The Q-Fiver Volume 44 #4 April 2002 Newsletter of Oh-Ky-In ARS, Cincinnati OH 1 of 4 >From the President First, my soapbox. I promised myself that when I wrote the monthly column, I would leave my soapbox in my garage. Well, it only took till the April column to break the promise to myself. I will try not to do this too often. It seems the behavior of hams working DX pileups has gotten very much worse recently. Just because the DX station is rare, does not mean either the FCC rules or the rules of common courtesy have been suspended. Here is the perfect opportunity to Elmer by example. The ARRL and others are working hard to address these issues. For more information check the ARRL web site ( Enough soapbox. Don't forget the Scouting for Food and Clothing Drive coming up;article later in this issue. It is an easy event to work and will give you some experience with working in a controlled net environment. Bruce can always use some more operators. If you can help, give N8BV a call. Also, I am looking forward to our Awards Dinner coming up in April. The committee has done a great job of planning this event, and I am looking forward to seeing you and your family there. 73, Rick KD4PYR Next meeting I thought this would be a good month for the club to open up the general meeting to an informal discursive group discussion -- "Bull Session". Please plan to bring and raise questions, concerns, wants, needs and so forth -- relevant to our Club and Amateur Radio. Until then, have a safe and happy Easter. The next meeting of the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2002 at the Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Road, one block from Glenway Avenue. To get to the meeting, coming from town on Glenway, pass Ferguson Road and turn left onto Sidney between the BP gas station and Sebastian's Greek restaurant, just before the Frisch's. Then turn right at the stoplight into the drive down to the church parking lot. The entrance is at the back of the church building. Plenty of parking is available. See you there. 73, Phil KG8AP Minutes of members' meeting, Tuesday, March 6, 2002 Rick KD4PYR called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM. There were about 37 present, including guest Tom Downey KA7UCX, who joined, and YF Mari. There was no health and welfare traffic. Phil KG8AP introduced the Tuesday Night at the Movies program, the 1993 DXpedition to Howland Island. The island is 48 mi north of the equator, is administered by the Dept of Fish & Wildlife and carries the call AH1A. Expedition got to stay an extra 2 weeks due to rough weather and had to gather rainwater. Program ended at 8:22 PM. Business meeting commenced at 8:37 PM. Rick KD4PYR thanked Jo KD4PYS for staffing hospitality. Copies of the financial statement were distributed for review. Income for the year so far $1110.20, expense $917.68; capital/equity $23,792.93, liabilities/equity $24,384.54 Minutes of the last meeting as printed in the Q-Fiver were corrected by Carol WA8YL, who won $12.50 in split-the pot (not $125) and Lynn WD8JAW, who pointed out that the next Hamfest meeting was misstated as March 14 rather than 12. Lynn WD8JAW has hamfest fliers in hand, the 3 major prizes have been bought: to wit, an MFJ-962D, 1.5 KW Versa Tuner (antenna tuner), an MFJ-258B SWR analyser and an Icom IC-T7H dual band handheld. Next Fest meeting will be March 12, discuss mailings and letters to vendors. Need to talk R&L into coming. Bob WA6EZV reported for the DXers that no meetings are scheduled. Dick WB4SUV was the last fox, Bob WA6EZV will be the next. Hunt's had to be rescheduled twice, now is on the 16th. Key to the last hunt is that the transmitter was on the cow. Library: The new Operating Manual is in. Mike AC4XS bought paperback but ARRL sent leather. Jim KC8PRY asked that those who borrow library books please return them in a timely fashion. Harry WA8LOJ reported that the slow scan net is filling up again with 8-10 checkins a week -- just about enough for 2 rounds of pictures. Bruce N8BV requested those checking in to Tech Talk to please bring queries. Lynn WD8JAW reported for ARPSC that the Heart Mini Marathon on the 25th still needs operators. WARN is e-mailing members that weekly training net drills are being scheduled. Weather spotter classes are also on tap, in all 3 states this month with maybe another one in April. Pete KC8BZM reminded those present of the Flying Pig Marathon that QCEN and friends will communicate for. The marathon should be over by 1 PM. Talk to Pete or go to the Flying Pig website for more info. Technical committee: Brian K4BRI & crew are still putting .925 together. No meeting scheduled for this month but he will contact members for help. Phil KG8AP reported that classes are under way & it's not too late to enroll. There aren't as many students, so individualised attention will be possible. Club equipment: Harry WA8LOJ reported that it's all located and yes, WA6EZV has the TS-130. Attendance incentive: Nathan KA3MTT would have won $15 had he been present. As he was not, sum is $20 next time. Awards committee needs to meet once more before the Awards Dinner, which will be Tuesday, April 16 at Sorrento's in Reading. Cash bar at 7 PM, dinner at 7:30. Dinner is $20 each, choice of filet mignon, chicken parmigiana, spaghetti or orange roughy. There should be either a map or talk-in in the Q-Fiver. Phil KG8AP will investigate child's menu items for less. Carol WA8YL is taking reservations. New business: Bruce N8BV sent round a sign-up sheet for Scouting for Food & Clothing on April 14. He could use 35 communicators, noonish til 4. CW Proficiency Award: Brian K4BRI said the extended deadline is gone, now he needs a couple of volunteers to help him go over the entries in the next couple of weeks. Dick WB4SUV asked about our Dayton flea spaces; no word yet. Foxhunt forum is booked before the DX one at 9:30 or 10 AM. Dale KC8HQS snagged $15 in split-the-pot. Ev KC8JR moved to accept the minutes of last meeting as corrected above, Pete KC8BZM second, motion carried by acclamation. Bob WA6EZV moved to adjourn at 8:59 PM, George N8FFV second, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary The OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society is having its annual Awards Dinner TUESDAY April 16, 2002 at Sorrento's Restaurant, 8794 Reading Rd, Reading OH. Happy half hour is 7 P.M, dinner is 7:30 P.M. The cost is $20.00 per person; this includes tax and tip. Instead of a Buffet we will be choosing from a small menu that includes: Spaghetti and Meatballs Italian Chicken Orange Roughy Filet Mignon This includes potato, salad, bread, coffee, tea, milk or soft drink. There will be a cash bar all evening. The club will provide some very nice door prizes, but donations will be accepted. As usual we have some very interesting awards, the big one being OH-KY-IN's Ham of the Year. Plus we have some real surprises in who won the John Hugentober CW Award this year. Please make reservations as soon as possible. Reservations to: Carol WA8YL 513=661-5323 Rick KD4PYR or Jo KD4PYS 859=384-3311 Phil KG8AP 513=984-9209 73, Carol WA8YL There's at least one Weather Spotter Training class yet to be conducted. IN and KY classes were earlier, as was one in Green Twp. Next is on Friday, April 5, 2002 at 7 PM. Weather Amateur Radio Network is moving the session back to Blue Ash, to the American Red Cross NE Office, 10780 Kenwood Rd. For more info, directions and a map, go to NOAA staff were still assembling the class in early March, so those interested should continue to keep an eye on the WARN web site for further developments. If you can't make the April 5 session, there's a complete list of all training classes in the Wilmington Co Warning Area at 73, Mike Nie, PIO WARN Lifted from March 2002 DIAL ARC newsletter DX Extras April 2002 I am writing this month's article while listening to the Ducie Island group call for stations by call area. I only hope that propagation on 15 meters holds up till they get to the 8s. Thanks to the DX publications and the packet cluster, I at least have a chance to yell at this new entity. I hope you had a chance too. The cluster is also spotting the XQ0X operation from San Felix Island on 20 meters. Looks like a long night. As I have said many times before, keep listening and watching the announcements. Remember last month's video at the club meeting? It was a great tape on a DXpedition to Howland Island. Guess what? There is an operation from Baker & Howland scheduled for the end of April, from April 29 to May 10. Several members of this operation plan to be at the Dayton Hamvention, May 17-18. Keep your ears open for this operation. There seems to be more hope for P5 North Korea activity. YT1AD has permission to operate from this rare country. Now if only he actually does and anyone can hear him (see ARRL Letter story below). Besides the Baker & Howland operation other activities scheduled for April and May include: XW3ZNR -- Laos, TN -- Congo, JT1Y -- Mongolia, and VK9ML --Mellish Reef. Misc: The 2001 DXCC yearbook should be in the mail by the end of May. Wall Paper: Here are two real challenges for the true DX enthusiast, the QRP and DXCC Challenge Awards. I am not sure which is harder: 100 DXCC entities with 5 watts or 1000 DX band-entities. Excerts from the ARRL web site state: In recognition of the popularity of QRP, the ARRL is pleased to announce a new operating award -- the QRP DX Century Club, or QRP DXCC. The award is available to amateurs who have contacted at least 100 DXCC entities (see the list on the Web at using 5 W output or less. The DXCC Challenge Award is given for working and confirming at least 1,000 DXCC band-Entities on any Amateur bands, 1.8 through 54 MHz (except 30 meters). This award is in the form of a plaque. Plaques can be endorsed in increments of 500. Entities for each band are totaled to give the Challenge standing. Deleted entities do not count for this award. QSOs for the 160, 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meter bands qualify for this award. Gud DX till next month, 73, Bob WA6EZV Contests April 2002 April 1 No Antenna Sprint. All QSOs must be made using a dummy load. All modes March 29-April 7 Spring Lites QSO Party--all modes (Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society) April 6-7 MO QSO Party--CW/SSB; MARAC County Hunters Contest-SSB; EA RTTY Contest; 46th Annual QCWA QSO Party -- CW/Digital/SSB April 13-14 QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party - CW April 20-21 4th Annual SETI QSO Party -- CW/SSB; MI QSO Party -- CW/SSB; TARA PSK31 Rumble; GACW DX Contest "Mr. Samuel Morse Party -- CW, Argentina; Holyland DX Contest--CW/SSB April 27-28 FL QSO Party; NE QSO Party -- CW/SSB For more info see QST, CQ or 73, Dan KF4AV ==>YT1AD SAYS "NEVER AGAIN!" TO FUTURE P5 DXPEDITION ATTEMPTS The Daily DX this week reported additional details about the recent aborted effort by noted DXer Hrane Milosevic YT1AD, to operate from North Korea. Milosevic described his visit there as "a thrill," but said the DXpedition was thwarted when military personnel intervened. He indicated that he would not make any further attempts to operate from North Korea -- now the second most-wanted DXCC entity after the soon-to-be-activated Ducie Island. Accompanied by Voja Kapun YU7AV, Milosevic said he arrived in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang March 5 and was welcomed by representatives of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Foreign Affairs. "We were stationed in Yangakdo Hotel, on the bank of the river with the same name," he said, according to a transla-tion of e-mail communications Nenad Stevanovic VE3EXY provided to The Daily DX. "The hotel has 47 floors, and we were on the 40th floor, with almost ideal conditions for work. All our equipment was put together, and we were about to start our operation with the previously assigned call sign, P5A." The P5A team reportedly had the nod to operate from civilian authorities in North Korea. Milosevic said a uniformed official appeared unexpectedly and imposed a ban on the operation until the team got permission from military authorities as well. That permission was supposed to arrive March 8, "but nobody showed up, possibly because of a holiday," Milosevic speculated, adding that he and YU7AV did not want to risk starting up an unauthorized operation. "Meanwhile," he added, "we had fun listening to all the pirates pretending to be us, when we did not make a single contact." When a military official finally showed up last Sunday, March 10, he simply said, "No transmission until further notice." At that point, Milosevic said, he and Kapun had no other choice but to leave North Korea. "After landing in Beijing, our only comment was, never again!!!" Milosevic said. North Korea is not out of reach for DXers, but DXCC credit remains elusive. Ed Giorgadze P5/4L4FN of the Republic of Georgia continues to operate from there as his schedule permits. Giorgadze -- who is with the UN World Food Program -- has obtained oral permission to operate, but his operation has not yet been approved for DXCC credit. More information on P5/4L4FN is on the AMSAT Net Web site operated by Bruce Paige, KK5DO. P5/4L4FN has been active on SSB and RTTY. The ARRL Letter, Vol. 21 #11, March 15, 2002 January fox hunt: split the difference The first hunt of 2002 took place on the 12th with not just one fox, but two. Bill WD6ADM hid on the east side north of the river, Jim KB8UEZ in Northern Ky on the south side. Results: Ernie W8EH 1 hr 52 min 43 mi Brian KE4HOR 2 hr 30 min 54.7 mi Dick WB4SUV 3 hr 37 min 57.6 mi Bob WA6EZV DNF 73, Dick WB4SUV St Urho's Day* hunt in Winton Woods 'Twas a cool and cloudy morn on the day before St. Pat's, when everyone headed north toward Winton Woods Park. Transmitter No. 1, running 5 watts to a turnstyle antenna was around .2 miles down a hiking trail tucked on the side of a hill some 50 feet off the trail . Back-tracking, the fox hunters found transmitter no. 2 tucked appropriately in a green pine tree some 500 meters east of the trail head just off the road. Lastly, QRP transmitter No. 3 was but a few feet from the parking lot where everyone had gathered. Here are the official results. 1. W8EH Ernie 58 Minutes 9.48 Miles 2. KC8FQY Jim 61 Minutes 9.55 Miles 3. K4BRI Brian 70 Minutes 20.5 Miles 4. WB4SUV Dick and Janie 82 Minutes 27.3 Miles 5. KC8PRW and N8NQF 94 Minutes None; rode with W8EH 73, Bob WA6EZV * St Urho is the guy who allegedly drove the scorpions out of Finland (hi). - Ye Ed. Scouting for Food & Clothing Drive: Radio operators needed The OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will again provide communications for this year's Scouting for Food and Clothing Drive. Volunteers are needed to provide radio contact with the various loading points around the Greater Cincinnati area with Goodwill Headquarters. About 25-30 communicators are needed for this event. The 2002 Scouting for Food and Clothing Drive will be held on Sunday, April 14. Communicators are needed from about 12:45 PM through about 4:30 PM. Depending on location assignment, 2 meter mobile and/or hand held operation will be the course of the day. This is a great 'low key' event to become familiar with amateur radio public service communications. If you are available and would like additional information, or to sign up, please call Bruce Vanselow N8BV at 513-251-1555 or 513-471-7373. If you'd rather inquire by email, send to []. 73, Bruce N8BV VE exam opportunities Sat, Apr 6 sponsored by CRA at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine. Register 8:30 AM. Walk-ins only please! All licence classes. Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556 Mon, Apr 8 sponsored by NKARC at Turkeyfoot Middle School, 3230 Turkeyfoot Rd, Edgewood KY, 6-8 PM. Follow the signs. Pre-registry preferred, walk-ins accepted. Headphones available for CW element. Info: John D Meyers NB4K, 859=472-6690. Talk-in: 147.255 Sat, Apr 13 sponsored by Butler Co VHF Society in the Joint Vocational School Communications Ctr, 3603 Hamilton-Middletown Rd (Rt 4), Hamilton. Register 8:30 AM, walk-ins OK. All licence classes. Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=868-7012. Talk-in: 146.97 Sat, May 11 sponsored by Oh-Ky-In at Salem Presbyterian Church, Mozart & Higbee in Westwood-Cheviot. Registration 12N. All licence classes. Walk-ins accepted. Headphones available for CW element. Info: Carol Hugentober WA8YL, 513=661-5323. Talk-in: 146.67 Tue, May 14 sponsored by Milford ARA at Faith Evangelical Free Church, 5910 Price Rd, Milford at 7 PM. All licence classes. Info: Jim Kasee KB8UEZ, 513=561-8557 All tests require: 2 IDs, at least 1 with photo. Originals and photocopies of licences and CSCEs, if applic-able (copying available at Oh-Ky-In exams only). A pen or pencil. $10 for the 2002 test fee. Hamfests &c. April 2002 Sat, Apr 6 new date for Elizabethtown KY Hamfest sponsored by Lincoln Trail ARC. E-mail Leon Priest N4TFK [] for info. Sat, Apr 13 Garfield Hts OH Hamfest, sponsored by a middle school radio club at the school. Gar-field Hts is near Cleveland. Info: Laura Lonczak, 216=663-3258 Sat, Apr 20 Coalton OH Hamfest sponsored by Jackson Co ARC at James H Rhodes Community Ctr, on SR 93 between Jackson and Wellston; from US 35 go N on SR 93 for 4 mi to Coalton; bldg on right as you go into town. 8 AM-1 PM. Hamfest/Radio/Computer Show, fleas vendors, VE sessions at 10 AM(all licence classes, walk-ins welcome) auction of unsold items after hamfest, handicapped accessible, refresh-ments. $5 gate. Talk-in: 146.79, 146.895. Info: Edgar Dempsey KD8XL, 740=286-3239, [] Sun, Apr 28 Athens OH Hamfest sponsored by Athens Co ARA at Athens Community Rec Ctr, 733 E State St; US 33 or 50, exit E State St, hamfest at 2d light. Public 8 AM-1 PM. Free outdoor paved fleas, indoor exhibits, computer equipment, handicapped accessible, acres of parking, refreshments. $5 gate, spouses free. Talk-in: 145.15. Info: Carl Denbow KA8JXG, 740=592-2133, [], Canfield OH Hamfest sponsored by 20 Over 9 RC at Mahoning Co Career & Technical Ctr (was JVS), 7300 N Palmyra Rd; 2 mi W of Canfield square on US 224. Fleas, dealers, ARRL activi-ties, VE sessions at 10 AM, handicapped accessible, free parking, refreshments. $5 gate, under 12 free with paid adult. Talk-in: 147.315, 443.225. Info: Don Stoddard N8NLE, 330=793-7072, [] Dayton! While looking for something else in last April's Q-Fiver, Ye Ed found that KI4QJ didn't receive last year's Hamvention packet and confirmation of flea spaces until March 21, 2001. ==>Dayton Hamvention announces 2002 award winners Dayton Hamvention has announced that Alanson "Hap" Holly KC9RP will receive the Amateur of the Year Award for 2002. Licensed since 1965, Holly, who is blind, produces the weekly Radio Amateur Information Network's The RAIN Report,, an audio news and feature magazine aimed at radio amateurs. A Hamvention news release called Holly "an inspiration to licensed radio amateurs, non-hams and the visually impaired and sighted individuals worldwide." Holly has been producing The RAIN Report since 1984. A made-for-television movie, What Love Sees, chronicled how Holly's parents -- both blind -- raised four children including Hap, who lost his sight in 1958 at the age of 7. The movie is based on the book of the same name by San Diego teacher Susan Vreeland. Two ham-astronauts -- Owen Garriott W5LFL and Tony England W0ORE -- will share the 2002 Dayton Hamvention Special Achievement Award. In 1983, Garriott pioneered the SAREX program by working dozens of earthbound hams on 2 meters from the space shuttle using an H-T and an antenna mounted inside the shuttle's window. England became the second astronaut to operate from space in 1985. Both "lent their knowledge, experience and influence to build and then operate equipment that allowed hams every- where to share the excitement of space flight," Dayton Hamvention said in its announcement. Both are ARRL members. Alan Waller K3TKJ will receive the Dayton Hamvention Technical Excellence Award for 2002. In 1993 Waller, an ARRL member, combined his decades-long love for Amateur Radio and a burgeoning interest in the then-new Internet to design and man-age the and Web sites. "Mr Waller's Web sites have served the interests of tens of thousands of hams worldwide by providing technical references, e-mail and Web-page hosting services and links to thousands of other sites," Dayton Hamvention said in making the award announcement. Formal presentations to award recipients will take place at the Dayton Hamvention banquet, Saturday, May 18. Dayton Hamvention celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Billed as is the world's largest Amateur Radio gathering and trade show, it takes place May 17-19, 2002. -- The ARRL Letter and DARA News, April 2002 ==>WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY TO CELEBRATE TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION World Amateur Radio Day this year will provide an opportunity to reflect on radio amateurs as an important source of innovation in communication technology. Observed each year on April 18, World Amateur Radio Day commemorates the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union in Paris on that date in 1925. The IARU is the worldwide federation of national Amateur Radio organizations representing amateurs in 153 countries. A century has passed since Marconi spanned the Atlantic and excited the imaginations of the first generation of ama-teur wireless experimenters. Amateurs were the first to discover and to exploit the remarkable properties of the iono-sphere, the IARU noted. Amateurs also were the first to make widespread use of single-sideband voice communication to conserve power and precious radio spectrum. Amateurs applied microprocessors to data communication, popularizing packet radio and developing protocols that are now in widespread use in public safety and other services. As we enter radio's second century, amateurs continue to lead the way in numerous areas. Radio amateurs are the lead-ing developers of new digital techniques for high-frequency (HF) data and text communication, such as PacTOR. Disaster relief agencies have adopted it for use from remote locations where no telecommunications infrastructure is available. PSK31, another amateur innovation, is a user-friendly mode that provides live keyboard-to-keyboard communication at low power levels. PSK31 has become the most popular amateur digital mode in less than two years. Other amateur de- velopers, building on the success of PSK31, are using sound cards to explore a wide range of other digital modes tailor- eed for the challenging HF environment. Amateurs also are contributing in the arena of software defined radios (SDRs). An outstanding example of a DSP radio designed for experimental use is the DSP-10, a transceiver for the 144-MHz amateur band designed by Bob Larkin W7PUA of Corvallis OR. Working with Larkin, a team of amateur software developers is refining a family of pro-grams tailored to explore a wide range of VHF, UHF, and microwave propagation media, including moonbounce and extended-range tropospheric scatter. The IARU cites these as but a few examples of what is happening in Amateur Service of the 21st century. The IARU is a sector member of the International Telecommunication Union and is the recognized representative of the Amateur and Amateur-Satellite Services at the ITU.--IARU What's coming in April 2002 Thu Mar 28 7 PM Holy Thursday: no class Tue Apr 2 7:30 PM Club Meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Program: Group discussion, aka "Bull Session" Wed Apr 3 7:30 PM Slow-Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, 146.67: NCS Carol WA8YL Thu Apr 4 7 PM Code & theory classes at SALEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Mozart & Higbee in Westwood-Cheviot Fri Apr 5 8 PM Hamilton Co Amateur Radio Public Svc Corps at Sheriff's compound, Hamilton Av & I-275 Tue Apr 9 7:30 PM Technical Committee meeting if needed; location TBA Wed Apr 10 7:30 PM Slow-Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, 146.67: NCS Dale KC8HQS Thu Apr 11 7 PM Code & theory classes at SALEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Mozart & Higbee in Westwood-Cheviot Sat Apr 13 10 AM Monthly fox hunt; hounds start from Mt Storm Park, now that the cow has left, unless otherwise announced. Talk-in to start146.67. April fox is Dick WB4SUV, likely assist from Janie Tue Apr 16 7 PM Social half-hour 7:30 PM Club Awards Dinner at Sorrento's, 8714 Reading Rd - story pg 3 Wed Apr 17 7:30 PM Slow-Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, 146.67: NCS Dennis KB8ROA Thu Apr 18 7 PM Code & theory classes at SALEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Mozart & Higbee in Westwood-Cheviot World Amateur Radio Day Fri Apr 19 8 PM Queen City Emergency Net, 820 Sycamore St: Flying Pig plans, impressions of Ground Zero work by senior Red Cross official Tue Apr 23 7:30 PM Board meeting at Carol WA8YL's Wed Apr 24 7:30 PM Slow-Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, 146.67: NCS Rick KD4PYR Thu Apr 25 7 PM Code & theory classes at SALEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Mozart & Higbee in Westwood-Cheviot Wed May 1 7:30 PM Slow-Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9 PM Tech Talk, 146.67: NCS Carol WA8YL Thu May 2 7 PM Code & theory classes at SALEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Mozart & Higbee in Westwood-Cheviot Fri May 3 8 PM Hamilton Co Amateur Radio Public Svc Corps at Sheriff's compound, Hamilton Av & I-275 Tue May 7 7:30 PM Club Meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Program: TBA News of members and students in recent classes The long-awaited YL harmonic Eric N8YCL and Karen Neiheisel welcomed Racheal (not sure of the spelling - WA8YL) into the world on March 13. She weighed 7lbs 14oz , not sure on the length. Mom and baby are doing fine as well as Dad. Preamble for more According to the ARRL Letter, Mark Elliot N8WZW is getting married at the Dayton Hamvention to Cyndi Kreiger. It mentioned he is a club member, but not if he doesn't renew soon Welcome to new and returning members Thomas Downey KA7UCX Charles E. Vance KC8FBF On the mend Ed Sherman WA8STQ had a stay in hospital and should be home by now Copy deadline for the May Q-Fiver is Friday, April 19