The Q-Fiver, newsletter of Oh-Ky-In ARS, Cincinnati OH June 2003, Volume 45 #6 1st of 4 (When I attempted to PDF this issue, it locked the computer up) >From the President Welcome to the June issue of the Q-Fiver. Time sure does fly when you're having fun. This past month was chock full of activities. Probably the most exciting and challenging was the practice ARDF event. My words of wisdom to you are, don't be fooled by the ages of our Chairs, WA6EZV and WB4SUV. These gentlemen can outpace individuals 15 years or more younger... I can personally attest to this. Mr. Frey's and Arnett's powerful presentation at our last monthly meeting highlighted the event and called on our membership for your support. If you haven't contacted them to assist in some capacity, now is the time; it's not too late. To work and experience this event will definitely be something to tell your grandchildren about. I would also like to remind you to contact Lynn Ernst WD8JAW, if you can contribute your time and energies to our upcoming Hamfest. The club has done a fantastic job in prior years, and I know that this year will be no different. Hope you will all be there to make it the best ever. Finally, I wouldd like to thank all of you who worked our booth at the Dayton Hamvention. Definitely a dedicated and tough bunch to endure the classic Dayton weather. My shoes are still soggy! I was also glad to hear that a number of our members won some nice door prizes, including yours truly. The only problem is, my better-half doesn't believe me. She keeps looking through the checkbook. Hi. Hi. Looking forward to seeing all of you at our next meeting. Talk to you soon. 73, Phil KG8AP Next meeting For sure on the June program will be Field Day, and probably some other items as well. The next meeting of the Oh-Ky-In Amateur Radio Society will be held on Tuesday, June 3, 2003 at the Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Road, one block from Glenway Avenue. To get to the meeting, coming from town on Glenway, pass Ferguson Road and turn left onto Sidney between the BP gas station and Sebastian's Greek restaurant, just before the Frisch's. Then turn right at the stoplight into the drive down to the church parking lot. The entrance is at the back of the church building. Plenty of parking is available. 73, Brian K4BRI Minutes of members' meeting, Tuesday, May 6, 2003 Phil KG8AP called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and self-introductions. There were no guests or new licencees present. Brag time: Susie N8CGM told that her Sweet Adelines chorus had won the small chorus division at recent contest. Brian K4BRI then introduced Dick Arnett WB4SUV and Bob Frey WA6EZV, co-chairs of the IARU Region 2 ARDF championship that Oh-Ky-In will host the end of July. They outlined what needs to be done. Carol WA8YL will chair registration and lodging. Things needing done: registration packets the week of July 23, host registra- tion July 30-31 in Oxford. 50-60 contestants are hoped for; queries from Mongolia, Hungary, Russia, Australia, Belgium. Visas are seen as the major hurdle. Brian K4BRI will chair transportation. A hospitality suite may be arranged for at the airport. Bus from Miami to the start, shuttle from start to finish for contestants' stuff. Also transport to and from CVG, selected activities and tours. Jo KD4PYR is in charge of awards. Medals and certificates will need inserted into envelopes. Rick KD4PYR will chair start/finish. This includes monitoring gear impound, moving competitors from impound to staging Aug 1-2. Check-in begins 15 minutes before the start. 10 minutes before start they get the maps and have 5 minutes to alter the maps to suit, then start at 5 minute intervals. Spotters are needed in the finish area (preferably out of sight) and time- keepers. Starting-corridor leads out of sight of impound, no stopping in corridor. 80m contest on Aug 2. Finish-corridor folks with radio to read bib numbers, no shortcuts. Janie Arnett will chair hospitality and activities. Water for competitors, perhaps even watermelon as at Atlanta. Dick WB4SUV and Bob WA6EZV will supervise course monitors. Practise courses on July 31, help set and monitor venue co- trols for Aug 1-2. Cincinnati Orienteering is lending a large canopy. Orange flags will be visible from 10m away in one direction. Monitors should camouflage themselves; clipboard and sheet for time and bib number. There are hopes for backup gear. Course monitors will be trained ahead of time in case they have to reset foxes. Competitor conversation = disqualification. Ignore all queries except medical emergencies; competitors get a whistle each, 3 blasts = help! Hunt frequency will be moni- tored and monitors will carry cell phones. Course will be 6-10 km and take 120-180 minutes to cover. If a contestant doesn't complete the course, he/she will be sought. Transceivers are OK if transmit is disabled and push-to-talk is locked out. Classes by gender, age and expertise: M/F, 19 21 40 50 60, Novice to Expert. Ammunition boxes will be used for transmitters and batteries. Starting positions will be drawn for. Practise on the west campus of Miami U, event July 30-Aug 3, website There will be a substantial amount of fixed cost; donations will be welcome. $250 will cover food and lodging. Received is a request for sponsorship from a 16-year-old Hungarian; private donations should cover this if he gets to come. Coverage in CQ and 73, hope for some in QST. Potential sponsors are requesting 501©(3) paperwork and packets. Dick and Bob have spoken at other clubs and cornered some personal donations. Our insurance doesn't cover athletic events; hope to get a few days' rider and ARRL guidance. Waivers are highly necessary. They're still seeking an OK on one of the venues. Ken N8ASV will stand in for Rick KD4PYR if he has to go to Cleveland that week. ------------ Judd N8RVR will be accepting gear to go to Dayton for sale the evening of the 14th. Jo KD4PYS has split-the-pot tickets for sale. Brian K4BRI announced that 10 took VE exams on Saturday, 8 passed. 10 minute break at 8:40 PM. Business meeting convened at 8:50 PM. Howard WB8QOH moved to accept the minutes of last meeting as printed in the Q-Fiver, Harry WA8LOJ second, motion carried. Treasurer's report by Rick KD4PYR, copies handed round for review: income $1944.22, expense $6213.23, net -$4269.01. The new .67 is responsible for much of this. Silent Keys: Bruce N8BV announced that Walt Keck W8IIO has become SK. Hamfest: Lynn WD8JAW asked for the usual help for set-up. Ham- fest is right before the ARDF event. Flier labelling will be Thursday, June 26 - 19-20 people can do it all in about an hour. Someone is needed to provide talk-in, can do it from home. Lynn threatened to audition for Hamfest MC at the next meeting as Dennis KB8JVK is not available. There are 4 vendors. Bob WA6EZV reported that the next ARDF committee meeting will be the 20th. Brian K4BRI reported for the Technical Committee that it's still fixing remotes and will meet again next Tuesday at .67. The PL as announced has been changed, will be 1 2 3 as on all other local repeaters. Club gear, Harry WA8LOJ: Harry asked to be advised if any club gear sells at Dayton. Brian K4BRI reported that classes turned out well, 80% passing rate at exams. Some of the students already have enough know- ledge to take the next level. He thanked the VEs for their help. Foxhunt: Dick WB4SUV hid in the P&G Center Hill nature pre- serve and parked his truck at P&G. Ernie W8EH was disqualified for doing the same thing (park on private property). Some question as to whether Bob WA6EZV or Brian K4BRI displayed the most blood from the brambles. Ernie will be the next fox this weekend, which is Ntl Foxhunt Weekend. Some of the fox pic- tures taken showed up in last month's CQ. Phil KG8AP reported for the Robotics group that they move along with assembly, software programming, artificial intelligence, mini fast-scan ATV (smaller than a battery). Next meeting at Dana WA8M's. Jim KC8PRY reported that the library has received 10 books from Dick WD8JAV. There are also tapes. Harry WA8LOJ reported that the slow scan ATV net is just that, slow. He suggested reduced time of 7:30-8:30 due to the few check-ins. Bruce N8BV thanked Tech Talk check-ins for bringing queries. Rick KD4PYR was flooded with them the last time he was NCS. Dennis KB8ROA, back on his feet after some health difficulties, reported that the ARPSC meeting is now back at the Com Ctr, and the ARPSC van will be at the Hamvention. Pete KC8BZM thanked Oh-Ky-In on behalf of QCEN for the use of .67 for the Flying Pig Marathon medical net. Their next meeting will be this Friday so as not to collide with Dayton. Dale KC8HQS reported the website temporarily down pending a new computer desk. David Jenkins KB8SUA would have won the $15 attendance incen- tive had he been present. As he was not, the sum will be $20 next month. Dick WB4SUV reported for Field Day that Cub Scouts are booked into Mitchell Memorial until 8 PM the Friday of the event. The crowning event is to be a balloon launch. Set-up help will definitely be needed Saturday morning. It is also possible that the Cubs will be down the road round the corner. Dick had nothing to report for Tall Stacks. Judd N8RVR announced that he'll need help staffing the club spaces at Dayton, see him to sign up. Re Tall Stacks, Pete KC8BZM said a re-creation of the Lewis & Clark trip is due in 2 weeks before Tall Stacks, will spend a week here. Might be a good special event. John KY4JD asked about EchoLink on .925. Rick KD4PYR explained there's an issue with DTMF and it needs a control operator. They'll try to have it up evenings. Bob WA6EZV sent a licence copy in for it tonight. It'll ID as KD4PYR-R. Dick WB4SUV brought up the FCC Notice of Inquiry about using electrical lines for the Internet. Go to the ARRL web site to see this. Opposition is more to the point. Jay K4ZLE is the new 8th District QSL manager. Scouting for Food & Clothing: if you still need a patch or a coupon see Bruce N8BV. Jim KC8PRY won $16 in split-the-pot. Someone moved to adjourn at 9:05 PM, Pete KC8BZM second, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary Copy request for DX Extras came too late. Minutes of ARDF effort went here. Contests June 2003 June 7-8 WW South America CW Contest; QRP Telephone Area Code Contest, CW June 14-16 WV QSO Party; Asia-Pacific SSB Sprint; ARRL June VHF QSO Party; ANARTS WW RTTY/Digital Contest; Portugal Day Contest, SSB June 21-22 Kid's Day Operating Event; All-Asian DX Contest, CW; His Majesty King of Spain Contest, SSB; SMIRK QSO Party June 28-29 ARRL Field Day; QRP ARCI Milliwatt Field Day; Marconi Memorial HF Contest, CW Many good contests, especially CW. I hope to see you at Field Day. For more see QST, CQ, etc. 73, Dan KF4AV 2003 Hamfest - Volunteers needed! Hopefully every OH-KY-IN member has the 2003 HAMFEST DATE burned into their brain. But just in case, the date is SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2003. Be sure your personal calendar has this date marked so every family member knows you will enjoying yourself on July 26 attending the hamfest. If you just absolutely cannot attend due to other commitments, please purchase a ticket, fill out the stub and give to Carol WA8YL; Bruce N8BV; or Lynn WD8JAW. We will make sure your stub gets put into the prize drum making you eligible for one of the major prizes. Our hamfest is the annual funding raising event to provide money to pay for the excellent repeater system and other activities sponsored by OH-KY-IN ARS for your enjoyment. Each MEMBER has a stake in the financial success of our 6th annual hamfest. The first step in making the hamfest a success is your support by attending and supporting our fine vendors. Next step is to supply your talent and active physical help in accomplishing critical tasks prior to and immediately after the hamfest. Help is needed for the following activities: · Applying mailing labels to flyers. Our annual labeling party will take place on THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 7:00PM to no later than 8:30PM, in the basement of the Salem Presbyterian Church. The SPC is located on the corner of Mozart & Higbee in Westwood- Cheviot behind the Boudinot Ave. White Castle (same location used for classes). Soda and bottled water with some munchies will be provided. · Help our early-arrival vendors unload and set up indoor vendor area at Diamond Oaks on Friday evening, July 25, 5:00PM to 7:00PM. · Help vendors who arrive Saturday morning unload so they can get set up before the opening of the hamfest. Help needed 6:00AM to 8:00AM. · Help vendors load up their vehicles after the hamfest and straighten up Diamond Oaks. The services we provide to vendors, before and after the ham- fest, have a tremendous effect on their decision to come back the next year. So your help promotes the current event as well as future events by creating a favorable image of the OH-KY-IN ARS. Help during the hamfest is also needed. · Selling tickets at entrance gate; contact Bruce N8BV · Helping with parking and directing people to flea market spaces; contact Harry WA8LOJ or Ev KC8JR · Selling split the pot tickets. contact Lynn WD8JAW · Handle talk-in; 6:00AM to 11:00AM. 2 or 3 persons can divide up this period. You can be at home and/or attending the hamfest to do this. We have written instructions to provide to person calling for help. Contact Lynn WD8JAW · Serve as Master of Ceremonies 8:00AM to 1:00PM. Person doing this has opportunities to get around to vendors and flea mar- ket. Contact Lynn WD8JAW Finally, we can always use donations of money to buy door prizes and/or items to give as door prizes. Thanks for your time and efforts to help make the 6th annual OH- KY-IN Hamfest a success. Lynn WD8JAW PS: Working at the hamfest is a good start in helping your club. Consider helping Bob WA6EZV and Dick WB4SUV at the Region 11 ARDF event the following weekend. OH-KY-IN ARS stands to receive inter-national recognition, so it is in the best interest of members to do their part in making the ARDF an out-standing event. Some words from Amateur News Weekly Hi gang, Hope all is well with you and yours. Please bear with me, as this is the hardest thing I have ever done. As most of you are aware, my health has not been the best for quite some time. Diabetes can ravage one's body in very short order. Hypertension and mental problems only compound my situ- ation. I now walk with a cane. My family doctor wants me to use a walker, but I hate them. We have one in truck and one in the bedroom. We've purchased a Rascal2. It's a glorified electric wheelchair. I'm trying to figure out a way to mount a 40-meter beam on it. I now stutter, while my short and long-term memory has been affected. My family doctor is monitoring me for possible Alz- heimer's. I've had five eye surgeries, with another eye surgery scheduled for next month. I'm legally blind in my left eye, while every- thing in my right eye is blurred. They tell me that I have a fast (6 months) growing cataract. My energy level is very low. I start my day around 7-9 AM. By noon I have to take a nap. I get up again around 5-6 PM. Then I go back to bed around 11-12 AM. I no longer drive. I turned in my driver's license, for a state ID card. Rilda has to drive me anywhere I need to go. I'm medically retired. I had emergency surgery three weeks ago at KMC. It's my third surgery to remove tumors on my back. Before the surgery, my surgeon talked to Rilda and me. The latest tumor was very close to my spine. She told us the surgery would have one of three outcomes. 1) The surgery would be successful with no problems. 2) I would come out of the surgery as a paraplegic. 3) Death. Talk about a reality check! I'm happy to report that number one was the outcome. I have a two-inch incision next to my spine that is 2 inches deep. Following the surgery, while I was in the recovery room, my surgeon talked to Rilda and informed her that she had a neurosurgeon on standby. That's why there's been such a long gap in ANW. I kept hoping that my health issues would improve. That's not the case. Every- thing is getting worse. Now I've come to a decision. ANW will be no longer. ANW -- AMATEUR NEWS WEEKLY -- is Closed. Amateur Accomplishments: 1) Founder of the West/Central Ohio ARES 2) Founder-Editor-Producer of DAYTON-LINK (with Steve Ford WB8IMY as Voice.) When Steve moved from the area I assumed the Voice. 3) Founder, Editor, Producer & Voice of AMATEURWEEK 4) Founder, Editor, Producer & Voice of AMATEUR NEWS WEEKLY 73, Phil W8RMJ Tally wet! We hid on Edgecliff Road in Covington, next to the 'Garden of Hope'. This spot overlooked I-75 at the cut in the hill. It was a direct shot up I-75 to the starting point at Mt. Storm. The fox and the hounds were really challenged on this hunt. The area was under a storm watch and flood warning. Several inches of rain fell just before and during the hunt. I-75 was closed because of flooding. The road to the fox was washed out in spots. The rain limited the hunt to mobile only. The hunters spent lots of time chasing reflections on the west side of I-75. Signals were so strong on the west side that Bob and Dick swore that the fox was down the hill next to I-75. Dick even went part way down the hill to look. Finally Dick arrived, followed by Bob, then Brian. This hunt proved that we are really crazy enough to hunt in any weather! Here are the results. WB4SUV & Janie 61 minutes 15.6 miles WA6EZV 64 minutes 20.4 miles K4BRI & Emily 86 minutes 22.2 miles 73, Ernie W8EH ==>FCC accepting "Broadband Over Power Line" inquiry The FCC released its Notice of Inquiry (NOI) on the deployment of "Broadband over Power Line" (BPL) technology April 28 and now is accepting electronically filed comments in the proceed- ing, ET Docket 03-104. The technology has raised concerns of substantial interference to the Amateur Radio HF bands. BPL would couple high-frequency RF to parts of the power grid and use existing power lines as the transmission medium to deliver broadband and Internet services. The FCC has expressed unabashed enthusiasm for BPL. ARRL CEO David Sumner K1ZZ says Commission members have been acting more like cheerleaders than regulators. "We were disappointed in the tenor of some commissioners' statements, but we were encouraged by the fact that in the NOI itself the FCC did point out that licensed services--including Amateur Radio--'must be protected from harmful interference' from BPL," he said. In the NOI, the FCC acknowledges the interference risk from BPL. "The multiple-carrier transmission nature of the new high- speed BPL technology could pose increased risk of harmful inter- ference, and thus new BPL devices may need a higher degree of oversight to ensure that authorized users are not subject to interference," the FCC said. The major interference threat to amateurs comes from so-called "access BPL," because its signals can radiate from outside power lines-possibly for great distances. The FCC also concedes that close proximity of access BPL equipment on utility poles might affect--and be affected by--cable TV and DSL service. Current FCC Part 15 rules limit the amount of RF energy that can be injected into the power lines, but, as the FCC concedes, "the new generation of high-speed BPL devices that use wide spectrum was not contemplated" when those rules were formula- ted. The FCC has invited comments on possible changes to those rules. The FCC also seeks information on a possible access BPL stand- ards, spectrum and bandwidth, modulation techniques and data transmission speeds. Additionally, the Commission seeks the status of BPL development and anticipated deployment in the marketplace. ARRL Laboratory Manager and RFI guru Ed Hare W1RFI has caution- ed that BPL deployment could mean "a significant increase in noise levels" on HF. "Right now with BPL/PLC, there are more questions than answers, and until those questions are answered, these systems should not be widely deployed," Hare said. "The time to raise and answer these questions is now. I truly hope that the NOI will provide a means for the FCC to do just that." The ARRL Lab has prepared a comprehensive information page, "Power Line Communications (PLC) and Amateur Radio," on the ARRL Web site ARRL Lab staff members also plan to visit sites where BPL is undergoing field testing. The complete NOI is available on the FCC Web site http:// FCC-03-100A1.doc. The FCC now is accepting electronically filed comments via its Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) ecfs/. Under ECFS Main Links, click on "Submit a Filing." In the "Proceeding" field, enter "03-104" and complete the re- quired fields. Comments may be typed into a form, you may attach a file containing your comments or submit them via e-mail, per instructions on the ECFS page. The comment deadline will be 45 days after publication of the NOI in the Federal Register. The ARRL Letter Vol 22 #18 May 2, 2003 Weaver's words #2 Hello to you ARRL members in the Great Lakes Division. This is another of the periodic messages you can expect to receive from me. I hope to have at least a bit of information of interest to each of you in each message. I want to thank you once again for your continued support of ARRL -- your organization. Vice Director Dick Mondro W8FQT and I also continue to want to hear any complaints, questions and suggestions you may have about ARRL operation. All complaints may not be answered to full satisfaction. All questions may not be answered to full satisfaction. All suggestions may not be adopted. On the other hand, each complaint, question and suggestion will receive full attention and will be passed on for further consideration as appropriate. You can be assured that the Division staff of Vice Director, Section Managers and Assistant Directors will do their best to respond to your needs to our fullest extent, so keep those cards and letters -- and E-mails -- coming. Time limit for ARRL Continuing Education exams Paul Daley WT8S of Cuyahoga Falls OH posed a question about the length of time that must be given candidates who are taking ARRL Continuing Education course exams in the field. Specific- ally, his team wanted to know if they can set a time limit for completing the exams. The answer from Dan Wilson, K3UFG, our Headquarters CE guru, is an unqualified yes. Dan's answer specifically is: "I have no problem with any Certification Examiner team setting time limits -- within reasonable limits -- for examinees. "When publicizing a CE Session for field exams, simply include a sentence stating: "Candidates for Certification Exams should be prepared to com- plete each exam within 45 minutes (or whatever your team feels comfortable with) to allow the volunteer examiner team to return to their normal schedules." "73 and best of luck. Dan K3UFG" It clearly is not the intention of ARRL CE staff to tie volun- teer examiners up for hours on end when giving CE exams. Good question, Paul. New QSL Bureau manager Paul being a hard working QSL sorter for the 8th Region Incom- ing QSL Bureau makes me think to tell you all that we have a new manager for this bureau. After several years of managing the bureau, Ed Gassman N8HTT resigned effective the end of April. I thank Paul for his work on behalf of so many other amateurs in the 8th Region. We are fortunate to have a highly qualified member take over the managerial responsibilities as of May 1. He is Jay Slough K4ZLE of West Chester OH. Jay is an avid DXer, on the DXCC Honor Roll, public service oriented, a great organizer and has great ability to work with people. He has also gone on several DXpeditions in numerous places throughout the world. I thank Jay for accepting appointment as Bureau Manager. Dayton Hamvention (c) There are many fine hamfests throughout the Division. Vice Director Dick Mondro and I, and the SMs, have been to many of these and we will attend many more throughout the year. No- thing, though, can compare with the total massive character of the Dayton Hamvention(c). You might just have found a number of the Division staff members hanging around the ARRL booth throughout much of the Hamvention. You definitely found ARRL President Jim Haynie W5JBP and other officers and Directors around the place part of the time. It's hoped you could look in on the ARRL Forum, Saturday morn- ing at 8:15 AM in room 3. This was a great opportunity to hear what is going on straight from the mouths of President Haynie and Chief Executive Officer Dave Sumner K1ZZ. Find out about the effort to get a unified 40M band, worldwide, a new 5 MHz band, what is going on to protect our frequencies from inter- ference by Broadband Communications on power lines, and many, many more projects being managed by our great HQ staff. And, yes, some unnamed Director will be on the spot at the forum as well. Division Convention The Division convention in Findlay OH on September 6 is moving along very nicely. As mentioned previously, ARRL President Jim Haynie will be our main speaker and chief guest. Convention Chair Gary Johnston KI4LA and his folks have also lined up Jim Bridgewater of the FCC Detroit Field Office and a rousing line- up of programs throughout the day. Last, and maybe least, I will head a forum on activity throughout the Division. I invite all Assistant Directors (including our hot Section Managers) to come and plan to participate in the proceedings along with Vice Director Mondro and myself. The web site for the convention is listed below. Check it out. This is it for now. There are many additional items that could be covered, but I've imposed on your time for long enough. 73, GL, I hope to see you all one of these days, Jim K8JE Jim Weaver K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division [] - Tel. 513=459-0142 ARRL -- The reason Amateur Radio is! Great Lakes Division Convention, September 6, 2003: See FCC seminars and more at Findlay! on a number of topics, including FCC conducted by Detroit Field Dir James Bridgewater; Amateur Radio Direction Finding conduct- ed by Bob Frey WA6EZV and Dick Arnett WB4SUV (fresh from the Region 2 IARU Championships that Oh-Ky-In is hosting the end of July-first of August); High Speed Multi Media (HSMM) by John Champa K8OCI and Randy Beard KC8MSB; Ham Radio Clubs conference organised by Sandra Mondro KG8HM; PSK-31 by Rick Swaim KK9O and APRS by Alan Cook N7CEU. Special meeting of OOs and FCC also scheduled. Final seminar will be Director Weaver meeting with all Asst Directors in the Division. VE exam opportunities June 2003 Sat.June 7 at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs, sponsored by CRA. Registration 8:30 AM; walk-ins only! Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556 Sat. June 7 at N Ky ARC Ham-o-Rama, Summit View Middle School, 5002 Madison Pk, Independence KY. 8:30 AM. Info: 859=472-6690 or 859=356-5460 Sat.June 14 at the Butler Co VHF Communications Centre in the D Russel Lee Vocational School, 3603 Hamilton-Middletown Rd (Rt 4), suburban Hamilton OH, sponsored by Butler Co VHF Assn. Registration 8:30 AM. School's talk-in: I-75 to M Fox Hwy (SR 129), follow 129 to Bypass 4 to Rt 4 .2 mi on the right, 1st drive. 4-way stop & a yield, beyond which is new addition with lots of glass; you're there.. Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=868- 7012. Talk-in 146.97 Sat. June 21 at Milford ARC Hamfest, Live Oaks CDC, 5956 Buckwheat Rd, Milford OH. 9 AM. Walk-ins welcome; be sure to bring ID. Info: Ed Lowe N8FAJ, [], 513=248-9565 Other opportunities; see Hamfests &c. IN ALL CASES 2 IDs (at least 1 with photo), originals (bring to exam) & photocopies (enclose with preregistration or bring to exam to file with NCVEC Form 605, of license & CSCEs), blue or black pen for answers & form filling are required. Current VEC fee is $12, exact change appreciated. Hamfests &c. June 2003 7 N KY ARC Ham-o-Rama at Summit View Middle School, 5002 Madison Pk, Independence KY.; I-275 to exit 80, KY 17, S ~5 miles. 7 AM - 2 PM. VE exams 8:30 AM, ARRL Forum 10 AM, fox hunt 11 AM. Food & drinks available. $5 gate, under 13 free. Outside flea market $2 per space (requires admission ticket). Talk-in: 147.255+, K4CO. Info: Rob Blocher N8JMV, [], 513=797-7252 15 Crown Point IN Hamfest sponsored by Lake Co ARC at Lake Co Fairgrounds Industrial Arts Bldg. US 231 off I-65, W into Crown Point, L onto S Court St, S to Fairgrounds at 889 S Court. Hamfest/Computer Show, commercial vendors, indoor fleas, VE exams (walk-ins), refreshments. $5 gate. Talk-in: 147.0, 146.52. Info: Rich Gilles KA9SVS, [],, 219=662-0594 21 13th Annual Milford ARC Hamfest at Live Oaks CDC, 5956 Buckwheat Rd, Milford OH; I-275 to exit 57, E on SR 28 2 mi to Buckwheat Rd, R, follow to school. VE exams 9 AM, walk-ins welcome, bring ID; fox hunt register at 10 AM, see Donna KC8KIA on arrival. Commercial vendors, hourly door prizes plus grand prize drawing at end of Hamfest. $5 gate, under 12 free. Talk-in: 147.345+. Info: Ed Lowe N8FAJ, [], 513= 248-9565 What's coming in June 2 7:30 PM Club meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Program: Field Day, & ? 3 7:30 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk, 146.67, NCS Carol WA8YL 6 8:00 PM Amateur Radio Public Svc Corps, now back at Com Ctr in Sheriff's Compound, Hamilton Av & I- 275; talk-in 145.37 7 7 AM-2 PM N Ky ARC Ham-o-Rama, see Hamfests 10 7:30 PM Technical Committee, 146.67 most likely 11 7:30 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk, 146.67, NCS Dale KC8HQS 14 10 AM Monthly fox hunt; talk-in to start at Mt Storm Park 146.67 16 7:30 PM Robotics Group, location TBA 18 7:30 PM Slow Scan ATV Net, 146.67 9:00 PM Tech Talk, 146.67, NCS Dennis KB8ROA 20 8:00 PM Queen City Emergency Net, Red Cross HQ, 820 Sycamore St 21 8 AM-2 PM Milford ARC Hamfest, see Hamfests 24 7:30 PM Board Meeting at Carol WA8YL's 26 7 PM Hamfest flier prep at Salem Presbyterian Church, Mozart & Higbee 27 evening Field Day set-up begins at Mitchell Mem Forest if Cub Scouts are enough distant 28 2 PM- ARRL Field Day at Mitchell Memorial Forest 29 2 PM 1 7:30 PM Club meeting at W HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Program: TBA News of members and students in recent classes Welcome to new members Don Jeffries N8KYX John Phelps KC8VQU Stephen Shearer KC8VQS 2748 Leota Ln 8236 Haskell Dr 6144 Cedar St Cincinnati OH 45251 Cincinnati OH 45239 Cincinnati OH 45216 513=674-1213 Gen 513=521-2598 Techn 513=242-1547 Techn For $ale Cushcraft R7 vertical antenna. 73, Dick Bergheger WD8JAV, 513=385-3186 Copy deadline for July issue is Friday, June 13