ࡱ>    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTURoot Entry F VWordDocument CompObjnt Red Cross HQ downtown. Brian K4BRI reported for the Technical Committee that a last climb of .625 is set for 6:30 PM Friday; he needs ground crew. Phil KG8AP reported that an organisational meeting for the fall classes will be held in August. Re the query about selling inactive club gear, Rick KD4PYR has received a request from the Boy Scouts for specific items. A presentation is desired; we don't really want to hold the gear hostage for that. Mark Reising, now WM8R (was WB8BVV) is the logical Scoutmaster to speak to us The $15 attendance award. would have gone to Dick Bergheger WD8JAV, had he been present. As he was not, the sum in July will be $20. Copies of the treasurer's report were handed around for review. Income to date is $2242.45, expense $2414.87 for a loss of $172.42. Total liabilities and equity are $24,019.62. There were some sales and purchases at Dayton, plus miscellaneous income. More wallpaper from the awards dinner was handed out; that should be almost all of it. Field Day: Dick WB4SUV explained that this will be much like past years, but with some changes. Novice station is replaced by Get On The Air. Novices were on 10, GOTA can be anywhere. Dana WA8M will administer catering, dinner will be at 5. Operators and loggers are needed, plus an RV or trailer for a station shelter. Bob KC8MLB requested help and advice in setting up his and Karen KA8WZI's station, now that they've bought the gear. Antenna help will be particularly welcome. Weekend after this would be a good time. Health and welfare: Carol WA8YL thanked the club for the flowers for Melody KA8LAB's OM Dave Curtsinger's visitation and funeral. Otto AA8KK asked what VE picked up the cassette player for CW at the fall exams. Bruce N8BV said he has it. Bill now has a CD player to lend for the same purpose. Bob WA6EZV said he recently mailed out 6 lb of K8SCH QSL cards. Ray W8LKX asked if there will be a DXpedition this year; no. Phil KG8AP won $21 in split-the-pot. Eric N8YCL won the gift cert for 2 tickets to the Delta Kings barbershop show on Father's Day weekend. $14 was collected for Newsline, add the $50 the board voted to give = $64. Bob WA6EZV said that according to Joe Moell KO0V's site Homing In, the ARDF championship we will host is now Region 2. Advance entries from Montana, Canada and Brazil have been received. Rooms are confirmed at Miami U. Next hamfest is NKARC Ham-o-Rama on the 9th. Dale KC8HQS has found a calendar he can use for our web site. Pete KC8BZM moved to adjourn at 9:11 PM, Brian K4BRI second, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary DX Extras July 2002 Bob WA6EZV is on the road again a lot and hasn't had time to read or work much radio other than portable (the VXCC list continues to grow; he said it's up to around 20 now). There are a couple of good accounts of DX activity in this month's QST, even on adjoining pages (69-71) - T88ZZ/V63 RF in Palau and Micronesia and the YK9A 2001 DXpedition to Syria with 3 YL s on the radio team. Worth a few minutes of your time to read - 33/73, Ye Ed. Contests July 2002 July 1-7 Canada Day Contest, CW and SSB; MI QRP July 4 CW Sprint Venezuelan Independence Day Contest, SSB; KY QSO Party, CW, SSB and Digital July 13-14 IARU HF World Championship; FISTS Summer Sprint, CW; QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint, CW July 20-21 Pacific 160 Meter Contest, CW and SSB; AGCW (Germany) QRP Summer Contest, CW; NA RTTY QSO Party; CQC Great Colorado Gold Rush, CW; CQ WW VHF Contest, all modes; GA QSO Party, CW and SSB; W/VE Islands Contest, CW, SSB and Digital; Six Club Six Meter Sprint, CW and SSB July 27-28 Venezuelan Independence Day Contest, CW; RSGB Islands-On-The-Air Contest, CW and SSB; Russian RTTY WW Contest Survived Field Day. Here's more contests, but you can play them in air-conditioning and without the bugs if you like (I am not referring to those lovely side-swiping keys of yore, but the living and biting kind). For more see QST, CQ, etc. 73, Dan KF4AV VE exam opportunities July 2002 Saܥe# he,l,l C(T5DCTimes New Roman Symbol ArialCourier NewThe Q-Fiver, newsletter of Oh-Ky-In ARS, Cincinnati OH July 2002 Volume 44 #7 >From the President I can't believe it is July already. It is time for our fifth annual Hamfest. Come on out on Saturday the 27th and lend a hand, visit with friends new and old, have a bite to eat, and buy or sell something. The previous four Hamfests have been lots of fun and this one should be even better. I would like to thank Lynn Ernst WD8JAW, Gene McCoy N8KOJ and the rest of the Hamfest committee for all of their hard work on this year's event. The big news is OH-KY-IN has been selected to host the 3d North America ARDF Championships. Dick Arnett WB4SUV and Bob Frey WA6EZV have done a lot of work (not to mention running in competitions) to bring this opportunity to the Cincinnati area. The event will be held July 30th through August 3d, 2003. This will be a lot of work and a lot of fun. It will provide volunteer opportunities for our club, as well as other clubs in the area. Check out the web site dedicated to the event. There is a link to it from www.ohkyin.org. See you at the meeting on the second. 73, Rick KD4PYR Next meeting Our guest speaker this month is Robert Frey WA6EZV. Bob has graciously agreed to enlighten us on the Ins and Outs of Working DX. I believe his presentation could be titled, "DXing: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly". I know that this is one presentation you do not want to miss! We look forward to seeing you there. The next meeting of the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will be held on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at the Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Road, one block from Glenway Avenue. To get to the meeting, coming from town on Glenway, pass Ferguson Road and turn left onto Sidney between the BP gas station and Sebastian's Greek restaurant, just before the Frisch's. Then turn right at the stoplight into the drive down to the church parking lot. The entrance is at the back of the church building. Plenty of parking is available. 73, Phil KG8AP Minutes of members' meeting, Tuesday, June 4, 2002 Rick KD4PYR called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and introductions. There were about 45 present. Guests were Tom Wallace and spouse; Tom joined the club later in the evening. Phil KG8AP then introduced Dr. Dana Laurie WA8M/JN3QUC who spoke on his radio and travel experiences in Japan, where he spent a couple of years on a Procter & Gamble posting. He brought a PowerPoint presentation of scenic pictures and interiors. Program concluded at 8:24 PM. Business meeting convened at 8:37 PM with announcements. Rick KD4PYR thanked Jo KD4PYS for hospitality. Field Day lists circulated, a collection for Newsline will be taken. Ray W8LKX moved to accept the minutes of last meeting as printed in the Q-Fiver, Fred K9OHE second, motion carried. Hamfest flier labelling will be Tuesday, June 18 at 7 PM at Salem Presbyterian Churcch. Last Hamfest meeting July 9. Jobs needing done are all on page 8 of June Q-Fiver. Bob WA6EZV reported for DX that there was a contest a couple of weeks ago. P5 has been accepted for DXCC. Pratis is on now. Dick WB4SUV reported for the next fox hunt which will be this Saturday. It will be a progressive hunt. Finder of first fox gets 10 minutes to hide, start will move constantly. Actual beginning is to be at ChiChi's on Rt 4 south of 275, talk-in on .67. Duty cycle normally 15 sec on, 45 off. Want 50% for this. Gene N8KOJ had no Silent Keys to report. Library will have videos to lend next month. Please return the books that are due. Harry WA8LOJ reported 10 check-ins to the ATV net last time. Tech Talk is pretty much the usual, except Mike AC4XS will substitute for Carol WA8YL next month. There was no WARN or ARPSC report. Pete KC8BZM reported for QCEN that the MS 150 was covered; regular 3d Friday meeting at July 6 sponsored by CRA at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs,. Registration 8:30 AM; walk-ins only please! All licence classes. Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556 Mon July 8 sponsored by NKARC at Turkeyfoot Middle School, 3230 Turkeyfoot Rd, Edgewood KY, 6-8 PM before club meeting. All licence classes; walk-ins OK, headphones for CW element. Info: John D Meyers NB4K, 859=472-6690. Sat July 13 sponsored by Butler Co VHF Society in the D Russel Lee JVS Communications Ctr, 3063 Hamilton-Middletown Rd (Rt 4), Hamilton OH. Register 8:30 AM, walk-ins OK. Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=868-7012. Talk-in: 146.97 Sat July 27 sponsored by Oh-Ky-In ARS at 5th Oh-Ky-In Hamfest, Diamond Oaks CDC, 6375 Harrison Rd, Cincinnati OH. Register 8 AM, walk-ins OK, all licence classes, headphones for CW element. Info: Carol Hugentober WA8YL, 513=661-5323, [wa8yl@arrl.net]. Talk-in: 146.67, 146.925 ==>OUT-OF-THE-ORDINARY INTERFERENCE CASE RESOLVED In what FCC Special Counsel for Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth called "a textbook example" of FCC-ARRL cooperation, a case of strange interference involving a power company and an AM broadcast station has been substantially resolved. As a result of their follow-up investigation, six Cincinnati-area amateurs were awarded the ARRL Certificate of Merit. In January, the FCC wrote Cincinnati AM radio station WLW and Cinergy Corp--the electric utility serving the region--to help resolve the unusual and longstanding interference situation that was affecting local amateurs. Apparently spurious signals associated with WLW transmissions had been monitored over a wide area and frequency range and were severely affecting some amateur bands. The investigation focused on utility towers carrying 345-kV lines in the vicinity of the WLW broadcast tower. Jay Adrick K8CJY--a member of the amateur team involved in tracking down the problem and one of those honored--explained at the Dayton ARRL Forum earlier this month that the primary problem seemed to stem from so-called static lines on the towers, which do not carry electrical power. The static lines, he pointed out, were not sufficiently RF-bonded to the tower structure. "They're actually mloose-fitted," he said. "At 60 Hz, it's a reasonable ground." But at RF, it acted as a non-linear junction, and the static wires acted as a huge antenna. The result was something that sounded a bit like a spark gap modulated by WLW's audio on several amateur bands. Success did not come easily, and mop-up operations continue. Hollingsworth called the situation "a history-making RF interference case" that generated more investigative analysis than any other case in his years with the FCC. Ohio ARRL Section Manager Joe Phillips K8QOE said the local amateur brought the matter to the FCC's attention after working with WLW and Cinergy for almost two years to pin down the cause of the spurious signals. Honored with certificates at the ARRL Forum in Dayton in addition to Adrick were team leader Bob Reiff WA8ULW; Ted Homan WB8WFG; Herb Nichols W3EOA; Geoff Mendenhall W8GNM; and Paul Jellison WD8KMX. Jellison is regional engineering mana-ger of Clear Channel Communications which owns WLW. Also honored were non-amateurs Jeff Antoni and Kelly McMahan, both of Cinergy Corporation. The certificates were signed by ARRL Great Lakes Division Director George Race WB8BGY and ARRL Lab Supervisor Ed Hare W1RFI, who assisted in the efforts to resolve the interference situationn. The amateurs were cited fo "creating an example of longtime and continuing corporate-amateur radio cooperation in an interference abatement of high power RF signals." Though some interference remains, Phillips said, the local amateurs and both corporations discovered many possible sources of trouble and have established a working procedure for clearing them up. "Saying the interference is all cleared up would be foolhardy given the complex nature of the engineering involved," said Phillips, who recommended the awards, "but the two words that describe this historic work would be 'patience works.'" Under FCC Part 15 and Part 73 rules, incidental noise radiated by power company equipment or spurious emissions from a broadcast transmitter must be corrected if they cause harmful interference to radio communications. The ARRL Letter, Vol 21 #22, May 31, 2002 * New Extra class question pool effective July 1: Starting July 1, a new Amateur Extra class (Element 4) question pool goes into effect for examinations given on or after that date. The new pool contains more than 800 questions--up from the present 685. There is no change in the number of questions or the passing grade for examinations derived from the new question pool, however, and no other examination elements are affected. A representative from ARRL VEC sits on the Question Pool Committee, which is composed of representatives of four of the nation's Volunteer Examiner Coordinator organizations. Question pools are revised and updated on a timetable determined by the QPC, which is soliciting candidate questions based on the recently released Technician (Element 2) syllabus. All current question pools are available on the ARRL Amateur Exam Question Pools Web site http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/pools.html. The ARRL Letter, Vol 21 #24, June 14, 2002 All tests require: 2 Ids, at least 1 with photo. Originals & photocopies of licences & CSCEs, if applicable. Please do bring your copies with you!! A pen or pencil. $10 for the 2002 test fee. Tally Ho the country club -- The starting point on Saturday, June 8 was Chi Chi's restaurant at I-275 and Rt. 4 in Springdale. Jim KC8FQY was the fox. The fox beacon was located in a parking lot of the Villages of Wildwood swimming pool and was surrounded by hills in all directions. The antenna was vertical and the power was fluctuated between 10 and 50 watts at the transmitter. Those with Dopplers had a distinct advantage. The first to locate the beacon were Roy & Eve Dalton N8LRN, using only a Doppler system. His time was 30 minutes with 4.6 miles driven. Good Job!!! In second place was Ernie Howard W8EH, with 6.9 miles. Third place was Bob Frey WA6EZV with 4.8 miles. Brian DeYoung K4BRI and Dick Arnett WB4SUV were last with 10.1 and 9.1 miles respectively. This was a progressive hunt after the first leg. The second & fourth leg winner was Bob Frey. Leg number three was typical: 1st place - WB4SUV at 14 minutes (he has been in the park before and better have won this leg) 2nd place - W8EH, 14 minutes, 10 seconds (outdone by a single turn) 3rd place - K4BRI - 19 minutes, 20 seconds 4th place - KC8FQY - 23 minutes, 20 seconds (just 40 seconds before the end of the hunt) 5th place - Roy - did not finish. (lost in the housing complex) 73, Jim KC8FQY Last chance ...the OH-KY-IN meeting on July 2, may be your last chance to get your 2002 HAMFEST ticket at the advance donation of $5.00. You may be thinking that you're still not sure if you will be able to attend the Hamfest on Saturday, July 27. Your worries are over! Just obtain your advance ticket at the meeting. If you attend, you have saved yourself $1.00. If you cannot make it, your donation benefits the OH-KY-IN ARS just the same. Thanks to all who helped apply mailing labels and tabs to the hamfest flyers. Your efforts are very much appreciated and made the task an enjoyable experience. Please volunteer an hour or more to help at the Hamfest. See Bruce N8BV to help sell tickets. See Harry WA8LOJ to help with parking/flea market area. See Judd N8RVR to help put out and take down signs. See Lynn WD8JAW to help sell "split the pot" tickets during the Hamfest. Finally, we always need help Friday, July 26 ---5 PM to 7 PM to set up the tables in the Hamfest area and to assist vendors with their wares. Then Saturday, July 27 --- 6 AM to 8 AM assist vendors; and again 2 PM to 3:30 PM to straighten up the vendor area and help vendors load up their products. Talk up the hamfest. Any and all donations are always welcome, and suitable credit will be given You, as a club member, benefit from the outcome of this event. Your support will make it a success. 73, Lynn WD8JAW Next HAMFEST meeting Tuesday, July 9, 7:30 PM at Carol WA8YL's. This will be our last time to get together before the HAMFEST. We want to make sure all bases are covered and address any last minute issues. Please make every effort to attend. Thanks for all you help and hard work putting this event together. Just a couple more weeks to go! 73, Lynn WD8JAW Hamfest labelling party, bang zoom .......you came through again! 21 members showed up at Salem Presbyterian Church on June 18, to label and tab approximately 4300 hamfest flyers. The job was completed in less than 2 hours. OH-KY-IN workers that made it all possible were: Bob WA6EZV Pat Frey Jim KC8PRY Michael AC4XS Carol WA8YL Ev KC8JR Dale KC8HQS Nancy Seeger Otto AA8KK Dana WA8M Sam KJ8K Gene NU8U Bob W8JSO Bruce N8BV Rick KD4PYR Gene N8KOJ Bob KC8IYR Sandy Rich Susie N8CGM Judd N8RVR Lynn WD8JAW 73, Lynn WD8JAW ZCZC AG35 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 35 ARLB035 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 18, 2002 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB035 ARLB035 FCC Invites Public Comments on New Amateur Band Proposals Public comments on FCC proposals to create two new amateur bands and to create a new Amateur Service primary allocation in the vicinity of 2.4 GHz are due July 29, and reply comments are due by August 12. In response to an ARRL petition, the FCC last month released a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ET Docket 02-98) that proposed to create a new 5-MHz HF allocation and a new low-frequency band in the vicinity of 136 kHz in addition to elevating amateurs from secondary to primary at 2400 to 2402 MHz. The FCC adopted the NPRM May 2 on a unanimous vote. The NPRM was published June 14 in The Federal Register. A copy of the petition is available on the ARRL Web site, http://www.arrl.org/announce/regulatory/et02-98/ . Interested parties may file comments via the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) website, http://www.fcc.gov/e-file/ecfs.html . Click on "Search for Filed Comments" and enter "02-98" in the "Proceeding" field. All comments and other correspondence -- plus a copy of the NPRM -- are available for viewing via the ECFS. If the proposals eventually are approved, amateurs would gain a new, secondary, domestic (US-only) HF allocation at 5.25 to 5.40 MHz and a new LF "sliver band" at 135.7 to 137.8 kHz. The 5 MHz band would be the first new HF allocation since the early 1980s, when amateurs got 30, 17 and 12 meters. The LF allocation would be the first ever for US hams. The Commission has recommended permitting amateurs to operate at full legal limit on a new 5-MHz allocation, but it left open for further discussion whether to restrict band access to certain license classes. The FCC also has invited further comment on whether the band should be broken down into mode-specific subbands. The band 5.250 to 5.450 MHz now is allocated worldwide to Fixed and Mobile services on a co-primary basis. On 136 kHz, the FCC has proposed limiting output to 1 W effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) with a transmission bandwidth of only 100 Hz and limiting access to the band to General and higher-class licensees. ZCZC AG37 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 37 ARLB037 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 19, 2002 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB037 ARLB037 White House greets Amateur Radio operators President George Bush has sent his greetings to all Amateur Radio operators, acknowledging their role in emergency communications and in generating international good will. The White House letter comes as hams in the US mark Amateur Radio Week June 16-23 and prepare to participate this weekend in ARRL Field Day -- an emergency preparedness exercise. "I salute amateur radio operators for your work on behalf of public safety officials," the President said in a letter dated June 18. "I also commend your interest in communicating with persons in other parts of the world and learning about other cultures and countries. Your involvement builds understanding and goodwill around the globe." For the first time, Field Day will be open to participation by amateurs throughout the Americas and the Caribbean. The President's letter acknowledged ham radio's "important role in emergency communications, assisting law enforcement personnel and other emergency services as they carry out their responsibilities." ARRL President Jim Haynie W5JBP expressed his delight at the presidential communication. "I'm extremely pleased that the president has decided to recognize the accomplishments of Amateur Radio operators throughout America," he said. "Amateur Radio is a real asset to America, and even more so after September 11. Amateur Radio has always played a big role in disasters and emergencies, and I'm very proud of it." President Bush said First Lady Laura Bush "joins me in sending our best wishes." Governors in several states have issued proclamations designating Amateur Radio Week or Amateur Radio Month. Hamfests &c. July 2002 Sat July 20 Wellington OH Hamfest sponsored by Northern OH ARS at Lorain Co Fairgrounds, Rt 18; Rt 58 to Rt 18 in town, W on Rt 18 1 mi to Fairgrounds on S side of Rt 18. Public 8 AM-2 PM. Huge outdoor fleas area, ample indoor commercial space by reservation, overrnight parking for RVs & campers (no hookups), VE sessions register 9-9:30 AM, exams at 10. $5 gate, under 12 free. Talk-in: 146.7, 444.8. Info: Tom Porter W8KYZ, [n8pzd07@email.com], www.apk.net/noars/hamfest.htm Sun July 21 Van Wert OH Hamfest sponsored by Van Wert ARC at Van Wert Co Fairgrounds, 1055 S Washington St, at S edge of town along Rt 127 S. 8 AM-3 PM. Radio/Computer/Electronics fleas, free outdoor trunk sales. $5 gate. Talk-in: 146.85. Info: Bob Barnes WD8LPY, [barnesrl@bright.net], www.w8fy.com Sat July 27 5th Annual Oh-Ky-In ARS Hamfest at Diamond Oaks CDC, western Cincinnati OH (~1 mi SE of Rybolt/ Harrison Exit 11 from I-74). 8 AM-2 PM. Technical & ARRL forums, transmitter hunt, DXCC card checking, indoor vendors, outdoor fleas (1st space free with admission, additionals $3 each). VE sessions 8 AM, walk-ins OK. Free & handicapped parking, refreshments. $5 advance, $6 gate. Talk-in: 146.67, 146.925. Info: Mr. Lynn Ernst WD8JAW, [wd8jaw@arrl.net], www.ohkyin.org Sun July 28 Randolph OH Hamfest sponsored by Portage ARC at Portage Co Fairgrounds, 4215 Fairgrounds Rd, between Youngstown & Akron on SR 44, 4 mi S of I-76. Outside fleas, indoor vendors, VE sessions, ARRL officials, free & handicapped parking, restaurant on grounds. $4 advance, $5 gate. Talk-in: 145.39. Info: Joanne Solak KJ3O, [ljs@config.com], parc.portage.oh.us VE exam opportunities July 2002 Sat July 6 sponsored by CRA at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs. Registration 8:30 AM; walk-ins only please! All licence classes. Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556 Mon July 8 sponsored by NKARC at Turkeyfoot Middle School, 3230 Turkeyfoot Rd, Edgewood KY, 6-8 PM before club meeting. All licence classes; walk-ins OK, headphones for CW element. Info: John D Meyers NB4K, 859=472-6690 Sat July 13 sponsored by Butler Co VHF Society in the D Russel Lee JVS Communications Ctr, 3063 Hamilton-Middletown Rd (Rt 4), Hamilton OH. Register 8:30 AM, walk-ins OK. Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=868-7012. Talk-in: 146.97 Sat July 27 sponsored by Oh-Ky-In ARS at 5th Oh-Ky-In Hamfest, Diamond Oaks CDC, 6375 Harrison Rd, Cincinnati OH. Register 8 AM, walk-ins OK, all licence classes, headphones for CW element. Info: Carol Hugentober WA8YL, 513=661-5323, [wa8yl@arrl.net]. Talk-in: 146.67, 146.925 All tests require: 2 IDs, at least 1 with photo. Originals & photocopies of licences or CSCEs, if applicable. Please do bring your copies with you, for VE sessions other than Oh-Ky-In. A pen or pencil. $10 for the 2002 test fee. What's coming in July 2002 Mon July 1 Canada Day (isn't there a contest then?) Tue July 2 7:30 PM Club meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Program: Ins & Outs of DXing, Bob Frey WA6EZV Wed July 3 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk, NCS Mike AC4XS Thu July 4 Independence Day Fri July 5 8:00 PM Amateur Radio Public Service Corps at Sheriff's Training Ctr, Hamilton Av at I-275 Tue July 9 7:30 PM Last Hamfest meeting at Carol WA8YL's Wed July 10 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dale KC8HQS Wed July 17 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dennis KB8ROA Fri July 19 8:00 PM Queen City Emergency Net at Red Cross HQ, 820 Sycamore Str Wed July 24 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk, NCS Rick KD4PYR Fri July 26 5-7 PM Vendor move-in at Diamond Oaks for Hamfest Sat July 27 6-8 AM Vendor move-in at Diamond Oaks for Hamfest 8 AM-2 PM 5th Annual Oh-Ky-In Hamfest at Diamond Oaks CDC, 6375 Harrison Rd 2 PM-3:30 PM Vendor move-out from Diamond Oaks from Hamfest Wed July 31 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk, NCS Laurie KF4YWG News of members and students in recent classes Our sincere repeated condolences to Melody Curtsinger KA8LAB and family on the loss of her spouse Dave at the end of May, and apologies for calling her by her maiden surname (!) in the hurried insert note last time Our sincere condolences to the children and family of Dr Raymond J Krause AA8CU. Dr Krause, a long-time Oh-Ky-In member, died in late May Our sincere condolences to Judd Sexton N8RVR on the death of his mother in mid-June New member Thomas Wallace, to be student in fall classes New call Eric Neiheisel N8YC (was N8YCL) Copy deadline for August 2002 issue (postcard) is Friday, July 19 #$<=>QRS   ST#$ij EFUVWcde;<S T U ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8 $ % k l A B _ `   \ ] ) * k l HI/0wx]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8xij"#hi^_<=Z[$%fg]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8|}  01qrAB  $%de./tuyzLMUV L]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8LMNfgh]^"#$AB<=>Z [ \ !!!!!!!!!!!!""#]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8##I#J#######0$1$v$w$$$$$%%]%^%%%%%%&&X&Y&&&&&''3'4'y'z'''(())))**U*V*****]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8*(+)+o+p+++++9,:,,,,,,,#-$-f-g-o-p---...///u/v///S0T0000011`1a111112 2P2Q2222222]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]82 3333333&4'4m4n4444466666 77S7T7777777E9F9999999#:$:h:i:::::::;;a;b;{;|;;;]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8;;;D<E<<<<<<<<<<<*=+=p=q=====B>C>Q>R>>>>>>>9?:?????/A0ArAsAAABBBJBKBBBBBCCZC]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8ZC[CjCkClCmCCCCCDDUDVD}D~DDDDDE E=E>EEEEEEEEEFFFFFJFKFFFFFFFFFF3G4GzG{GGGHH9H]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]89H:H~HHHHHH$I%IiIjIIIJJKKJKKKKKKK L!LfLgLLLLL7M8M~MM N NNNTNUNNNNNNNNOOPOQOfOgOyOzO]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8zOOOOOO6P7P QQQQRQ R!RaRbRRRRRSS_S`SSSSS T!ThTiT:U;UUUUUUUUUUVVVYVZVVVVV)W*WqWrWW]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8WWWAXBXXXYY2Y3Y4YwYxYYYZZHZIZZZZZ[[[_[`[[[(\)\f\g\\\\\\\\<]=]n]o]]]]]7^8^J^K^^^^]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8^^__+_,_r_s___``@`A`%a&a'aAaBaCa~aaaaaabb8b9b]b^b}b~bbbbb%c&cWcXc}c~cccccd d,d-d^d_dddd]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8ddeeUeVeaebeeeeeeee-f.f/fgggJgKggggggggggg!h"h#h+h,hLhMhNhhhh]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]+$=>RS  T$j FVWde<T U ! % l B `  ] * l I0xj!j#i_=[%g}  1r!B %e/uzMVMNgh^#$B!B=>[ \ !!!!!!!"#J####1$w$$$%^%%%%!%&Y&&&'4'z''())*V***)+p+++:,,,,$-g-p--.//v//T00!001a111 2Q22223333'4n4446667T77777F9999$:i:!i::::;b;|;;;E<<<<<<<+=q===C>R>>>>:???0AsAABBKB!KBBBC[CkClCmCCCDVD~DDD E>EEEEEFFFKFFFFFF4G{GGH!H:HHHH%IjIIJKKKKK!LgLLL8MM NNUNNNNNOQOgOzOOOO7P!7PQRQ!RbRRRS`SSS!TiT;UUUUUUVVZVVV*WrWWWBXXY3Y4YxY!xYYZIZZZ[[`[[)\g\\\\\=]o]]]8^K^^^_,_s__`A`&a'aBaCa!Caaaab9b^b~bbb&cXc~ccc d-d_dddeVebeeeee.f/fggKggg!ggggg"h#h,hMhNhhh h5hDe;K@Normala "A@"Default Paragraph Font@ FMicrosoft Word 6.0 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.69q