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Technical Committee: Phil KG8AP went out with Brian K4BRI and others to take down the .625 antenna. Repeater is still in the shop, 440 runs a little hot. Rick KD4PYR announced there will be a classes organizational meeting after the picnic. Classes will start early Sept, please watch the reflector for details. ARDF: Dick WB4SUV and Bob WA6EZV will co-captain the US team in Slovakia. The 2003 initial meeting has been held. "Joe" Haltermon KD4PYS got credit for chairing start-finish in KO0V's column. Dale KC8HQS announced that he's been able to put the calendar on the web page, and the ARDF link works. Harry WA8LOJ has a list of surplus gear, some of which have been in their present homes for up to 7 years. Ken Owens KE8EL would have won the attendance incentive had he been present. As he was not, the sum will be $25 next month. Field Day: GOTA made 320 QSOs, would have been more but for a shorted mic cord. ~2500 QSOs overall. Gary Johnston KI4LA took photos. Antennas went up and came down quickly. New business: Ev KC8JR has a 2 element 3 band Hygain quad antenna to give. Judd N8RVR may take it, to scrap otherwise. Clara KB8DCH won $16 in split-the-pot. Judd N8RVR moved to adjourn at 8:45 PM, Mike KC8IVR second, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary Minutes of members' meeting, Tuesday, August 6, 2002 Rick KD4PYR called the meeting to order at7:39 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and self-introductions. There were about 30 present, including guest Chris Mercer, who expects to be a student in the coming classes. Rick said due to some miscommunications, the program will be a postcard like the August Q-Fiver. Business meeting will come first this time. Next month the program will be "Ham radio in the microwave bands" presented by Rich Griffiths W2RG. Minutes will be printed in the Sept Q-Fiver. Treasurer's report was passed around for review. Income $2749.37, expense $4988.18, loss $2238.81. Lynn WD8JAW reported that the Hamfest is over! Details in his article later in this issue. DX: Bob WA6EZV said DX is good now. Maldives, Myanmar, Uganda, Nepal are on or will be shortly. More activity when the weather changes. Fox hunt: Brian K4BRI reported that Bill WD8ADM was the last fox in a 4-team hunt. Next hunt is this Saturday. If it's not Jim KC8FQY's turn to be the fox, Brian K4BRI will serve. There are some 275-loop maps available that were produced by Avis. No report of Silent Keys (thank heavens). Jim KC8PRY reported that 7 videos have been added to the library and are available for loan. Program announced by some children who came into the meeting looking for help: A dumpster at the school down the street is on fire. A member called 911 and a few went out to investigate. Tech Talk: Bruce N8BV reported a note from Bill Pasternak that our Hamfest would receive notice. Bruce listened, and due to production date and Hamfest date, the announcement didn't go in until the next (wrong) week. They record on Friday. No ARPSC report. WARN net is Wednesday evenings on .88. QCEN: Pete KC8BZM reported there will be a drill at the airport. Next meeting at WLW transmitter for a tour, he advised calling on the .24 repeater. Classes: Bruce N8BV reported that releases are due out next Saturday. Ottoܥe# ؏,l,l C(TH]CTimes New Roman Symbol ArialCourier NewThe Q-Fiver,newsletter of Oh-Ky-In ARS, Cincinnati OH September 2002 Vol 44 #9 1 of 5 >From the President OH-KY-IN was asked to help one of the Big Project's pilot schools. What is the Big Project? It is an ARRL initiative to include ham radio as part of a school's curriculum. The intent of the project is not to turn all school children into hams. Although that would be nice! The purpose is to introduce kids to the concept of ham radio within existing courses of study. Use of amateur radio in the classroom help students become employable, informed and conscientious citizens. OH-KY-IN supports this project by purchasing a set of reference books to be used at a local Big Project pilot school, St. Antoninus. How can you help with the Big Project? Invite a kid to your shack. Explain a little about ham radio. Don't worry if your shack is a mess. Kids don't care! Who knows what will grow from the seed you plant? Maybe a future ham, or maybe a future member of a zoning board who has heard of ham radio and knows a little about what we do. 73, Rick KD4PYR Next meeting Our featured presentation this month is --10 GHz: The Magic Band by Rich Griffiths W2RG and John Human N8VZW. "Microwaves are not the future. They are NOW! "We will highlight the 10 gigahertz band as an example of how easy it has become for amateur radio operators to work the microwave bands. Our presentation will focus on commercially-made equipment we have recently converted to "10 gigs" and our experiences so far in using it. We will have a complete 10 GHz "rover" station on hand for show-and-tell, and if time and conditions permit, we will complete a two-way contact to demonstrate some of the practical aspects of microwave operation." I know this is a presentation you do not want to miss. We look forward to seeing you there. The next meeting of the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will be held on Tuesday, September 3, at the Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Road, one block from Glenway Avenue. To get to the meeting, coming from town on Glenway, pass Ferguson Road and turn left onto Sidney between the BP gas station and Sebastian's Greek restaurant, just before the Frisch's. Then turn right at the stoplight into the drive down to the church parking lot. The entrance is at the back of the church building. Plenty of parking is available. 73, Phil KG8AP Minutes of members' meeting, Tuesday, July 2, 2002 Rick KD4PYR called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and self-introductions. There were about 30 present. Guest: potential student Aaron Tobin. Eric N8YCL is now N8YC. Phil KG8AP then introduced Bob Frey WA6EZV, who spoke on DX. Bob said his first call was KN4QWK (Quick Witted Kid). He now has 339 countries confirmed. He described a couple of spectacular QSL cards, the Saudi one in gold leaf and the hand-painted Upper Volta. First principle of DX is Work First, Worry Later. Second QSL with a most needed country is always easy. Bob recommended the use of a packet cluster to tell who's on. Reasonable moves are often to go to the foot of the band and start over, or work the band edges. Anyone who hears P5 North Korea, BS7 Scarborough Reef or VU7 Andaman Islands, should call. There are 389 countries, W8OK has 382 of them. First 100 aren't that difficult. DX takes patience, and being on the right frequency at the right time. Program concluded at 8:12 PM. Business meeting began at 8:27 PM. Rick KD4PYR thanked Jo KD4PYS for doing hospitality once again. Ev KC8JR moved to accept the minutes of last meeting as printed in the Q-Fiver, Phil KG8AP second, motion carried. Bill KI4QJ sent an interim treasurer's report that there is $1173.34 in checking, with more to process. Lynn WD8JAW thanked the hamfest flier labelling crew, the pieces should arrive shortly. Staffing i AA8KK needs dates. Bob WA6EZV reported for the ARDF contest next year: it will definitely be for Region 2. There are web updates. Visas are open, actual registration will open later this year. He and Dick have talked to the reps in Slovakia and tested transmitters in Carolina. Web: Dale KC8HQS has posted pictures of all sorts Old gear: The TR4 sold for $100. Jim N8INP would have won the attendance award had he been present. As he was not, the amount will be $30 next time. A baseball and glove were left at Field Day, also a Staff hat at the Hamfest. Jo KD4PYS said she thought the hat belonged to one of their daughters' helpful friends. She was also handed off the ball and glove. Eric N8YC asked if videos lend for a shorter time than books. Books are due at the next meeting after they are borrowed, videos likewise. Technical Committee: Brian K4BRI received notice of some test gear for sale and bought it. It seems to be a good deal, with items that were needed. The new amplifier for .925 is actually in hand, at last! The second order was filled in 10 days, as opposed to the first order which wasn't filled in several months. Technical Committee needs to meet next Tues at .925, plus a large work party fairly soon. There are needs to climb and replace. Loss of antenna sites: Mt St Joe was/is facing OSHA fines, climbers must be OSHA certified. .625 is presently at his house. We need a site for it that doesn't cost $400/month for tower space. Old Business: 4 walk-ins passed their Hamfest exams with flying colours. New Business: Brian K4BRI announced that the club picnic will be Saturday, Aug 17 at Mitchell Memorial Forest, starting at 2 PM. The Haltermons will provide the entertainment. Members who come were asked to bring a covered dish. Mike KC8MMZ asked whether R&L might be back to our Hamfest next year. Lynn WD8JAW opined that their absence didn't really hurt. Coax Connection had a good day, Amateur Accessories wished he'd reserved in time for a listing on the flier. R&L & Alinco will both be at the GCARA Hamfest. Kudos to Jo KD4PYS for her inspired reply to the fellow who said he was disappointed. Lynn WD8JAW said other complimentary e-mails were received. Sam KJ8K said the Ten-Tuners also had good things to say. Rick KD4PYR said the Hamfest is an agenda item for the next board meeting, as to whether we continue. Diamond Oaks is reserved, just in case. A call came for a hand for Lynn WD8JAW for successfully wrangling the Hamfest (yay!!). Pete KC8BZM won $10 in split-the-pot. Sam KJ8K moved to adjourn at 8:13 PM, Brian K4BRI second, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary Three candidates have filed for Great Lakes Division Director in the fall election in Michigan, Kentucky and Ohio to be voted on by full American Radio Relay League members. Pending certification of petitions, the following candidates met the deadline for the office: Paul Daley WT8S, Canal Winchester (near Columbus). Division Director Gary Johnston KI4LA, Edgewood, Ky. Jim Weaver K8JE, Mason (near Cincinnati). As there was no other candidate filing for vice director, the current Vice Director, Dick Mondro W8FQT, Dearborn Heights MI, was declared elected. Director Johnston had been Vice Director until the resignation of George Race WB8BGY in mid-July. Election will be in mid- to late September. ............ Since the club voted to support this effort I thought I would forward this update to the reflector. July 16. WB4SUVSeveral of you may already be aware of the status of the project, but for those that aren't here's what has happened so far: I received permission to install a station at Camp Friedlander and the station was installed by June 8. The initial station consisted of an Icom 735 and power supply from GCARA; a 2 meter Ringo from WA8DFD; a Yaesu FT2500, power supply and an SGC automatic HF antenna tuner from my station; and a locking box for the station made by Gary Perkins of Troop 36. The equipment was installed in the Handicraft building (old trading post) with a 100 foot random wire HF antenna connected to the tuner and a ground system. Thanks to Jim N8SIM, Anna KC8DWR and Matt KB8TCN for assistance installing the station. The first week of camp did not have any formal merit badge class, but Frank W8DOS was attending camp that week and did operate. The following week Mark Haffner KC8KHL, a counselor at the camp began regular Radio Merit Badge classes with 4 or 5 scouts. This class has continued each week since then. Last week I received a donation of a new Alinco DR605TQ dual band radio from Phil Cota of ATOC Amateur Distri-buting/Alinco. It was installed this weekend. Last week I also taught a 4 evening technician license class for several staffers, one visiting scout and a scoutmaster. This was an intense 3 evening for 2 hour each class and a one evening review session followed by a VE session on Friday afternoon. Of the 6 people who began the class, 5 completed the class and 3 passed the test (1 staffer, 1 scout and 1 scoutmaster). This was an experiment to see if there was sufficient interest to conduct future classes and whether the intense schedule would work. The Camp Program Director expects to offer Radio Merit Badge on a formal basis next year and will probably also offer an evening license class each week of camp, followed by a Thursday evening test session if we can get sufficient VE support. This would be a great program! I'll keep you all informed, and by the way, thanks to Scott W8GS, Bob K8YMI, Frank W8DOS, and Gary W8XS for the VE session and to everyone else for all the support you have given this project. 73, Mark WM8R (ex WB9BVV) Additional Update Scott contacted Dennis Lampe N8DL, who also holds the club call K8BSA and we received permission to use that call from the camp. Very appropriate for a Boy Scout camp. Thanks Scott and Dennis. 73, Mark WM8R (ex WB9BVV) ............. Everyone is invited. ARPS, awards, eyeball QSOs, pizza party -- it'll all be part of the annual Ohio Section Conference, Saturday, September 14. Begins at 9 AM. Join your friends at the Ohio Emergency Management Agency, 2855 W Dublin-Granville Road or Ohio 161 in North-west Columbus. The biggest reason is the Ohio Sections social event of the year - the lunch pizza party. The annual Conference this year will also feature Official Observer Coordinator Alan Cook N7CEU, with a complete demonstration of Amateur Radio Positioning System mode (titled "ARPS For Dummies" because it will start with simple descriptions). Winners of the 11th Annual Newsletter Awards contest will be announced along with the Al Severson AB8P Memorial Award winner. The full agenda and a map to the conference are included in the latest issue of the Ohio Section Journal, or is available to anyone who sends an E-mail to Section Manager Joe Phillips K8QOE requesting one. That is at . Quick reminder that the ARES conference, originally scheduled for Saturday, August 24, has been canceled due to the major surgery of the Section Emergency Coordinator, Larry Rain WD8IHP. Mr. Rain is recovering well and plans to participate at the Ohio Section Conference. Your participation is not only welcomed but encouraged. .......... An entry in the Web Guestbook I am a collector of tube radios(consoles and table models) and had a sizeable estate of ham related items to bring to your July 27 Hamfest. I would like all your members to know how much I appreciated the warm reception I received and tremendous support..including unloading and reloading my stepvan contents in high humidity 90+ degree weather. In particular, I was impressed to see that the person working the hardest beside me in that hot van was your president Rick Haltermon. Kudos for a well run meet and the dedication of your membership. I can't wait to brag about you folks to my radio club members in Dayton OH. Keep up the fine work...you did yourself proud. Ron Potter RonPotter@Prodigy.net Tipp City, OH USA - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 15:33:54 (EDT) ............ "I'm afraid Howard won't be contesting today due to some rather 'attentuating circumstances' at the ham shack" YF on wireless phone in front yard before house with antenna fallen over, base of antenna thrust thru garage roof & making mess visible thru open garage door, OM generally horrified. From WorldRadio Jan 2002 by Greg Trook N0UJR DX Extras September 2002 Bob WA6EZV was off ARDFing again last weekend and had no time to put a column together. For August, when one wasn't needed, he had time - but all that news is now too old to print. So it's back to the pages of the current QST to see who's up. - Ye Ed. Tom Christian VP6TC/VP6DI spoke on the finally-fielded Ducie Island DXpedition at the Lone Star DX Assn program at Ham-Com in Texas. 9M6/GM4DMA expects to be on 6 meters Sept 12-30. He will operate from Sabah, E Malaysia. Francois VE2XO will be on from Togo Aug 25-31 as 5V7XO. He plans to visit Benin (TY) during Sept and will return to Guinea (3XY6/3XY8A) at the end of Sept. Mainly RTTY but also SSB, 10, 12,15, 17 & 20 meters, maybe 6. Ken G3OCA will activate some Philippine islands in Sept; the Calamian group (OC-090), Cuyo Islands (OC-120) & Sarangani (OC-175). CW & SSB. Ken K4ZW & Karl K4YT plan to go to Mongolia (JT) in Sept to concentrate on 80 & 160 meters. VK9YL (Elizabeth VE7YL, June VK4SJ, Mio JR3MVF & Gwen VK3DYL) plan to be on the air from Lord Howe Island Sept 15-29. Oct plans include Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cook ZK1 Oct 1-6 & Rarotonga Oct 7-13. QSL via VK3DYL. Rainer DL2RVL will be active from Corsica (EU-014) as TK/DL2RVL Aug 24-Sept 14, mostly on CW operating QRP. Spike W7AVA will vacation on Pohnpei, Micronesia Sept 14-23. He'd like to know what nets (time & freq) might welcome a visit from V6; please advise to [w7ava@arrl.net]. Assigned call is V63VB; QSL to home call. 50th annual W9DXCC will be Sept 20-21 in the Chicago area. This year's agenda at www.qth.com/w9dxcc. Scores of the World Radio Team Championships held in Helsinki in July are now posted at www.wrtc2002.org. Dan Street K1TO & Jeff Steinman N5TJ won. Thanks Bernie W3UR & QST for the list. Contests September 2002 2-3 MI QRP Labor Day CW Sprint 7-8 All-Asian DX Contest-Phone; IARU Region 1 Field Day-SSB; North American Sprint --CW; DARC (Germany) 10-Meter Digital Contest; QRP ARCI End of Summer PSK31 Sprint 11-13 YLRL Howdy Days--CW/SSB 14-15 ARRL September VHF QSO Party; North American Sprint-SSB; WAE DX Contest; Washington State Salmon Run--CW/SSB; Panama Anniversary Contest-Phone; Fall QRP Homebrewer Sprint--CW/PSK31; The Classic Exchange--CW/Phone; QRP Afield--CW/Phone/ Digital 28-29 CQ/RJ Worldwide RTTY DX Contest- (RJ is the RTTY Journal); Scandinavian Activity Contest-SSB; TX QSO Party--CW/Phone/Digital; LA (state) QSO Party--CW/Phone; AL QSO Party--CW/Phone A nice selection of contests to start out the Fall. For more info see QST, CQ, or http://www.remote.arrl.org/contests/ 73, Dan KF4AV 2002 National Foxhunting Weekend report. Cincinnati Ohio 1. Name of club, if any --OH-KY-IN ARS 2. Date of hunt --May 11, 2002 3. Starting city and state or province --Cincinnati, Ohio 4. Number of hidden transmitters --6 total (1 mobile, 5 on foot) 5. Frequencies of transmitters --146.565 (mobile), various 2 meter on foot 6. Type of hunt (e.g. mobile, mobile/sniff, IARU) --Mobile followed by sniff 7. Scoring method (time, mileage, combination, other) -Time for hunt winner. -Combination for semi-annual championship. 8. Callsign(s) of hider(s) --W8EH 9. Callsign(s) of winner(s) --K4BRI & daughter Emily 10. Comments, quotes, etc --The OH-KY-IN ARS incorporates transmitter hunts into many activities throughout the year. This includes YL hunts at the annual picnic, on foot hunts at Hamfest, Boy Scout JOTA and ARDF events. In addition, mobile fox, progressive and night hunts are included. The monthly hunts have been held in sun, rain, snow, and ice for the past fifteen plus years. Unless announced otherwise the monthly hunts start from Mt. Storm Park in Cincinnati at 10 AM on the second Saturday of each month with the boundaries being the I-275 loop. This encompasses parts of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana and is about 600 square miles. There are generally five to ten teams for most hunts and ride-along visitors are common. Skill levels and equipment used run the full gamut. The fox almost always tries everything possible to fool the hounds. (This information supplied by WB4SUV) The fox hid at French Park on the north side of Cincinnati. The main transmitter was high on a hill providing a strong signal to the hounds at the start. WB4SUV arrived first but was fooled by the transmitter being just slightly over the hill from the parking lot. He decided to look on the dead end streets east of the park. K4BRI arrived as WB4SUV was leaving, but got out on foot to check the area. He and daughter Emily found the first fox and went on to hunt the others on foot. WB4SUV and WA6EZV both hunted the subdivisions to the east first. Both finally arrived at the park (WB4SUV for the second time) and then were in a close race for second. The fox made it especially hard by choosing frequencies that were 500 khz and 1 mhz apart. This made it troublesome for those with offset attenuators. K4BRI switched to hunting on the third harmonic to overcome this, but WB4SUV and WA6EZV continued to use the tape measure beams with 500 khz offset attenuators. Participants: W8EH the fox, & Elaine K4BRI & Emily first place, (12.3 miles) WB4SUV & Janie second place, (16.7 miles) WA6EZV third place, (15.4 miles) 11. Your name and callsign --Ernie Howard, W8EH 12. Your contact information (e-mail or postal address) W8EH@arrl.net Note: coordinator for the hunts is --Dick, WB4SUV@arrl.net -- Submitted to Joe Moell KO0V after the hunt Murphy as guest fox I, Bill, WD6ADM (and Mr. Murphy) was the fox for the July foxhunt. The foxes were hidden in North Park, Union Twp. I forgot to take my handheld compass to orient the beam, but since Summerside Road runs north-south past the park I didn't see this as being a problem. That's when Murphy took over. It was a dark and cloudy morning, driving through the park my internal compass apparently flipped 180 degrees and I had the hounds working off the back of the beam. I finally resorted to using the mobile rig to give the hounds a signal. Once at the park the hounds were in pursuit of six low level foxes. Dick WB4SUV and Janie 97 min 18.8 miles Brian K4BRI and Emily 117 min 19.0 miles Ernie W8EH and Elaine 105 min 25.1 miles ` 73, Bill WD6ADM Hamfests &c. September 2002 Sat, Sept 7 Louisville KY Hamfest sponsored by Gr Louisville Hamfest Assn at Bullitt Co Fair-grounds, 20 mi S of Louisville on I-65. Exit 112, go E across the interstate. Hamfest/Computer Show, indoor fleas, outdoor tailgating, commercial vendors, ARRL booth, VE sessions (register 8 AM, exams 9 AM-2 PM, free overnight camping Fri night, free parking, refreshments. Talk-in: 146.7. Advance $6, date $7. Info: Herb Rowe W4WQD, 5612 Hwy 160, Charlestown IN 47111, 812=294-4905, [wd3ixl@juno.com}, www.thepoint.net/~glha Sun, Sept 8 60th Findlay OH Hamfest sponsored by Findlay RC at Hancock Co Fairgrounds, 1017 E Sandusky St; SR 568, 1 mi E of Main St. Talk-in: 147.15. $5 gate. Info: Bill Kelsey N8ET, Bx 587 Findlay OH 45839, 419=423-4604, [kanga@bright.net], www.findlayradioclub.org Sun, Sept 22 Gr Cinti ARA Hamfest at Scarlet Oaks Vocational Campus, 3254 E Kemper Rd, publ;ic 8 AM-4 PM; from I-275 N of Cincinnati, exit OH SR 42 S (exit 46), go S on SR 42 to Kemper Rd W, R on Kemper, 1 mi W to Great Oaks sign, R to hamfest. Fleas, commercial exhibits, dealers, vendors, forums, hidden transmitter hunts, VE sessions, free parking, refreshments. Talk-in: 145.27. $5 advance $6 gate (under 12 free). Info: Jim Weaver K8JE, 5065 Bethany Rd, Mason OH 45040; 513=459-0142; [k8je@arrl.net], CincinnatiAmateurRadio.com Sun, Sept 22 Cleveland OH Hamfest sponsored by Hamfest Assn of Cleveland at Cuyahoga Co Fairgrounds, 164 Eastland Rd, Berea; 1.5 mi W of I-71 & Bagley exit 235, .5 mi S on Eastland Rd. Fleas, Indoor vendors, ARRL forum, VE sessions, card checking, refreshments. Talk-in: 146.73 (110Hz). $5 gate. Info: Hamfest Assn of Cleveland, Bx 81252, Cleveland OH 44181-0252, 800=CLE-FEST, [info@hac.org], www.hac.org VE exam opportunities September 2002 Sat. Sept. 7 at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs, sponsored by CRA. Registration 8:30 AM; walk-ins only! Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556 Mon. Sept. 9 at Turkeyfoot Middle School, 3230 Turkeyfoot Rd, Edgewood KY, sponsored by NKARC. 6-8 PM. Pre-registration encouraged, but walk-ins will be accepted. No photocopying on site; please bring everything you need! This will be a regular monthly exam. Info: 859=472-6690 or 859=356-5460. Sat. Sept.14 at the new Butler Co VHF Communications Centre in the D Russel Lee Vocational School, 3603 Hamilton-Middletown Rd (Rt 4), suburban Hamilton, sponsored by Butler Co VHF Assn. Registration 9 AM. School's talk-in: I-75 to M Fox Hwy (SR 129), follow 129 to Bypass 4 to Rt 4 .2 mi on the right, 1st drive. 4-way stop & a yield, beyond which is new addition with lots of glass; you're there.. Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=868-7012. Talk-in 146.97 Sun. Sept. 22 at GCARA Hamfest, Scarlet Oaks. Registration 9 AM, exams follow immediately. Walk-ins OK but pre-registration preferred. See Hamfests &c. Other opportunities; see Hamfests &c. IN ALL CASES 2 IDs (at least 1 with photo), originals (bring to exam) & photocopies (enclose with preregistration or bring to exam to file with NCVEC Form 605, of license & CSCEs), blue or black pen for answers & form filling are required. Headphones for the CW element and photocopying available at Oh-Ky-In exams but not at most other testing locations (call for info). Pre-registration encouraged where available (see specific exam info for where to send, enclose SASE for confirmation and NCVEC 605). $10 remains the ARRL/VEC exam fee; this should eliminate most needs for correct change for walk-in registrations. After an extensive effort, the Great Lakes Division web page has been relocated and redesigned. The new URL is easy to remember, and you are invited to visit frequently... http://greatlakes.arrl.org Access to Section information is also centralized on our Division web page. Enjoy! 73, Gary KI4LA -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Great Lakes Division Director: Gary Johnston, KI4LA [ki4la@arrl.org] ........ Hamfest: By every conceivable means of measurement, the 5th annual OH-KY-IN Hamfest was a great success. I'm still waiting for the invoice from Diamond Oaks, but all income and expense items are known and the bottom line confirms your success. Yes, you the members, and especially the volunteers, are the reason for the successful results. The members of the hamfest committee, who have served faithfully for the past five (5) years, deserve special recognition. Each has a specific job and each carries his/her share of the load with efficiency and pro- fessionalism. When everyone carries a part of the load, no one has too heavy of a load to carry! Here is the list of committee members. Tell them "thanks for a job well done" the next time you talk to them. Dick WB4SUV Otto AA8KK Harry WA8LOJ Bob WA6EZV Ev KC8JR Sam KJ8K Rick KD4PYR Jo KD4PYS Carol WA8YL Dana WA8M Dennis KB8JVK Gene N8KOJ Eric N8YC Gene NU8U Susie N8CGM Judd N8RVR Bill KI4QJ Bruce N8BV Dale KC8HQS Recognize the names? Yes, the same names are part of just about every OH-KY-IN activity. When might we count you as an active participant of the volunteer brigade? This is not just talk, we really do need your help. Why does a report on the Hamfest turn into a call for more volunteers? Because 2003 will bring two (2) VERY BIG OH-KY-IN events back to back, and we need every OH-KY-IN member to carry a part of the load. If all goes as planned, the Hamfest will occur on Saturday, July 26, then the Region 2 ARDF Cham- pionship event will begin on Wednesday, July 30 through Monday, August 3. Both events are people-intensive and we need your help. Will you sign up at the next meeting to help on either or both events? The OH-KY-IN ARS is counting on you! Now a few more words about the 5th annual Hamfest. Here is a list of additional volunteers who helped make the hamfest a success by volunteering for various jobs on Friday and Saturday. These are in addition to the committee people listed above. Thank you. Pat Frey Bob W8JSO Bob WB8JHT Jim KC8PRY Mike KC8IVR Becky KG4BDO Aubrey Phil KG8AP Rob KC8HMQ The only negative, which was not totally unexpected, was the attendance number. Attendance was down 3% from 2001. However, I believe our attendance decline was less than other hamfests have experienced. So. What committee will list your name as a member?? 73, Lynn WD8JAW ........... Field Day 2002 documented by Gary KI4LA who was still Gt Lks Vice Dir then Thanks! Photos look worlds better in colour ... K8SCH main tower, Club banner in rt foreground N8RVR in trees, WA8YL & WB4SUV logging & operating HF at picnic table WB8JHT between calling "CQ" in trailer ........... Classes The OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will offer ham radio license classes in the Cincinnati area, scheduled to begin on Thursday evening, September 26, 2002, at 7 PM. Classes are now forming for all levels of amateur radio licenses, Technician through Extra, as well as Morse code at 5 words per minute. Classes will be held every Thursday evening (except Thanksgiving Day) for ten weeks at the Salem Presbyterian Church located at the corner of Mozart and Higbee in Western Hills (behind the White Castle Restaurant at Harrison and Boudinot). At the conclusion of the ten week course, participants will be given an FCC license examination on Saturday, Decem-ber 7, 2002, at the same location. Classes are open to persons of any age, and no prior experience is necessary. To register, or for additional information, contact Carol Hugentober WA8YL at 513=661-5323 or Bruce Vanselow N8BV at 513=251-1555. Email inquires to [wa8yl@juno.com]. Or visit the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society on the World Wide Web at www.ohkyin.org. Dial Radio Club begins its fall Technician class Wednesday, August 28 and concludes October 9. General class in-struction will be offered October 23 through December 4. Morse code at 5 wpm runs concurrently with both classes. New place: 109 Johnston Hall on the Miami U Middletown campus. Exams will be October 16 and December 11. Though there is no charge for instruction, students should be prepared to buy a licence training manual & supplies ($20-25) for use in class. .............. ARRL receives homeland security training grant The ARRL will receive an $181,900 homeland security grant from the US government to train Amateur Radio operators in emergency communication. The League was among several dozen nonprofit organisations designated to receive some $10.3 million in federal money to boost homeland defence volunteer programs. The grant, from the Corporation for National and Community Service special volunteer program, will provide free ARRL Amateur Radio Communications Course training to 5200 volunteers nationwide, starting in 2003. "ARRL is the national association for Amateur Radio and is the national leader in emergency communications by volunteers who operate their own equipment on their time at no cost to any government, organisation or corporation," said the July 19 announcement from Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge. The ARRL plans to revise & update the emergency communications curriculum to incorporate additional elements of emergency preparedness & homeland security. ARRL President Jim Haynie W5JBP said he was extremely pleased by the news. "This adds legitimacy to the public service work Amateur Radio has been doing for years," he said. ARRL Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart K1MMH applied for the funding in May, inviting the Corporation for National and Community Service to become "a partner with the Nation's oldest volunteer radio communications organization." "I think this is an extraordinarily exciting day for Amateur Radio that the role of Amateur Radio in homeland security is recognized at the highest levels of government," Hobart said upon learning of the grant. The League's grant application characterised Amateur Radio as "the bedrock of communications when other outlets fail." Citing Amateur Radio's response in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Hobart said the federal grant "will help continue our work in providing public service and to protect lives, homes, businesses and our frequencies, as we have for decades." The League had sought a three-year grant of $541,750. The $181,900 grant covers the first year's direct program costs. The proposed budget includes the cost of a project coordinator who would be responsible for overall fiscal management of the grant. ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner K1ZZ said he was pleased that the League would be able to extend its Amateur Radio Emergency Communications program to thousands of amateurs who might otherwise not be able to afford the program. "We hope all who are interested will get on board," he said. The grant announcement said that "expanding the opportunities for Americans to participate in meaningful volunteer service" is at the heart of President George Bush's USA Freedom Corps, of which the Corporation for National and Community Service is a part. "We are deeply grateful to Tom Ridge and to the Corporation for National and Community Service for providing Amateur Radio with a unique opportunity to serve our country," Hobart said. [ARRL Letter V 21 #28] What's coming in September 2002 Tue Sept 3 7:30 PM Club meeting at W Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Rd. Program: "10 GHz: the Magic Band" with Rich Griffiths W2RG Wed Sept 4 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk on 146.67, NCS Carol WA8YL Fri Sept 6 8:00 PM Amateur Radio Public Svc Corps at Hamilton Co Sheriff's Training Ctr Tue Sept 10 7:30 PM Technical Committee meeting if needed Wed Sept 11 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk on 146.67, NCS Dale KC8HQS Wed Sept 18 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk on 146.67, NCS Dennis KB8ROA Fri Sept 20 8:00 PM Queen City Emergency Net at Red Cross HQ, 820 Sycamore St Wed Sept 25 7:30 PM Slow-scan ATV net on 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk on 146.67, NCS Rick KD4PYR Thu Sept 26 7:00 PM Code & theory classes begin at Salem Presbyterian Church, Mozart & Higbee in Westwood-Cheviot Tue Oct 1 7:30 PM Club meeting at W Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Rd Program: ARRL Night Beasley K6BJH cartoon from WorldRadio Jan 2002 2 hams across the street viewing one's house, with very high peak to roof "That's my house -- they won't let me put up an external antenna, so I modified the roof to accept an attic dipole" News of members and students in recent classes Our sincere condolences to Mike Kappes N4AMH's family and friends. Mike was one of the inside vendors at our Hamfest Olga Keck WD8MZD, family and friends on the loss of Walt W8IIO, who everyone was acquainted with On the mend Edgar Sherman WA8STQ, who was in hospital with pneumonia Welcome to new and returning members John Haungs W8STQ Don Ward KB9VVZ (Technician) Copy deadline for October issue is Friday, September 13 "#EFYZ[./pq;<LM !-.rs     ] ^   W ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8W X * + 9 : ; m n o 6 7 } ~  RS?@]^45|},-tuFGz]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8z{ _`?@VW01ij]^B]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8BCDxyz()OP ABno-.stEF !898 9 } ~ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8 ! !f!g!!!!!!!""Z"["""""##K#L#l#m#####&$'$l$m$$$$A%B%%%%%&&^&_&&&&&5'6']]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]86'w'x'''''(( ((O(P(((((((;)<){)|)))**\*]*****$+%+k+l+q+r+++++++/,0,8,9,w,x,y,,,--&-]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8&-'-k-l-------..b.c.....//=/>/J/K/L/////=0>0000011V1W11111)2*2o2p222223344Y4Z4]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8Z44444.5/5u5v55566H6I6y7z77788:8;8T8U8f8g88888)9*9C9D9Q9R99999994:5:z:{::::::: ;;S;T;]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8T;<<<<'=(=i=j===o>p>z>{>>>>>j?k?????<@=@@@@@AA7A8A~AAAAAAAABBUBVBBBBBCCC^C_CC]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8CCCCDDDYDZDDDDDDD8E9EEEEEEEFF\F]FFFFFGGGGGGFHGHHHHHII9I:IIIIIIIIIIJ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8JJJ?J@JAJJJJJJJJJJKK KPKQKLLLHLILLLLLL M M:M;MHMIMJMMMMMMMNNHNINNNNNNNNNOO]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8O8O9OkOlOOOOO P PRPSPPPPP"Q#QjQkQQQQQ=R>R}R~RRR SS;S_````aaabbcbdbbbbbbbbbc cdceccccc ddOdPddddddd6e]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]86e7e}e~eee ffQfRfvfwfgg8g9ggggg hh(h)hmhnhhhhh1i2iyiziiiiii1j2jkjljjjjjjjkk,k-kKkLk\k]k]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8]kekfkkkkk6l7l~llll`nanbnnnnn3o4opoqoroooooCpDpIpJpppppq qfqgqqqqq6r7rhrirrrrr0s1sjsks]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8kslssssss+t,tltmttttttttuuuu(u)uKuLuSuTu{u|u}uuuuuvv$v%v&v-v.v/vvvwvvvvvww\w]wwwww]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8w1x2xLxMxxxxxxx%y&ykylyyyyy/z0z1zxzyzzz{{C{D{{{||| |N|O|||||S~T~~~~~()kl]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8abʀˀ?@ɂʂBCՄքEF̅ͅ()jk)*c]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8cd܈݈ !TUЉщEFxy./Z[ËċJK[\Όό12vw]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]8 !"<=>?@de֏׏؏]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]#FZ[/q<M !.s   ^  X + !+ : ; n o 7 ~ S@^5}-uG{ `!@W1j^CDyz)P Bo!o.tF!99 ~ !g!!!!"["""#L#m###!#'$m$$$B%%%&_&&&6'x'''((P((((<)|))*]***%+l+r+++!++0,9,x,y,,-'-l----.c.../>/K/L///>0001W111*2p222!234Z444/5v556I6z778;8U8g888*9D9R99995:{:::;T;<<(=!(=j==p>{>>>k???=@@@A8AAAAABVBBBBCC_CCCDDZDDD!DD9EEEEF]FFFGGGGHHHI:IIIIIIJJ@JAJJJJJJK K! 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