The Q-Fiver for July 1999 Volume 41 Number 7 President's message Field Day 1999 is now history. I certainly hope that all of you enjoyed this event as much as I always do. Dana WA8M as always did a superb job putting it all together -- thanks, Dana. I have felt for several years that we have a most unique set-up. We have dedicated operators who spend their time setting up, then keeping the stations going, and finally tearing down. You might compare these folks to a pit crew at Indianapolis! It is a sight to behold and I hope you didn't miss it! OH-KY-IN's second annual Hamfest will be July 24th, 1999. We have contacted many more clubs, individuals and vendors this year. Thanks to those of you who participated in the two-night assembly of the flyers. Your assistance made the task much easier for all concerned. We will need a number of you to volunteer this year the evening before and the day of the Hamfest. There are a number of positions that are yet to be filled and we could really put your time and effort to good use. Feel free to contact Dana WA8M, any officer or member of the board to offer your help. Speaking of annual events -- I will be gone to Boy Scout camp the week of our July membership meeting. The program should prove to be of interest to most of you. Members of the Cincinnati Orienteering Club will be presenting a session on orienteering for us. After attending a couple training sessions myself, I know you have an interesting evening ahead of you. 73, Dick WB4SUV Next meeting The next meeting of the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will be held TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1999 at 7:30 PM at the Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Road, one block from Glenway Avenue. From town, pass Ferguson Road and turn left on to Sidney between the BP station and Sebastian's restaurant, just before the Frisch's, then turn right at the light into the church parking lot. The en-trance is at the back of the church building. Plenty of parking is available. The Cincinnati Orienteering Club will present the July program. This should prove to be a very interesting and informative evening. 73, Eric N8YCL by proxy Minutes of the Tuesday, June 1, 1999 members' meeting Dick WB4SUV called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance, call for guests, new licensees or upgrades, followed by self-introductions. He then set the 30 or so present to taping Hamfest fliers and sticking labels. Split the pot tickets were available at break as usual. Dick started the business meeting at about 8:30 PM while those present continued to tape and stick. He thanked Jo KD4PYS and Rick KD4PYR for staffing the hospitality table. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes as printed in the last Q-Fiver. Motion to accept, seconded and carried. Dick WB4SUV summarized the treasurer's report; the first 5 months of this year saw income of $4686.37, expense $3151.65, liabilities and equity $27,452.75. Matters in all areas proceed pretty much as expected. A few more details need to be settled for Field Day; there will be another Hamfest meeting at the end of this month. The fliers being worked on will be mailed the last of June-first of July. The DXers are likewise settling details for Top Sail Island. Brian KE4HOR was the most recent fox; he hid in Ft Thomas. The rest of the committee reports were largely as usual. Phil KB4TEE would have won the $10 attendance award had he been present. As he was not, the sum next month will be $15. Old business: The Flying Pigs marathon was recapped. While many items were well covered, there were some gaps and suggestions for next year. Bruce N8FWA reported that Scouting for Food and Clothing was again successful, with 24 OH-KY-IN hams taking part. Use of a computer mapping program eased the pinpointing of missed pickup locations. Judd N8RVR set up our spaces at the Dayton HamVention, Gene N8KOJ handled scheduling. Dick WB4SUV, Bob WA6EZV and Jim KC8FQY masterminded the foxhunting forum and actual foxhunt later at nearby Meadowdale High School. Jo KD4PYS and Rick KD4PYR assisted with actual hunt logistics. Dick WB4SUV thanked them and anyone else who helped for their efforts. There was no new business. Carol K8DHK and Brian KE4HOR split the pot. Motion to adjourn at 9:45 PM, seconded and carried. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary (Thanks to Dick WB4SUV for agenda notes) The reflector message that led to this month's program, sent June 15: Fox Hunters: I saw something in the paper last week that may be of interest to some of you. There is an Orienteering Club in Cincinnati. Apparently this is a big thing with lots of clubs all over the country. The older I get the more I realize how little I know about what goes on around me. I was exposed to orienteering in the Boy Scouts, but I didn't know that any adults except Hams were silly enough to run through bushes on weekends instead of doing "normal" things. I looked at their web site,, and still had trouble understanding what it is all about. It sounds like Fox Hunting, but without any radios! Imagine trying to find hidden transmitters with a map instead of a radio. In some of their practice runs they are given 15 seconds to memorize the map and then "go fetch" the number on the marker without taking the map with them. Bob and Dick, you guys might be able to get some practice running while reading maps with these guys. That might come in handy when you go up against the international competition later this year. Maybe we could interest some of these Orienteering folks in Fox Hunting. They don't have to have a Ham license to Fox Hunt. Hmmm, maybe I could sneak some of these "ringers" into the competition at our next Fox Hunt. That might be interesting... 73, Ken N8ASV Hi Gang, Many thanks for all your hard work last night (Tue June 15) and getting the rest of the Hamfest flyers all labeled. When Susie N8CGM came over this morning we discovered a bunch of unlabeled flyers mixed in with labeled flyers. So now all labels I had here have been stuck and are ready to mail. We still have a few hundred flyers we can send out. So, Jo and Rick, we do not need any more printed!!! We will be into the labels we had decided not to use. Ev KC8JR was kind enough to help me this morning with labeling. Thanks guys -- great job as usual. 73, Carol K8DHK sent to reflector recipients Tue June 15 PS. There were sufficient fliers left to pretty well cover the eastern third of Louisville. Finished those Mon June 21 in the AM. -- Ye Ed. DX Extras July 1999 DX News Source -- Here is a new source for DX news. I registered for a free trial subscription at Dayton and am glad to say I was very pleased. Bernie does an excellent, up to the day job, of keeping the DX community informed. Here are the particular's. Bernie McClenny, W3UR, publishes THE DAILY DX Monday through Friday to your e-mail. Check out THE DAILY DX @ homepage Subscriptions to THE DAILY DX are $28 for 6 months (25 weeks), or $49 for 12 months (50 weeks). Send check or money order to THE DAILY DX, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, Maryland 21738-9728, United States. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Overseas Operation -- Please check the following ARRL Bulletin for complete text. Here is the intro. ARRL Bulletin 38 ARLB038 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 8, 1999 ARLB038 Easy Operation Overseas Now a Reality for US Hams The FCC has implemented the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) Recommendation T/R 61-01 that eliminates the need to obtain a special license or permit for US hams wishing to operate during brief visits to mo st European countries. In addition, the ARRL has begun issuing International Amateur Radio Permits to simplify operation by US hams in certain South American countries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upcoming Operations 3C0R -- Annobon -- Scheduled for early September E4 -- Palestine -- Here's another planned operation -- E41/JM1LMS -- July 23 to Aug. 1. 7Q -- Malawi -- N5PA will be active as 7Q7PA July 3 to 13. T88DX -- Scheduled for July 20-25 >From the ARRL DX Desk: VIETNAM, 3W. Michal 3W7TK has been QRV on 21012 khz working US and European stations from 1400 to 1600z. QSL via OK1HWB. NIGER, 5U. Dan AE4RP is QRV as 5U7DG. He plans to be here until the summer of 2000. He is active on 20 to 10 meters at present, and hopes to be on 160, 80 and 40 meters soon. QSL via K4SE. ZAMBIA, 9J. Brian 9J2BO has been QRV on 21213, 24893 and 28005 khz between 0550 and 0610z. QSL via W6ORD. CHINA, BY. Jack WB8SMV will be QRV until the end of July from several club stations, including BY1DX in the All Asian CW Contest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IOTA -- Look for lots of activity during the annual IOTA contest scheduled for July 24-25. Gud DX till next month. 73, Bob WA6EZV Contests July 1999 1 Canada Day contest 10-11 IARU HF World Championship QRP ARCI Homebrew Sprint CQ WW VHF Contest 17-18 North American RTTY QSO Party SEANET CW Contest Six Club Six Meter Sprint Pacific 160 Meter Contest Colombian Independence Day Contest 24-25 RSGB IOTA Contest 31-Aug 1 GA QSO Party USI W/VE Islands Contest Once you recover from Field Day get ready for some nice, air-conditioned, contests. For more see QST, CQ, NCJ, or the web. 73, Dan KF4AV Thought for today: "The big advantage of all the new area codes is that you can go through your collection of business cards and weed out the old ones." via The HarmoNet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tally jinx! Four teams plus a guy named Murphy pulled out from Mt. Storm Park at 10 AM Saturday, June 12 in search of the fox. With a dead-on bearing, Ken N8ASV wasted no time in heading for the fox den located atop Devou Park. False bearing, bad cables, and improper frequency checks hindered the other teams from getting a good start from the park and prevented any chance of them catching Ken. The location proved to provide unforeseen problems, as the goal was to simply to get them to the park for a practice ARDF hunt. The practice hunt consisted of three transmitters, operating sequentially on the same frequency. Each hunter was released from a starting point at five minute intervals. Transmitters were identified by a flag. Hunters were required to punch a card and proceed to another transmitter. Winner was the individual who found the transmitters in the shortest time. Unfortunately, one of the transmitters failed to start properly, leaving two transmitters to hunt. At least the hunters got an idea of how an ARDF hunt is staged. Mobile Hunt Results: Time Miles Ken N8ASV 17:22 8.2 Dick WB4SUV & Janie 27:57 10.1 Jim KC8FQY 60:04 21.3 Brian KE4HOR 88:00 40.8 ARDF Hunt: Time Ken N8ASV 12:54 Brian KE4HOR 15:08 Dick WB4SUV 19:08 (another equipment problem) Jim KC8FQY 28:00 Ken is on a roll, two for two. He also landed first at the Northern Kentucky hunt the next day. I am sure finding him next month will be quite a chore! As a reminder, please remember that the July hunt is the third weekend of the month, NOT the second as normal. 73, Bob WA6EZV OH-KY-IN Hamfest -- assistance requested! We will need your help on Friday evening, July 23d. We've told the people coming in to set up on Friday that we will be there to help them unload -- if they want us to. Also, we are going to put together a little dinner for those interested in set ting up on Friday. It won't be anything fancy, but enough for them to remember us -- maybe some barbeque sandwiches, soft drinks and some potato chips. We will think of something good -- come on by and enjoy the friendship and a sizeable snack! And don't forget to come by and help on Saturday! We need people to help direct traffic, set up the out-door flea market, help with getting the indoor events under control, collect admission tickets -- and much more. Stop by and see me; I'm sure I can put you to work!! 73, Dana WA8M Tickets for the July 24 OH-KY-IN Hamfest are currently available from the following amateurs: Bruce N8FWA, Carol K8DHK, Gene N8KOJ, Otto AA8KK and Dana WA8M. Tickets will soon be available at both Debco Electronics and R&L Electronics. Price is $4 in advance, $5 at the gate. 73, Bruce N8FWA Operators needed -- The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Moving Wall will be on display at the Crestview Hills Shopping Mall beginning Tuesday, June 29 through Sunday, July 4, 1999. A special events station, K4W (Kentucky 4 Wall) will operate as many hours as possible throughout this 6 day event, depending on the availability of station operators. Operators are especially needed for Saturday, July 3, so that K4W can be on the air as long as possible on this date. Crestview Hills Shopping Mall is located at I-75 and Dixie Highway. For more information or to volunteer some operating time, contact Denny Retherford KA4FMD at 727-9225 or e-mail him at . 73, Lynn WD8JAW Hamfests &c. July 1999 10 Indy Hamfest sponsored by Indpls Hamfest Assn at Marion Co Fairgrounds,corner I-465 and I-74, Indpls IN (you can see it from the interstates). Fleas, vendors, foxhunt for sure! 11 Bowling Green Hamfest sponsored by Wood Co ARC at Wood Co Fairgrounds, Poe Rd at SR 64, Bowling Green OH; I-75 to exit 181, W thru downtown, follow SR 64 to Poe Rd, right at entrance. VE sessions, handicapped parking, refreshments. Free! (tables $5) Talk-in: 147.18, 444.475 (77.0 Hz). Info: Bob Boughton N1RB, 419=354-1811, 17 Wellington Hamfest sponsored by Northern OH ARS at Lorain Co Fairgrounds, Wellington OH. Lots of outdoor fleas, dealers, ample indoor commercial space, overnight parking for RVs and campers (no hookups), VE sessions (walk-in, register 8-9 AM, exams 9 AM), DXCC card checking (cards in by 11 AM). $5, under 12 free. Talk-in: 146.70. Info: John Schaaf KC8AOX, 216=696-5709, 18 Van Wert Hamfest sponsored by Van Wert ARC at Van Wert Co Fairgrounds, US 127 S, Van Wert OH. Radios, computers, software, new and used electronic parts, trunk sales (12x24 ft area, $5 + admission). VE sessions, preregister by July 11. Free parking, overnight parking $10. $5. Talk-in: 146.85. Info: Bob Barnes WD8LPY, 419=238-1877, 24 2d Annual OH-KY-IN Hamfest sponsored by OH-KY-IN ARS at Diamond Oaks CDC, 6375 Harrison Ave (Rybolt-Harrison exit off I-74 in western Cincinnati OH). $4 advance at R&L, Debco Electronics, $5 gate. Talk-in starts 6 AM, indoor vendors open 7 AM, VE sessions 8 AM. Forums: fox hunting, APRS, ARRL. Transmitter hunt: prizes awarded! Gray History of Wireless Museum exhibit, refreshments, free parking. Info: Dana Laurie WA8M, 513=761-7388, , web VE exam opportunities Sat. July 3 at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs, sponsored by CRA. Registration 8:30 AM; walk-in only! Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556. Sat. July 10 at Indian Springs Admin Bldg, Morris & Millikin Rds in suburban Hamilton OH, sponsored by Butler Co VHF Assn. Registration starts at 9 AM, testing at 10. Parking on side opposite police station only; don't block the driveways! Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=868-7012 or Bill Moore W8KVU, 513=868-0102 or 868-0210. Talk-in 146.97 Sun. July 18 in Mt. Auburn, sponsored by SOTA & OMIK. All license classes. Info: Thierry Winkfield W8UX, 513=931-9107 Sat. July 24 at OH-KY-IN Hamfest, Diamond Oaks CDC, 6375 Harrison Ave. Testing starts at 8 AM. All classes, walk-ins welcome. Info: Dana Laurie WA8M, 761-7388, IN ALL CASES 2 IDs (at least 1 with photo), originals (bring to exam) & photocopies (enclose with preregistration or bring to exam to file with 610) of license & CSCEs are required. Headphones for the CW elements and photocopying available at OH-KY-IN exams but NOT at most other testing locations (call for info). A Form 610 (required) can be obtained from the FCC by calling 1=800=418-3676. Pre-registration encouraged where available (see specific exam info for where to send, enclose SASE for confirmation). $6.45 is 1999 ARRL/VEC exam fee; if paid in cash, correct change expedites walk-in registrations. Elements 1A & 2 are always free at ARRL/VEC exam sessions! QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 40 ARLB040 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 22, 1999 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB040 ARLB040 No question pool changes--yet No Amateur Radio examination question pool or question changes will occur July 1 for any license class -- including Advanced. Last September, the National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators' Question Pool Committee announced that all question pool updates were being put on hold until after the FCC had acted on Amateur Radio restructuring (officially known as the Part 97 Biennial Review). Until the September NCVEC QPC announcement, the Advanced class question pool had been scheduled to expire at midnight on June 30, 1999. Current examination questions and study materials remain valid until further notice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 41 ARLB041 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 22, 1999 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB041 ARLB041 FCC sets new vanity fee The fee to apply for an Amateur Radio vanity call sign will increase from $13 to $14 starting September 10, 1999. The FCC has released its FY 1999 fee schedule which rounded down the proposed $1.42 per year fee. The FCC continues to receive in excess of 1000 vanity applications per month. I Kerchunk, Therefore I Am This appeared in the April 1999 issue of the "Cedar Mountain Ragchew", the newsletter of the Cedar Mountain ARC, Melba Epperle WA7UPK, Editor. Reprinted from the June 1999 Amateur Radio News Svc Bulletin. Kerchunk: Either a verb or a noun, but usually a verb. From the German, "kerchunken"; to kerchunk a repeater. "I kerchunk, you kerchunk, he/she/it kerchunks." Whenever I kerchunk, I always identify. This not only keeps many from being "rubbed the wrong way," but also has resulted in many a nice QSO. A good kerchunk tells you many things: 1) your transmitter is working. 2) Your receiver is working. 3) Your antenna is working. 4) The repeater is there. 5) The repeater receiver is working. 6) The repeater transmitter is working. 7) The repeater antenna(s) is (are) working. 8) The call of the repeater. Sometimes my kerchunk is answered by an anonymous kerchunk. But it seems my kerchunk is always a higher quality than his kerchunk. "I love the sound of kerchunk in the morning." There is a local chapter of KA soon to form in this area. MFJ will soon market a kerchunk detector which will print out each month the date, time, and call for each and every kerchunk. It will result in the FCC charging 25 cents per kerchunk -- it will be added to your income tax. The new 1040-K forms are being printed even as I type. Congress will establish national Kerchunk Day next year. On this day only kerchunking will be allowed on repeaters. Anyone actually engaging in a conversation will lose his kerchunking privileges for a period not to (rest of sentence missing from article in ARNSB!) Recently, kerchunkers have been heard on 20 and 25M. Is this a trend? When I operate 6M, I sometimes kerchunk my neighbor's TV. Have you kerchunked your repeater today? There will soon be an award, "KAS." 73 de Jack K9CUN Why I Love Ham Radio This appeared in the April 1999 issue of "The County Line RoadRunner", the newsletter of the Mobile Amateur Radio Awards Club, Clifford Taylor WB4FBS Editor. Reprinted from the June 1999 Amateur Radio News Svc Bulletin. For the wonderful friends I have made, at home and around the globe, many of whom I will never meet except in the ether of the amateur bands. For the many kindnesses generously distributed by Hams, like the man who once dialed up my wife to tell her that I had just made it safely from my car which had stopped precipitously close to a flaming wreck inside the Battery Tunnel and that I might be a little late for dinner, or the guy who sent me a desk mike, just because he wanted me to have matching equipment. The list is endless. For all the warmhearted advice distributed by the marvelous Elmers whom I have listened to over the years. It amazes me still, what learning has come my way, without cost or obligation, only the investment of listening. For all the antenna parties, field days, club meetings and X7E sessions, which have resulted in good fellowship and enjoyable discourse. For each and every new contact that represents a new number, a new state, a new country, or just a new voice. For each net where the regulars stopped by to check in just because it's good to support the local nets, or just to say "hi" and catch up on who's got an upgrade. For the sheer fun and excitement generated in the many contests and QSO parties. Sometimes it makes me think that; the bands are "wall to wall" with old friends or future friends. Sure, it would have been nice to win, but that's not where the fun was. For the satisfaction of delivering a piece of traffic to the wife of a serviceman, or to the grandparents who haven't heard the good news yet, or a sweetheart, waiting for word on how her soulmate is doing. For the fulfillment, found in the knowledge that in time of disaster, we can give something back to the community in an important and meaningful way, just by owning a 2M HT or by having a station that is not dependent upon commercial power. For Paperchasers and County Hunters and Storm Watchers and MARS operators and ARES folks and RACES people, Ten Tenners, DXers, Packeteers, Low Banders, High Banders, and everyone in between... For these reasons, and the many, many more yet unrealized, and despite the imperfections, which in the end only make the majority that much more endearing, I will never lose faith in the capacity for my fellow hams to enrich my life and enhance the hobby which we call Ham Radio. 73, Bob Tarwacki NY2M This little "new product announcement" has filtered its way down from a number of sources, notably W6AAQ. It's for a standby and Field Day power source. Luminescent Electronic Products Inc., PO Box U-235, Trinity Site NM, offers a self-contained nuclear reactor for communications applications. The reactor will provide power for as long as 12 years. Output is rated at 20 kW, decreasing to 15 kW after 12 years. To protect users from undue radiation, each reactor comes complete with a shielding kit, comprised of 5 self-stick lead plates and 20 radiation-monitor film badges. The lead plates attach to the external structure of the reactor. For additional safety, the manufacturer offers an optional 1000-ft-long extension cord. The reactor glows in the dark, making it particularly easy to find on dark nights at remote communications and Field Day sites. Each reactor package includes a standard 23 volume site evacuation plan. The plan includes a blank Nuclear Regulatory Commission application. Reactor prices start at $2.3 million. Please allow 7 years for delivery from receipt of order. License tags and taxes not included. Void where prohibited by law. -- Nevada Co ARC Gold Country Nuggets, Jan 1991; Worldradio, Apr 1991; GCARA Mike & Key May 1991 Reprinted from May 1999 edition of WATTS NEW, Amateur Radio Transmitting Society Inc. of Louisville KY Honest Signal Reports Recently I received a card from an Official Observer (OO). He applauded me for giving an AC signal report, he says that honest signal reports are rare. Most people just send 599. I agree with him and sent him a card thanking him. I always think when I get a 599 or 59 report, I really don't know what my signal is. A good friendly operator will give the other station a true report so they know if they have a problem with their rig. I for one would like to know if I'm getting A.C. or a chirp on my signal. This OO picked me up on the 40 meter Novice/Tech band. Give better reports and get better reports. You can become a better operator and stations will call you for an honest report. Build yourself a good reputation. 73 es 99, Roy Day K4PXW What's coming in OH-KY-IN in July 1999 Tue Jun 29- Special event station K4W at Vietnam Veterans Moving Wall Sun Jul 4 display, Crestview Hills Mall Fri Jul 2 8 PM ARPSC meets at Hamilton Co. Sheriff's Training Center Tue Jul 6 7:30 PM Club Meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Topic: Intro to Orienteering, by Cinti Orienteering Club Wed Jul 7 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Carol K8DHK, 146.67 Tue Jul 13 7:30 PM Technical Committee meeting at 146.625 Wed Jul 14 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Rob KC8HMQ or Dale KC8HQS Fri Jul 16 8 PM QCEN meets at Red Cross HQ, 720 Sycamore St downtown Sat Jul 17 10 AM Monthly fox hunt, hounds start from Mt Storm Park; talk- in to start on 146.67 (note different weekend from usual!) Tue Jul 20 7:30 PM DXers at Bob WA6EZV's Wed Jul 21 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dennis KB8ROA, 146.67 Thu Jul 22 7:30 PM Hamfest Team meeting at Carol K8DHK's, if needed Sat Jul 24 7 AM- 2d Annual OH-KY-IN Hamfest, Diamond Oaks CDC, 4 PM 6375 Harrison Ave Tue Jul 27 7:30 PM Board of Directors' meeting at Carol K8DHK's Wed Jul 28 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Mike KB4VKS, 146.67 Tue Aug 3 7:30 PM Club Meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Program: A foxhunt! Wed Aug 4 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Carol K8DHK, 146.67 News of members and students in recent classes Our sincere condolences to WD9HDZ Brad Scott on the loss of his mother in late May On the mend WD8DCB Don Kent after rotator cuff surgery around the first of June. He began physical therapy for it shortly thereafter. Welcome to new and returning members KA8WZI Karen A Stille KC8MLB Robert E Stille Jr KC8MMZ Michael Newland -- Oh-Ky-In 1999 spring classes results -- On May 20 the FCC granted licenses to my students who qualified. List follows: Was Now Call Was Now Call Bill Bennett None Tech+ KC8MLC Chang Ford None Tech KC8MLA Mike Newland None Tech KC8MMZ Ed Williams None Tech KC8MMY Ben Bays Tech Tech+ KC8LHR Karen Stille Novice Tech+ KA8WZI 73 de Rick KD4PYR More weblinks available In case you don't already know, I am the webmaster for the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society web page at I would like club members who have web pages to contact me. I will create a separate page on the OH-KY-IN web page to lin k to your page. So, if you have a web page and would be interested in having a link created from the OH-KY-IN web page to your web page, then please contact me by E-MAIL . Thanks. 73, TTYL, Dale KC8HQS Copy deadline for August Q-Fiver is Friday, July 16 -eof-