Q-Fiver for Sept 1999 Vol 41 Nr 9 President's message Having just returned from the first ever Region 2 ARDF (Amateur Radio Direction Finding) Cham-pionships which were held near Portland, Oregon I want to share a few of the highlights with you. This week of training and competitions was sponsored by FARS (Friendship Amateur Radio Society) com-prised of members from not only the U.S. but Canada, Russia, and other countries, as well. The first 2 days were spent primarily meeting and talking with other competitors who had also arrived a bit early. The next 2 days Bob WA6EZV and I spent learning new techniques in direction finding. Neither of us had ever hunted 80-meters before and we found it to be easier than 2-meters. We used borrowed 80-meter receivers to practice hunting transmitters placed in various locations on the cam-pus of Reed University. Then came practice with the 2- meter equipment with modifications being made and tested. The big event was the 2-meter competition held mid-week. The day was cold and misty with occasional sprinkles. This adds to the challenge in a number of ways, including increasing reflections. The site where this event was held had the largest trees I have ever seen! The Silver Falls State Park is quite remarkable, beautiful, but with a lot of rough terrain. We hunted individually with the scores going towards a composite team score. We were given a topographical map 10 minutes prior to the hunt and then released individually in 5-minute increments. One rule among others was that we were not to communicate with other competitors in any manner. The idea was to find as many transmitters as possible within a 2-hour period of time, entirely on our own. As this was our first ARDF event, Bob and I found that participants can learn from their mistakes as well as their successes. We both did reason-ably well with respectable scores. The 80-meter competition was held the following day under a hot sun. This event was held at Powell Butte State Park. This course proved to be much more challenging physically due to steep inclines, chest high grasses, and numerous blackberry bushes. Again, we were provided with a topo map 10 minutes prior to the hunt and again, we were released in 5-minute increments. Both days we started at one location on the topo map and finished in another location. On both days there was a homing beacon on another frequency to assist us in finding the finish line. Bob and I both felt we had posted respect- able scores once again. We have many stories we would like to share so if you want to hear more, it would take very little en-couragement. We very much appreciate your generosity and support in this venture. We can assure you that we learned a lot, met and made friends with some fine people, we represented OH-KY-IN with dignity and came away wiser. I suppose that is enough about that. I'm already looking forward to the next go round, but first things first. Remember our membership meeting coming up September 7th. It is homebrew night, so I en-courage you to bring anything you have hand made. This is not limited to amateur radio products, but anything from your custom made surfboard to a quilt that you are proud of. This will enable us to get to know each other on a little different level. Perhaps your collection of handmade items numbers too many to bring along -- put together some photos to show us what you have been up to this year. 73, Dick WB4SUV Next meeting The next meeting of the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will be held on TUESDAY, SEPTEM-BER 7, 1999 at the Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Road, one block from Glenway Avenue. This will be "Homebrew Night". Any amateur electronic project, built either from scratch or from a kit that you would like to show off, bring it in and tell us about it! No matter how simple or complex, we'd like to see it. This is where all learn some from each other. As an added bonus, Dick WB4SUV and Bob WA6EZV will give a fascinating review of their experience at the ARDF Direction Finding Competition held recently in Oregon, complete with their awards and some interesting trinkets. To get to the club meeting, coming from town, pass Ferguson Road and turn left on to Sidney between the BP station and Sebastian's restaurant, just before the Frisch's, then turn right at the light into the church parking lot. The entrance is at the back of the church building. Plenty of parking is available. See you there! 73, Eric N8YCL September workshop Our next workshop will be building the Ten-Tec CW-SSB "Any Band" HF receiver board. Here is your chance to build an easy construction project that is so good you can use it on the air. The cost of this kit is $30, plus you must supply your own case. If you do not have tools, there will be some provided for your use. This workshop will take place Thursday, September 16 at 7 PM at Salem Presbyterian Church, corner of Mozart and Higbee on the eastern edge of Cheviot. You can get this kit by ordering it from Ten-Tec, or after the next meeting, if you give me the money, I will place an order. For more information or to sign up for this workshop, please call me, Bob Kesse WB8W at 574-8099, e-mail or see me at the September club meeting. 73, Bob WB8W Picnic a well-attended sunny, occasionally wet success The charcoal arrived at Mitchell Memorial Forest a little before 1 PM on Sunday the 22d, so the grilling could begin with Doug KB9SZS wielding the spatula and grill fork (metal ones this time!). The 40-odd who turned out for the event attacked the cold dishes first. After lunch had time to settle a bit, Bob WA6EZV directed traffic for the water-balloon toss. Object being for part-ners to take one step backward before each toss; balloon rupture meant "out". Almost everyone took part in this, and even fewer stayed completely dry in the barrage of leftovers that followed the actual game. Bob, his wife, Doug KB9SZS and his wife won the treasured burgundy Yaesu caps for this event. Then the DFing antennas came out. Bob and Dick WB4SUV explained that the guys could help, but the YLs had to do the actual hunting. Enough extra HTs were produced to go with the antennas so that all who wished to hunt, could. Judd N8RVR then disappeared to hide 3 transmitters (one of which quit and had to be restarted). Jo KD4PYS and Karen KB8BZL found all 3; most others found at least 2. Once again, "a good time was had by all". 1999 Field Day QSOs by band 15/40m = 807, 20/80m = 920, 6m = 113, CW = 427, Nov/Tech = 125 73, Dana WA8M * Ness nominated for another term: President Clinton has nominated FCC Commissioner Susan Ness for another term on the Federal Communications Commission. Ness -- who has served on the FCC since 1994 and has been its senior member since November 1997 -- said she was "deeply honored" to have been renominated. Ness cited her work to improve children's educational television, promote universal telephone service, connect classrooms and libraries to the Internet, roll out digital television service, introduce new wireless services, expand telephone and video competition, promote efficient spectrum management, open overseas markets, and eliminate unnecessary regulations among her accomplishments during her tenure on the Commission. Ness was the FCC's lead representative at the 1995 and 1997 World Radiocommunication Conferences in Geneva. --press reports The ARRL Letter Vol 18 Nr 33 ELMER by Rich Regent K9GDF, from July 1997 Amateur News Service Bulletin Elmer is seated, filling out a QSL card. He thinks in 1st frame "RST 569 at 1427 UTC", in 2d frame "17 meters CW QRP DX QSO PSE QSL CUL". 3d frame he packs the envelope, inserts an IRC, says "An IRC and SASE. Oh yes, and ..." 4th frame holds up long piece of paper with 4 folds in it "A list of abbreviations!" DX Extras September 1999 Here is a list of QRV stations, compliments of the ARRL. If you belong to the ARRL, you can get this info weekly from memberlist@www.arrl.org (ARRL Members Only Web site). CAPE VERDE ISLANDS, D4. Julio D44BC has been QRV on 15 meters around 2000z. NEW CALEDONIA, FK. Jacques F6BUM will be QRV as FK/F6BUM from August 9 to 21 using CW and SSB. QSL to home call. REUNION ISLAND, FR. Philippe FR5DN has been QRV using PSK31 on 20 meters around 1300z. LEBANON, OD. Murtada is QRV as OD5/9K2MU using mostly CW. QSL via WA4JTK. COTE D'IVOIRE, TU. Steven TU2KC has been QRV on 20 meters around 1800z from a friend's army club station. QSL to Box 54, Abidjan, 12IN, Cote d'Ivoire. CAMBODIA, XU. Tom SP5AUC is here until mid August and has been issued the call XU7AAS. QSL to PO Box 11, 02-800 Warsaw 93, Poland. September Operations: compliments QRZ DX and 599 Report. 3C0 - Annobon Island: This operation remains on schedule for September 14-24. Look for 3C0R. QSL via EA5FVY. OJ0 - Market Reef: Scheduled for Sept. 14 - 24. QSL via KU9C. DXCC Millennium Award: The ARRL's Membership Services Committee approved this award on July 15th. This is a chance to get a separate award from the traditional DXCC award. No QSL cards are re-quired. Just work 100 DXCC countries during the year 2000. Check the ARRL web site for an official entry form. 73 till next month, Bob WA6EZV Contests September 1999 4-5 NA CW Sprint All Asian DX Contest, phone Labor Day CW Sprint 11-12 Worked all Europe Contest, SSB NA Sprint, phone ARRL September VHF QSO Party IL QSO Party 17-19 YLRL Howdy Days QCWA QSO Party 18-20 ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW WA State Salmon Run Air Force Anniversary QSO Party TN QSO Party 25-26 Scandinavian Activity Contest, phone CQ/RJ WW RTTY Contest Heart of Dixie QSO Party VHF/UHF Fall Sprints, various bands, different times Lots of good little contests to tune up for the upcoming season. Surely you can do better than the Ben-gals! For more info, see QST, CQ, or the net. 73, Dan KF4AV - PRESS RELEASE - August 14, 1999 From: OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society Bruce Vanselow, N8FWA 4309 Skylark Drive Cincinnati, OH 45238-5535 (513) 251-1555 For Immediate Release AMATEUR RADIO CLUB OFFERS "HAM RADIO" CLASSES The OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will offer ham radio license classes in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, scheduled to begin on Thursday evening, September 23rd, at 7 PM. Classes are now being formed for the entry level amateur radio licenses, as well as the Morse code at 5, 13 and 20 words per minute. Classes will be held every Thursday evening for ten weeks at the Salem Presbyterian Church, located at the corner of Mozart and Higbee in Western Hills (behind the White Castle Restaurant at Harrison and Boudinot). At the conclusion of the ten week course, participants will be given an FCC license examination on Saturday, December 4th, at the same location. All Morse code classes are free! These courses are open to persons of any age, and no prior experience is necessary. To register, or for additional information, contact Carol Hugentober K8DHK at 513-661-5323 or Bruce Vanselow N8FWA at 513-251-1555. Email inquiries to . Hamfests &c. September 1999 11-12 KY State Convention sponsored by Gr Louisville Hamfest Assn at Bullitt Co Fairgrounds, Exit 112 (Bernheim Forest) off I-65, 25 mi S of Louisville. Public Sat and Sun 8-5. Hamfest, computer show, fleas, dealers, tailgating, foxhunt, forums, ARRL, homebrew, QRP, antennas, VE sessions (register Sat 8 AM, exams 9-2), free camping and parking. Talk-in: 146.88, 146.7 (151.4 Hz). $6 advance, $7 gate. Info: W4WQD, 5612 Hwy 160, Charlestown IN 47111, 812=294-4905 11 Spencer IN. Info: K9INU, 812=829-2140 12 57th Findlay Hamfest sponsored by Findlay RC at Hancock Co Fairgrounds, 1017 E Sandusky St; SR 568, E of town. Outside fleas, indoor vendors, forums, overnight camping, free parking. Talk-in: 147.15, 444.15. $5. Info: N8ET, 3521 Spring Lake Dr, Findlay OH 45840, 419=423-4604 18 Cave City KY. Info: KN4IV, 502=651-2363 19 GCARA Communications Expo (formerly Cincinnati Hamfest) sponsored by GCARA at Kolping Ctr, Springdale & Mill Rds, northwest Cincinnati OH. 8 AM-4 PM. Food, free parking, manufacturers, dealers, fleas, ham radio, computers, internet, wireless phones, alternative activities, VE exams (off site, walk-ins OK), forums, an HT and several other prizes each hour, foxhunts, remote control air show. Talk-in: 146.88. $5 advance by 9/10 w/ SASE to K8VOE, 9299 Minuteman Way, West Chester OH 45069; $8 gate. Info: K8VOE, 513=779-3951 26 Cleveland OH sponsored by Hamfest Assn of Cleveland at Cuyahoga Co Fairgrounds, 1.5 mi W of I-71 and Bagley Rd interchange, .5 mi S on Eastland Rd. Technical forums, VE sessions, refreshments. Talk-in: 146.73 (110.9 Hz). $4.50 advance, $5 door. Info: N8LZA, 1=800=CLE-FEST ARRL Bulletin 53 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT August 20, 1999 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB053 ARLB053 VEC applications pile up as ULS gets up to speed The transition to the new Universal Licensing System has created a backlog of new amateur applications at Vol-unteer Examiner Coordinators. As of today, the FCC has processed only the few Amateur Radio applications that VECs have been permitted to file. The ULS Task Force says, however, that filing of amateur applications by indi-viduals via the ULS has gone well, and that the FCC will attack the VEC application logjam very soon. While the FCC has begun accepting some data from VECs, the quantity they're allowed to submit has been very low -- 10-20 applications per VEC were accepted the first three days after ULS went into effect for hams. Not all of the VECs are set up to file under the new system. As a result, applicants for new amateur licenses will have to wait a few more days -- perhaps several days -- longer before their new call signs are issued by the FCC. In addition, no vanity call sign applications were processed during the ULS phase-in period last week. Applications filed via the ULS during this inaugural week for the Amateur Service, however, have been processed or accepted for processing, although the ULS server has been down more than once. Amateurs wanting to check on the status of applications filed via the ULS can do so via the ULS home page, http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. Clicking on "Application Search" or "License Search" and plugging in the applicable callsign should yield the desired information. Various Web call sign servers might not display the latest FCC licensee data, however, because updated data have not been available. Daily ZIP file postings for call sign servers should become "routine" by next week, according to the ULS Task Force. Once the ULS is working as planned, automated processing of electronically filed applications is supposed to occur nightly each business day. Vanity applications also will be processed each night, although the built-in lag of at least 10 days between application and grant will remain. Although it's not been announced formally, the new ULS has begun accepting on-line fee payments via credit card for vanity call sign applications. For now, the ULS does not accept any club station applications, and amateurs registering for the ULS should reg-ister only their personal call signs. Trustees and custodians of club, military recreation, and RACES licenses should continue to use the old Form 610B to file applications for those stations and should not use their personal Social Security Number as the TIN for these licenses. Club station trustees and applicants should contact ULS Technical Support at 202-414-1250 to obtain an Assigned Taxpayer ID Number for each club license and pro-vide it on the Form 610B. On-line registration is available on the ULS home page, http://www/fcc.gov/wtb/uls/. Applications filed on-line by anyone not registered in the ULS will be dismissed. Applications filed through a VEC automatically register the applicant in ULS, as do paper applications mailed to FCC that include the applicant's Social Se- curity Number. Manually-filed FCC Form 606s go to FCC, Information Technology Division, ATTN:Kathy McLucas, 1270 Fair-field Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245. Complete registration and connection instructions are on the FCC's ULS home page (http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls). Amateurs having ULS problems or questions should contact the FCC's ULS Tech-nical Support staff at 202-414-1250. ** As of Aug 27, VEC logjam had broken! >From The ARRL Letter Vol 18 Nr 33, August 20, 1999 ...The FCC has disabled the former on-line vanity Form 610V and renewal Form 900 applications and redirected all amateur applicants to the ULS page. Even though all amateurs already are in the FCC database as licensees, ULS registration is a must -- before filing an application, renewing or modifying a license, or applying for a vanity call sign.... and furthermore ... The ULS website will only accept Netscape 4.5 or higher for changes, will not take Explorer yet. --from log-on reports VE exam opportunities Sat Sept 4 at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs, sponsored by CRA. Registration 8:30 AM; walk-in only! Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556 Sat Sept 11 at Indian Springs Admin Bldg, Morris & Millikin Rds in suburban Hamilton OH, sponsored by Butler Co VHF Assn. Registration starts at 9 AM, testing at 10. Parking on side opposite police station only; don't block the driveways! Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=868-7012 or Bill Moore W8KVU, 513=868-0102 or 868-0210. Talk-in 146.97 Sun. Sept 19 in Mt. Auburn, sponsored by SOTA & OMIK. All license classes. Info: Thierry Winkfield W8UX, 513=931-9107 Sun Sept 19 at Mobilcomm, 1211 W Sharon Rd in Greenhills ("at the base of the tall tower"), sponsored by GCARA in conjunction with their Communications Expo. 9 AM, walk-ins OK. Details: Scott Henninger W8GS, 513=683-7373. Resuming in the fall, on 3d Mon, sponsored by Bethel ARA. All license classes. Info: Sam Elbe KY8R, 513=724-3523 IN ALL CASES 2 IDs (at least 1 with photo), originals (bring to exam) & photocopies (enclose with preregistra-tion or bring to exam to file with 610) of license & CSCEs are required. Headphones for the CW elements and photocopying available at OH-KY-IN exams but not at most other testing locations (call for info). A paper Form 610 (accepted until Feb 16, 2000) can be obtained from the FCC by calling 1=800=418-3676. It will be replaced by the new Form 606 (see ARLB053 above). Pre-registration encouraged where available (see specific exam info for where to send, enclose SASE for confirma-tion). $6.45 is 1999 ARRL/VEC exam fee; if paid in cash, correct change expedites walk-in registrations. Elements 1A & 2 are always free at ARRL/VEC exam sessions! What's coming in OH-KY-IN in September 1999 Wed Sep 1 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Carol K8DHK, 146.67 Fri Sep 3 8 PM ARPSC meets at Hamilton Co Sheriff's Training Center, Hamilton Av near I-275 Tue Sep 7 7:30 PM Club Meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Topic: Homebrew Night, ARDF contest by Bob WA6EZV and Dick WB4SUV Wed Sep 8 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Rob KC8HMQ or Dale KC8HQS, 146.67 Sat Sep 11 10 AM Monthly foxhunt, hounds start from Mt. Storm Park; talk-in to start 146.67 (be prompt, or better yet, be early!) Tue Sep 14 7:30 PM Technical Committee meeting at Eric N8YCL's Wed Sep 15 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dennis KB8ROA, 146.67 Fri Sep 17 8 PM QCEN meets at Red Cross HQ, 820 Sycamore St Sat Sep 18 4 AM! DXers leave for Topsail Island DXpedition (NA-112) QCEN disaster drill at CVG (airport) World Amateur Radio Awareness Day Sun Sep 19 ASAP! K8SCH/4 NA-112 contacts begin Wed Sep 22 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Mike KB4VKS, 146.67 Thu Sep 23 7 PM Code and theory classes begin at Salem Presbyterian Church, corner Mozart and Higbee Tue Sep 28 7:30 PM Board of Directors' meeting at Carol K8DHK's Wed Sep 29 8 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Gene NU8U, 146.67 Fri Oct 1 8 PM ARPSC meets at Hamilton Co Sheriff's Training Center, Hamilton Av near I-275 Tue Oct 5 7:30 PM Club Meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Topic: ARRL Night with SM Joe Phillips K8QOE, ASM John Haungs W8STQ News of members and students in recent classes Congratulations to KF4YWG Laurie Haltermon and KC8MHG Greg Elsbernd, Winners of hourly prizes at the OH-KY-IN Hamfest and WD9HDZ Brad Scott, Winner of the copy of Windows 98 (a major prize) at the OH-KY-IN Hamfest Been thinking about joining OH-KY-IN? If you aren't a member yet and you act quickly, you could be listed in the 1999 Members' Directory (circulation limited to OH-KY-IN members). The new Directory goes to press right after the September membership meeting, and into the mail at the non-profit rate as soon after the ink dries as possible. Talk to Lynn WD8JAW, OH-KY-IN membership chair, right away! His phone number is on the mast page (inside front cover). (If you've only this the reflector edition, it's 606=657-6161.) October Q-Fiver will be the Vacation Postcard edition Short-copy deadline for that is Thursday, Sept. 16 -eof-