The Q-Fiver, August 2004, Vol 46 #8 *From the President* Nothing this time. He was too engrossed in reminding members to show up to help hamfest vendors move into the school to write even a short column. * * *Next meeting* The next meeting of the Oh-Ky-In Amateur Radio Society will be held Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at the WESTERN HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST. 5064 Sidney Av. Our program will be on ARDF, given by our own Dick Arnett WB4SUV and Bob Frey WA6EZV. Topics to be covered will be the 2003 IARU Region 2 championships, the 2004 USA championship, and past and upcoming World Championship events. To reach the meeting, coming west on Glenway Av. from town, pass Ferguson Rd and turn left into Sidney between the BP gas station and Sebastian’s Greek restaurant just before the Frisch’s. Then turn right at the stoplight at Covedale into the drive down to the church parking lot. The entrance is at the back of the building. Plenty of parking is available. 73, Brian K4BRI * * *Minutes of members’ meeting, **Tuesday, July 6, 2004*** Phil KG8AP called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and self-introductions. There were about 30 present. Bob WA6EZV and Brian K4BRI discussed different types of computer logging. Bob went over Log-it, a DX base program that fits inside 87 MB. It will export and import files, store multiple databases and costs $75 new. Brian explained Logger which is available free on the Internet, runs to 10 MB. It has PSK-31 built in, runs under Windows XP but needs 4 com ports to make it all work. Program ended at 8:12 PM. Split the pot and Hamfest tickets are available. A collection jar for the /Newsline/ support fund is sitting out. Break ended at 8:25 PM. Phil KG8AP thanked Carol WA8YL for hospitality duties. George N8FFV moved to accept the minutes as printed in the /Q-Fiver/, Tony AB8LV second, motion carried. A summer clearance sale is under way for new memberships, Ken N8ASV reported. We now have 152 members. Silent Key: Bruce N8BV had nothing new to report. Gear from the Wallace KC8VIX estate is still available. Brian K4BRI reported for the Technical Committee that they will next meet at .67 to cut the hum on remote voting (Dick WD4SUV wisecracked that they’ll teach it the words). The north remote is ready to go in. .925 is en route back from Yaesu, should be here this week. Meeting will be at 7 PM instead of 7:30 to better use available light. The gate now works. Equipment report, Harry WA8LOJ: The TS-130 wouldn’t load for KJ8K and the manual didn’t come back either. The finals appear to be trashed. The Hamfest needs help Friday evening 4-7 PM helping vendors move in, also Saturday afternoon for teardown. Ev KC8JR thanked the labeling committee for doing 4200 fliers. There will be a Hamfest meeting Thursday, July 15 at Carol WA8YL’s. Classes will run Sept 23-Dec 2 at Salem Presbyterian Church. Teachers are being sought; see Ev KC8JR, the new Education Chair. Dean Black N8FDB will co-chair. Dick WB4SUB reported for fox and ARDF that Ernie W8EH was the last fox. Brian K4BRI and Emily K8MLE found him first. Boundaries were extended again and may be done away with as long as the hounds can hear. Brian will be the next fox on the third Saturday, and will run a practice ARDF at the Gar Hill ramp at Brookville Lake on Sunday. A three-transmitter short course is forecast, call on .67 for directions. Dick WB4SUV, Bob WA6EZV and Matt Robbins went to the CA hunt at Gorman in the middle of the Mojave Desert (hotel, 2 gas stations and a food mart, drive 34 mi for AA batteries). Dick won a gold on 2m and bronze on 80, Bob a bronze on 2 and silver on 80. 23 different people commended Oh-Ky-In on the event here last summer. There were also lots of green and yellow shirts in evidence. The CA crew didn’t have as much support. Next meeting program will be ARDF in general. Field Day: Nathan KA3MTT said the event went very well (10% coordination and 90% work). They were out of the park by 3:15, had good weather & a visiting young raccoon. The club scored over 6000 points. Nathan will send the report this week. Bob WA6EZV commented on the 400 CW contacts. DXpedition: Eric N8YC reported that they are actively pursuing Santa Rosa Beach, near Ft Walton Beach south of Pensacola Naval Air Station. Another possibility is Okalusa Island in Gulf Shores Ntl Seashore, and Ft Pickens. He’d like the Fort grounds and is working on dates of the last week in Oct. 4 are going for sure, he’d like 6. He’s looking for an island call. Date of club picnic will be announced at the next meeting. Librarian Jim KC8PRY announced 5 new books and some more magazines. Tech Talk: Bruce N8BV said Carol WA8YL will be NCS tomorrow as usual. Pete KC8BZM reported for both WARN and QCEN. WARN runs when there is threatening weather, go to .88 to see if spotters are needed. QCEN is doing the MS 150, Lebanon to Oxford over 2 days, has it pretty well covered for communicators. If you want to work it talk to him or N8TFD quickly. Webmeister Dale KC8HQS said Field Day pictures and the membership application are on the website. Old business: Results of Sweeps last Nov were recently published. Oh-Ky-In was #1 (and only) multi-op phone in KY. WA6EZV will get the wallpaper. There was no new business, Attendance: Dave Haller N8PDC would have won $10 had he been present. As he was not, the amount will be $15 next month. Carol WA8YL won the split-the-pot. Bruce N8BV said he’d send the /Newsline/ support collection to Bill Pasternak WA6ITF’s home address, along with a /Q-Fiver/. Dick WB4SUV moved to adjourn at 8:55 PM, George N8FFV second, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary *1/2 Price $ale!* This year is half over. Why pay full price for an annual club membership if you only have half a year left? The friendly folks at OH-KY-IN agree. So, any NEW MEMBERS who join OH-KY-IN between 7/1/04 and 9/30/04 pay only $10 and get full membership privileges for the rest of 2004. Share the news with your friends who have never gotten around to actually joining OH-KY-IN, but already know about the club's great repeaters and other activities. Membership applications are available at/ Thanks for helping to spread the good news. Ken, N8ASV Membership Chairman I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came out and helped and/or participated in any way with our *2004 Field Day* operation. There are too many to try to list, but I want everyone to know how much it was appreciated. I think it continued our string of great successes for Field Day weekends in the past, and it all comes down to the members of this great club. Thanks again, and it's time for everyone to try to get some rest! 73, Nathan KA3MTT *Tally reschedule* The July foxhunt was held on the third Saturday of July, to accommodate the Indianapolis hamfest. I was the fox, and my chosen hiding place was directly underneath the I-275 bridge at the Ohio river -- wonderful place but it turns out a complete hole for RF --none of the hounds could hear my 50 watts!! So, I quickly relocated up the hill to Tower Park in Ft. Thomas, a nice high spot. Something went wrong with my automated voice recording system, so I had to call the foxhunt manually - I apologize to the hunters who had to listen to me drivel on just to make sure they had enough signal. The three hounds hunting me left the park together, traveled to northern Kentucky together, pulled into the park together and all found me at exactly the same time - a three-way tie. Just a reminder - we hold hunts every month of the year, on the second Saturday, and we have reverted back to mobile hunts only -- much easier for a beginner or for someone who does not want to go 'running through the woods'. Please come out and try a hunt – you will like it! WA6EZV 18.6 miles 26 minutes WB4SUV and Janie 18.6 miles 26 minutes W8EH 18.9 miles 26 minutes (Ernie's odometer always reads higher) 73, Brian, K4BRI *DX Extras August 2004* Congratulations to everyone who participated in a great Field Day operation. Propagation was surprisingly good for the weekend and our QSO totals reflects it. Thanks to everyone who took the time to come out and participate. Even with the current solar cycle on the decline there has been moderate solar activity producing better than expected propagation. So keep listening on the bands. You never know when you will hear an unexpected DX station. Near Future Operations: Vanuatu, YJ0II(??) - Franz, RN3OA will be active Aug 6-15. Seychelles, S79OA: Aug. 16-31 Miquelon on CW and 30 meters - Look for Peter as FP/NN9K from Sept 10 to 18. From the latest ARLD028 DX news Bulletin: 9Q, Congo - 9Q1KS has been QRV on 15M SSB arround 1600Z. Juan Fernandez, CE0E - Look for CE0ZIS to be QRV on 12 and 10M arround 2030 and 2100z. on PSK31 - 5W, Samoa - Cjeck 20M between 0400 and 1200Z. on RTTY - XU, Cambodia - Check for XU7ABN on 20 and 15 meters from 1830 to 2230Z. Far Future: Miquelon - FP: October 23 to Nov.2 More info at select PF/VE7SK link Peter 1 island:- Scheduled for Late January 2005. More info at Special Event Station: Look for OK5FOX between Sept 7th and 11th. THis is the special event station for the World ARDF competition in the Czech Republic. You might even hear a local at the Mic. Good DX till next month., Bob WA6EZV *Contests August 2004* 7-8 ARRL UHF Contest , 1800Z Aug 7-1800Z Aug 8 (see Jul /QST/ , p 107.) NA QSO Party, CW SARL HF DX Contest, SSB Ten-Ten International Summer Phone QSO Party European HF Championship , CW & SSB TARA "Grid Dip" Contest, PSK & RTTY National Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend, all modes 14-15 50th Anniversary Worked All Europe DX Contest, CW MD-DC QSO Party , CW & Phone 21-23 ARRL 10 GHz Cumulative Contest NA QSO Party, SSB SARTG WW RTTY Contest Keymen's Club of Japan Contest, CW NJ QSO Party, CW & Phone SEANET Contest, CW, SSB, & Digital Summer VHF/UHF QSO Party 28-29 OH QSO Party, CW & SSB TOEC WW Grid Contest, CW HI QSO Party , all mode YO-DX Contest, CW & SSB SARL HF DX Contest , CW SCC RTTY Championship Good luck! -For more information see /QST/, /CQ/, or / 73, Dan KF4AV In a message dated 7/13/2004 9:55:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Not sure this came through the first time. But here are Dale Hunt’s comments. Bob et. al., *Various and sundry comments on the topic of hosting a World ARDF Championships, in no apparent order...* 1) In Hungary they said they had about 50 people working on the Championships. (The Chinese had about 25 subcommittee chairmen, but that is the Chinese style.) You can ask PA from Sweden or Panayot LZ1US (2006 World Championships) for advice on staffing. 2) I am concerned about running the international crowd through poison ivy since language differences may make it difficult to communicate proper clean-up procedure. Yes, I know you don't catch it the first time you are exposed, but the oils could stay on equipment or clothing and continue to re-expose them over time. 3) The standard fee has been in the $200 to $300 range, which usually doesn't meet the actual cost of accomodation/meals/transportation and suitable festivities, etc. This may require one or more additional commercial sponsors, on a scale that we haven't yet reached for our events. And the investment and up-front money for reservations may be considerable. 4) Expect 400 to 600 participants, hangers-on and groupies. Make sure the facilities can handle those numbers. 5) China held the event in October because the weather was better, and I think the end of August probably is fine. You may want to avoid having everyone fly home on Labor Day weekend. 6) Timing: although there is no specific procedure, I suspect that the choice of a venue should be made at least 4 years in advance, with proposals forwarded closer to 5 years ahead. Actually what we would do is to have Rainer, Mr. Arisaki and myself agree on which Region would host each year's event, then that be responsible for choosing a host country, etc. At one point the Chinese mentioned they may want to do it again in 2008, in which case I'd suggest that we wait until at least 2012 to host it. (Since the bulk of the competitors still come from Europe, it seems reasonable to me to have at least every other event there to minimize overall travel costs.) Otherwise, since we are still 6 years out, I think we could ask that the 2010 decision be held up for a few months while we sorted out whether we could put together a bid. 7) This year we will try the new approach of running two different bands on the same course at the same time. Basically the M/D/18/21 will hunt 2m while the rest hunt 80m. This means you will need to set two distinct courses on one map, using the same start and finish. (Well, not exactly required, but probably the only way we can do it with the resources we have available.) I don't think any of the start/finish areas we used last year would handle the number of people/tents/porta-potties/etc. required. 8) With the two-course approach, there will be more jurors needed - at least 12. You will be expected to accomodate them for free in exchange for their time. *W8QID to head local BPL/LIC subcommittee* ** A special team of Cincinnati amateur radio operators will organize a Broadband Over Power Lines (BPL) team to investigate the effect of a local power utility, Cinergy Corporation, offering such broadband Internet service to two local neighborhoods. Ohio Section Manager Joe Phillips, K8QOE, made the announcement and also named Kirk Swallow, W8QID, of Colerain Township, to be team leader of what will be known as the BPL/LIC subcommittee. On March 2, Cinergy Corporation announced locally in “The Cincinnati Enquirer” and nationally in the “Wall Street Journal,” that it would provide BPL to the Hyde Park and Mount Lookout neighborhoods. The objections of amateur radio operators to BPL technology is long standing. “Kirk has been operations manager for several electronics cellular and satellite firms,” said SM Phillips in making the announcement, “his experience with directing professional engineers makes him well qualified to handle this assignment.” The Greater Cincinnati Local Interference Committee (LIC) has a long successful record in working with VHF and UHF repeater interference problems. This BPL problem, however, represents new and special challenges in interfering with the spectrum. “Thus we are calling this team a BPL subcommittee of the LIC or a BPL/LIC.” said Phillips. Mr. Swallow, a life long resident of Cincinnati area, has been a ham for 50 years. He is a past president of Queen City Emergency Net and participates in DX activities to the extent that he was recently named to the National ARRL DX Advisory Committee, SM Phillips said the new BPL/LIC team will: (A) In corporation with the Section Manager and Division Director, serve as a repository for the numerous suggestions, comments and other messages from the ham radio community about BPL. ARRL leadership daily receives questions and suggestions from ham radio operators. These requests need a standard clearing house. *Hamfests &c. August 2004* Aug 7 *HAM “OH” RAMA* sponsored by Voice of Aladdin ARC at Aladdin Shrine Complex, 3850 Stelzer Rd; I-270 to Easton exit, proceed W to first light, R onto Stelzer Rd. Complex is located on right. Code by Toe Contest, VE sessions. Talk-in: 147.24. Adm: advance $4, gate $5. Info: James Morton KB8KPJ, 614=846-7790, [], / Aug 15 *Lafayette IN Hamfest* sponsored by Tippecanoe Co ARA at Tippecanoe Co Fairgrounds, 1401 Teal Rd (SR 25). Between Indpls & Chicago, W of I-65, follow SR 26 or SR 38 to US 52, turn S on US 52, then W on Teal Rd (SR 25). Fairgrounds are on R (N) side of rd. Indoor/outdoor vendors, VE sessions. Talk-in 147.135 (88.5 Hz). $4. Info David Dull WB9BRX, 765=743-8305, [], / Aug 15 *Lexington KY Hamfest* sponsored by Bluegrass ARS at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1604 Versailles Rd, public 8 AM-4 PM. From I-75/I-64 exit 115 follow KY 922 to KY 4 (New Circle Rd), KY 4 W ~5 mi to exit 5A (Veresailles Rd). exit ramp 5A to Lexington & proceed toward downtown ~2 m following hamfest signs on Versailles Rd. Turn R into K of C drive. Indoor & outdoor fleas, commercial vendors, tailgating ($5 per vehicle + adm). Forums: ARRL, technical, ATV, ARES, KY, Ernie Farmer Memorial Award Presentation, VE sessions (Fernie Williams KE4MAI by Aug 3; 859=245-2140 eves; []. Handicapped accessible, free parking, free overnight self-contained camping, refreshments. Talk-in: 146.76. 444.125 (88.5 Hz). $5 advance, $6 gate. Info: Jeanie Dalton-Pugh KB8QLC, 859=245-7703 eves, [] or []; / Aug 15 *Warren OH Hamfest* sponsored by Warren ARA at Kent State U Trumbull Campus (Workforce Development Bldg) at the intersection of Rtes 5 & 82 Bypass & Rt 45. Storm Chasers, American Red Crpss, VE sessions. Talk-in 146.97. $5. Info: Renee McCaman KB8SVF, 330=847-8478,[], / Aug 28 *Friendship OH Hamfest* near Portsmouth. Info: Kim Lozier N8ZW, 740=456-1616, [] * * * * *VE exam opportunities August 2004* Sat Aug 7 at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs, spopnsorede by CRA. Registration 8:30 AM; walk-ins only! Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556 Mon Aug 9 at Turkeyfoot Middle School, 3230 Turlkeyfoot Rd, Edgewood KY, sponsored by NKARC. 6-8 PM. Pre-registration encouraged, but walk-ins accepted. No photocopying on site; please bring everything you need! Info: 859=472-6690 or 859=356-5460 Sat Aug 14 at Butler Co VHF Communications Ctr in D Russel Lee Vocational School, 3603 Hamilton-Middletown Rd (Rt 4), subsurban Hamilton, sponsored by Butler Co VHF Assn. To reach school, take I-75 to SR 129, follow 129 to Bypass 4 to Rt 4 .2 mi on right, 1^st drive. 4-wqay stop & a yield, beyond which is newish building with lots of glass, your goaql. Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=868-7012. Talk-in 146.97 Pre0registration encouraged where available (ask info source where to send, enclose SASE for confirma-tion & NCVEC 605) $12 is present ARRL/VEC exam fee, exact currency appreciated. *What’s coming in August* * * 28 Wed 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Brian K4BRI 3 Tue 7:30 PM Club meeting at WESTERN HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd Program: ARDF by Dick Arnett WB4SUV and Bob Frey WA6EZ 4 Wed 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Carol WA8YL 5 Thu 7:30 PM Hamfest wrap-up meeting? at Carol WA8YL’s 6 Fri 8 PM Hamilton Co Amateur Radio Publ Svc Corps at Hamilton Co Communications Ofc Conference Rm, 2377 Civic Ctr Dr; park in Bd of Education lot, N side of Civic Ctr Dr 10 Tue 7 PM Technical Committee meets, location to be determined 11 Wed 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dale KC8HQS 14 Sat 10 AM Monthly fox hunt, hounds start from Mt Storm Park, talk-in to start 146.67 16 Mon 7:30 PM Robotics Group at Brian K4BRI’s 17 Tue 7:30 PM DXers, location to be determined 18 Wed 9:00 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dennis KB8ROA 24 Tue 7:30 PM Board of Directors meeting at Carol WA8YL’s 25 Wed 9:00 PM Tech Talk, NCS Brian K4BRI 1 Wed 9:00 PM Tech Talk, NCS Carol WA8YL 6 Mon LABOUR DAY 7 Tue 7:30 PM Club meeting at WESTERN HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5064 Sidney Rd *News of members and students in recent classes* * * *Welcome new members* Robert Burns AB4BK Ann Burns KI4DRG *For $ale* 40 foot fold over tower, Cushcraft R7 vertical antenna. Richard Bergheger WD8JAV 513=385-3186 *Queen City, Columbus sweep the gold in Sweet Adelines Harmony Classic* Queen City, Susie Scott N8CGM’s chorus, scored 1206 points to win the small chorus division in the recent Harmony Classic at Furman Univ, Greenville SC This qualifies Lynn Hartmuth, Queen City’s director, to become a Master Director. The contest was for the 5 each top small (up to 40 members) and mid-size (up to 70 members) choruses in the organization. Columbus chorus scored 1235, the only chorus to outscore Queen City in either division. The Harmony Classic, an international-level contest, is part of the Sweet Adeljnes’ annual International Educational Seminar. Choruses performed two songs for points and two additional songs in a show package.Top hats, canes and sequined gloves were featured in Queen City’s performance. Copy deadline for September issue is Friday, August 20