocking College, Hocking Pkwy; from S take Rt 33W to Nelsonville, turn left at first light (Rt 691). Fleas, dealers, equipment, computers, VE sessions at 12 noon, refreshments. $5 at gate. Info: Talk- in: 147.15, 147.225, 146.46 24 Dover OH Hamfest, sponsored by Tusco ARC, 8 AM-12 noon. OH Ntl Guard Armory, 2800 N Wooster Av. Exit I-77 at exit 87 (Strasburg), right at stop sign, S on Co Rd 74 to first traffic light, carry on thru intersection, armory is in right. Dealers, ARES forum, refreshments. $2 at gate. Talk-in: 146.73 Feb 27-28 ARRL Great Lakes Convention sponsored by Hamilton Co ARPSC at Cincinnati Gardens Annex, Cincinnati OH. More next month... News of members & students in recent classes New calls and licenses KG4BBZ Sam Cicci, nowhere to Tech+ KG4BCA Allan Cicci, Novice KC8LHQ William Tyree, Novice Upgrades KC8KFF Chester Casada, Tech to Tech+ KC8KFI Andy Meng, Tec+ to General N8FU call reassigned For those who are interested, I have heard from a few of my friends from out of the area that John's old call N8FU has been re-issued to a Clint Dice in Canton OH. Clint is approximately 30 years old. 73, Carol K8DHK Dues are due! If your dues number on your mailing label (middle number in the first line) ends in something other than 99, your dues are probably still due. You can pick up a membership application from the OH-KY-IN web page (URL on mast page) or request one from Membership Chair Mike KB8FCL (address also on mast page) or get one at any club meeting. New home for FCC Secretary The FCC's Office of the Secretary has relocated to The Portals, 445 Twelfth St SW, Washington DC 20554. The Commission expects to complete its relocation to The Portals within the next 6 months. For info concerning paper filing, etc. see http://www b981023/pnmc8062.txt