The Q-Fiver, newsletter of Oh-Ky-In ARS, Cincinnati OH March 2005 Volume 47 Number 3 From the President* Thanks to all the members who came out to the last meeting, as well as to the visit to the ARTIMIS site. There have been some great programs and learning opportunities here lately for the club, and it is always nice to see the members participate. We are working to be able to provice the Q-Fiver to you electronically, either via email attachment or to a web site posting. If you can utilize one of those methods, please let us know! Any time we can save the club expenses of printing and postage, it is a good thing. There will be signup sheets at each club meeting, or you can contact me and I will make sure you get it however you would like. More important items are also coming up soon, so I urge you to attend meetings and support your club in any way you can. I hope to see you all at the club's annual Awards dinner, coming up on the 29th. Thank you!!! 73, Brian K4BRI *Next meeting* The next club meeting of the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will feature Clyde Haehnle to talk about the History of 700 WLW. That club meeting will take place *TUESDAY MARCH 1, 2005* at the WESTERN HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, located at 5064 Sidney Rd. To get to the meeting from downtown Cincinnati, go North West on Glenway Ave. to Sidney Road (at the Frisch's Restuarant). Turn left on Sidney and turn right into the parking lot at the next light. Please enter the building through the rear door. 73, Dale KC8HQS *Minutes of members' meeting, Tuesday, February 1, 2005* Brian K4BRI called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and self introductions. Guests were Ron Riley KG4HMO, Larry Allison WA9EVX and Conrad Doucette W1QDV. Rick KD4PYR had the Special Service Club certificate for brag. Dale KC8HQS then introduced Bill Strangfeld W8FIX from the Gray History of Wireless Museum. The museum started as Jack Gray W8JDV's personal collection, converted to a non-profit corporation to keep the items together. There are a lot of broadcast receivers and ham gear; most of it is still at Ch 48. Radio Free Munich gave their gear to the Gray Museum via the Smithsonian; a third of it is now at VOA. Purposes of the museum are to keep and display the gear, entertain kids who otherwise wouldn't get to see it, appeal to veterans, transfer knowledge and provide enjoyment. The former VOA building is 5000 sq ft with one old Collins transmitter in it. It is rented for $1 a year from West Chester Township. It's hoped the Gray Museum items can be moved this summer – there is a Save America's Treasures grant of $1.2 million the West Chester ARA is hoping for. Media Heritage Showcase (WVXU) will be there, the 8^th district QSL bureau is already there. Money and volunteers are needed, there's room for many, they don't have to be hams. There will be a open house Dayton weekend and every Saturday this summer. Bill showed off a spark gap transmitter from the museum and said gear lasts longer if powered up. Dale KC8HQS commented that WLW will be next month's program, the day before its 83d or 84^th birthday. Program ended at 8:12 PM. Business meeting began at 8:39 PM. Dick WB4SUV moved to accept the minutes as printed in the /Q-Fiver/, Bob WA6EZV second, motion carried. Ken N8ASV is not present to accept memberships, Carol WA8YL will do so instead. There are presentlty 101 members, dues are due by the end of March. Rick KD4PYR distributed copies of the treasurer's report. The club is actually in the black at the moment, by $106.16. $25 was given to for our reflectors and website. The last 2 years of actual data indicate that unless things change, we'll lose $2000/yr. Brian thanked Emily K4MLE and Dale KC8HQS for doing hospitality. Bruce N8BV had no silent keys to report. Brian reported that the technical committee will meet next Tuesday at 7 PM. Consulting engineers will be on hand to help handle the issues, tuning among others. Main receive is not what it should be either. Gear labelling will take place. Talk-in will be available if needed.The south remote should be on before then. There was a good work party at south last month for feedline and connectors. .625 is back on the air, will be replaced with Vertex when they can. .925 is working at north. Both remotes are now off, the power amp is gone at north. John KY4JD who has spares is in FL. Main will be fixed first. It is hoped to have classes by the end of February. There is a tentative OK to use this place, but all Oks are wanted to be definite. Bruce N8BV needs more time for PR, which means sometime in March. Carol WA8YL commented that classes will be now handicapped accessible. Dick WB4SUV hid near a vocational school in N Ky for the last fox hunt. Brian K4BRI won, and will bhe the fox a week from Saturday. DXpedition: Eric N8YC has lined up Ft Pickens in FL, which was cancelled by last year's hurricanes. Now he needs people. Please let him know when you can go – then they need to discuss specifics. It looks like tents, as lodging is 20 mi away. At the moment there are 4 who want to go, 6-8 would be better. It's too early to meet before consensus on when. Harry WA8LOJ had nothing new to report for club gear. Robotics meeting would have been the 21^st but that's the VOA tour. Let Brian know about another day to meet. Jim KC8PRY reported that the library has been open and is now half empty (magazines). Bruce N8BV urged members to check in to Tech Talk. Carol WA8YL will be NCS tomorrow. Pete KC8BZM reported for WARN that weather observer training will be April 1 at the Blue Ash Red Cross. Hams can go to any training course. QCEN will meet on the 18^th at Red Cross HQ, program will be publicity for events. QCEN meetings now start at 7:30 PM with the speaker first. ARPSC will meet Friday, the emphasis now is to coordinate with all the clubs for a core of trained folk. Dale KC8HQS had nothing new to report about the website except that the hit count is up. Hamfest steering committee will meet Feb. 10 at Carol WA8YL's. Phil KG8AP commented that we seem to generate $1000 each year. The awards committee will consist of WA8YL, K4BRI, KD4PYR and KD4PYS. They will meet Feb. 15. Committee chairs send a list of your members to one of them for the meeting. They still need a date for the event. Brian K4BRI said the ARTIMIS tour was good, interesting to see what all they have. Private tours can be arranged on request. New business: The /Q-Fiver /in its present form is too expensive. March will be the last hard copy everyone will get; after that it will be e-mailed or made available on the web. The only copies to be USPSed will be the ones that must be sent that way. There will be a sign-up sheet. If you have e-mail, you are highly encouraged to get it that way. Notice of issue readiness will have an electronic link to the website or wherever it will be. Attendance award: Would have gone to N8XHM Steve Whitson, who was not present. $20 next time. Rick KD4PYR won $32 in split-the-pot. Meeting adjourned by acclamation at 9:13 PM. Respectfully submitted, Susie Scott N8CGM, Recording Secretary *Amateur Radio Club Offers "Ham Radio" Classes* The OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society will offer ham radio license classes in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, scheduled to begin on Thursday evening, March 17, 2005, at 7PM The classes will be held at the Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Road, at the corner of Sidney and Covedale in Western Hills. At the conclusion of the ten week course, participants will be given an FCC license examination on Saturday, May 28, 2005, at the same location. Classes are open to persons of any age, and no prior experience is necessary. To register, or for additional information, contact Carol Hugentober WA8YL at 513=661-5323. Email inquires to []. Or visit the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society on the World Wide Web at: / *Awards Dinner* Oh-Ky-In's annual Awards Dinner will be held at Sorrento's Restaurant, 8794 Reading Road in Reading, on Tuesday, March 29, 2005. Drinks will be available at 7 PM with dinner at 7:30. Price is $20 for your choice of meal: Spaghetti and meatballs with salad Lasagna with salad Filet mignon, baked potato with salad Roast beef, baked potato with salad Roast turkey, baked potato with salad Coffee, tea or soft drink included Certificates and plaques will be awarded after dinner, and the 2004 HAM OF THE YEAR will be announced. You don't want to miss this! Please make your reservations with Carol WA8YL, 513=661-5323 or [ ] by Tuesday, March 22. *Joanne Solak KJ3O returns as Ohio ACC* Joanne Solak, KJ3O, of Mantua (Portage County) will return as Affiliated Clubs Coordinator for the Ohio Section effective immediately. It is a section cabinet position she took over in 1986 (until she resigned in 2000) and had designed during her 14 years on the job. In that time, Joanne earned the respect of all Ohio ham radio clubs. And the respect of ARRL Headquarters where she is regarded as the Gold Standard of ACCs across the United States. For this work, she received (in 2002) Ohio's highest and most prestigious award - The Alan Severson, AB8P, Memorial Award, Ohio Section Manager Joe Phillips, K8QOE, has reappointed Joanne. Mark Reising, WM8R, who held the post for seven months, resigned in January for family reasons and the SM began a process for finding a replacement. "Ten Ohio hams had applied, when I was informed Joanne would consider accepting the ACC appointment," said Mr. Philips, " I immediately suspended the search process because when Joanne became available. All ten candidates were immediately informed of the decision to suspend the search and they agreed we should make her qualifications and dedication available to the Ohio Section." First licensed in Pennsylvania in 1977, Joanne rapidly advanced to extra class. She moved to Ohio in 1981 and became active in local public service and club activities. During this time she provided an important link in communications for the 1985 tornadoes that tore through Northeastern Ohio and began getting active in Ohio Section activities. In 1986 the then Ohio Section Manager, Jeff Maas, K8ND appointed Joanne as the Section's Affiliated Club Coordinator a recently created post by the ARRL Board of Directors The ARRL BOD had recognized the importance of radio clubs to the future of amateur radio. Here Joanne dug in and began working to help the Section's clubs. In addition she started working to make the Special Services Club program in Ohio something really special. In so doing she established the standards that made the program, and its participants, the leaders in amateur radio. Joanne's tireless work and her dedication involved working with Section managers, Directors, Many officials from ARRL headquarters and even George Wilson, W4OYI, President of the ARRL at the time. When the ARRL decided to remove the YL column in the early 90s. many hams complained to Joanne about this move. Seeing their point and the effect on amateur radio Joanne immediately went to Great Lakes Division Director Alan Severson, AB8P, Together they worked to see the YL news again become a part of QST Joanne is also the holder of many awards in amateur radio including the WAC, WAS, DXCC and the Rag Chewers award, this she received for a CW QSO running over 25 WPM. Joanne's dedication to amateur radio shows in that she is a life member of the ARRL, has been on officer in her local Club for 23 years, is a member of YLRL, the Buckeye Belles, is a volunteer examiner with the ARRL-VEC, was a member of the first VEC team to give walk in exams, and enjoys public service. -30- *Contests March 2005* 5-8 ARRL International DX Contest, Phone; ARC 10-Meter Digital "Corona", all digital modes Open Ukraine RTTY Championship; Spartan Sprint, CW 12-14 RSGB Commonwealth Contest, CW; WI QSO Party, Phone & CW; OK QSO Party, all mode; NA RTTY Sprint; AGCW QRP Contest, CW 19-21 Russian DX Contest, CW & SSB; VA QSO Party, all mode; Ten-ten Mobile Contest; CLARA and Family HF Contest, Phone & CW; 9KCC (Kuwait) Contest, CW & SSB; BARTG Spring RTTY Contest 26-28 Palestine, TX, Dogwood Trails Festival ; /CQ WW/ WPX Contest, SSB; Spring QRP Homebrewer Sprint, CW & PSK31; Low Power Spring Sprint, CW Some good contests. Sorry I can't be at the Dogwood Festival. For more information see /QST/, /CQ/, or / / 73, Dan, KF4AV *Here is an easy way to promote ham radio* The last week in January, Toledo, Ohio residents heard regular 30 second ham radio announcements on a commercial radio station. These public service announcements (PSA) were given to Toledo Radio Station WSPD (1370KHz) by ARRL Public Information Officer Steve Stalker, KC8TVW. Steve had discovered and utilized one of the easiest methods to promote our hobby. You can do it too. Ohio Section Manager Joe Phillips, K8QOE, asks that hams all over Ohio do the same thing - getting a ham radio message regularly broadcast on commercial radio. "FCC rules obligate commercial radio stations to play for free these PSA announcements as one requirement for holding a station broadcast license," said SM Phillips, "The ARRL has made it easy to obtain 30 second ARRL PSAs and to make available to your local radio station." The method could not be easier. Just go to the main ARRL web site located at and locate the menu item - media resources. Click on media resources and the procedure for downloading PSA announcements is explained. Make computer disk copies of these announcements and deliver to your favorite radio station. These stations are ever on the look out for fresh PSAs to run. These new public service announcements were produced by Alan Pitts, W1AGP, who recently took over the ARRL Media Relations Office at Newington. They were recorded broadcast quality and use professional talent. *Field Day 2005* I just received confirmation (Feb 3) from the Hamilton County Park District's Colonel Steve Newsom that we have been granted authorization to stay in Mitchell Memorial Forest the weekend of June 24-26 for Field Day. Although it has not caused serious issues in the past, he also noted that as of the date of my letter to the board, they had not received a request yet from the Boy Scouts to use the area where we set up. I haven't read the entire Field Day package yet, but after looking through some of the changes to the Field Day Rules, it doesn't look like many will be that much of an issue for us. I look forward to another fun year - let's hope the wx is as perfect as last! 73, Nathan KA3MTT *Hamfests & c. March 2005* Mar 12 Terre Haute IN Hamfest sponsored by Wabash Valley ARA at Northside Bingo Hall, 7339 N. Clinton St. Forums, DXCC card checking, outdoor set-up available, VE sessions. Talk-in: 146.685. Gate $3, tables free. Info: Don Pine K9DRP, 217=826-1111, [ ], / / /Cave City KY Hamfest sponsored by Mammoth Cave ARC at Cave City Convention Ctr, Mammoth Cave St; I-65 exit 53, left at first light, Convention Ctr .5 mi on left. MARS meeting, ARRL forum, 3.960 meeting, VE sessions. Talk-in: 146.94. $6 gate. Info: Larry Brumett KN4IV, 270=651-2363, [ ], / Mar 19 ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention in Toledo OH, sponsored by Toledo Mobile Radio Assn at Holiday Inn West, 2340 S Reynolds Rd. From OH Tpk exit 59, .1 mi N on Reynolds Rd just past first light to Holiday Inn on left; from I-475 exit 6 (Salisbury Rd/Dussell Rd), E on Dussell Rd, left at 4^th light, .1 mi to Holiday Inn on left. Doors open 11 AM. VE sessions 9-11 AM, 7 seminars start at noon, banquet 6 PM featuring guest speaker Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH, Wouff Hong 20 min after banquet concludes. Talk-in 147.27, 442.85. Admission $55 (hamfest ticket & banquet) or $30 (banquet only). Info: Jeanie Dalton KB8QLC, 859=245-7703, [ ] or Brenda Krukowski KB8IUP, 419=260-4310, [ ], / Mar 20 Toledo OH Hamfest in conjunction with ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention, sponsored by Toledo Mobile Radio Assn at Lucas Co Rec Ctr, 2901 Key St; S of Heatherdowns Blvd at Key St, exit 6 off I-475/US 23. Hamfest/Computer Expo, all indoors (2 big heated halls), vendors, forum (9 AM Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH), handicapped accessible, free parking, refreshments. Talk-in: 147.27. $6 gate, unless you bought a convention ticket which gets you in. Public 8 AM-2 PM. Info: Brian Harrington WD8MXR, 419=385-5624 or info line 419=535-6594, [ ], / *VE Exam opportunities* Sat Mar 5 at Hartwell Presbyterian Church, Parkway & Woodbine Avs. Sponsored by CRA. Registration 8:30 AM. Walk-ins only! Info: Herb Blasberg WA8PBW, 513=891-7556. Wed Mar 9 at Room 13, Johnston Hall, Miami U Middletown. Sponsored by Dial ARC. Registration 6 PM, exam 6:30 (complete all registration activity by 7 PM). Furnish original & one photocopy of licence if any, originals & one photocopy of any CSCEs, positive photo ID, TIN or FRN & exam fee. Map to exam site &/or NCVEC 605, request from [ ] for SASE. Please enclose note saying which class licence you wish to attempt (all will be offered). Advance registration to David Williamson KD8W, 5766 Trenton-Franklin Rd, Middletown OH 45042 by March 7. Include phone # on your check to Dial Radio Club. Special exam accomodations must be requested at least 2 weeks before exam date. Sat Mar 12 at Butler Co VHF Communications Ctr in D Russel Lee Vocational School, 3603 Hamilton-Middletown Rd (Rt 4), suburban Hamilton sponsored by Butler Co VHF Assn. To reach school, take I-75 to SR 129, follow 129 to Bypass 4 to Rt 4 .2 mi on right., 1^st drive. 4-way stop & yield, beyond which is newish building with lots of glass, your goal. Info: Ted Wilson K8TCR, 513=-868-7012. Talk-in: 146.97 Mon Mar 14 at Turkeyfoot Middle School, 3230 Turkeyfoot Rd, Edgewood KY, sponsored by NKARC. 6-8 PM. Pre-registration encouraged, but walk-ins accepted. No photocopying on site; please bring everything you need! Info: 859=472-6690 or 859=356-5460 Pre-registration encouraged where available (ask info source where to send, enclose SASE for confirmation & NCVEC 605) /$/14 is present ARRL/VEC exam fee, exact currency appreciated. *Riley does double duty at the 2005 Toledo Convention* FCC Special Counsel and Enforcer, Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, is not only the banquet speaker but will conduct an hour long afternoon Seminar on FCC matters. He will be appearing at the Great Lakes Division Convention March 19, held in conjunction with the March 20 Toledo Hamfest. At the seminar, you will have an opportunity to hand Riley personally any radio interference problem you may wish to report. At the Banquet that night, Riley's topic will be "Ham Radio and The FCC; Our Future Together." This Great Lakes Convention is a day of seminars on current ham radio topics and Division Awards and begins at Noon, Saturday, March 19 at the Toledo Holiday Inn and Conference Center, 2340 S. Reynolds Rd, Maumee or less than two miles from the Sunday, March 20 Toledo Hamfest – your convention credentials is also the hamfest pass. Annual report of the 8TH QSL Bureau from its new location By Jay Slough, K4ZLE, West Chester, Ohio (Bureau Chief) The year 2004, was the first full year that the 8th Area QSL bureau (Ohio, Michigan and West Virginia) has been located at the former VOA Bethany Relay Station in West Chester, Ohio. The QSL Bureau facilities are now part of the new VOA Radio Museum being developed by local ham radio operators and local Veterans groups under the sponsorship of the West Chester Division of Parks and Recreation. Upon receipt, cards are first bulk sorted by the first letter after the numeral. This is being done by members of the West Chester Amateur Radio Association, who also operate ham radio station WC8VOA at the VOA location. Once every 4 to 8 weeks the sorted cards are boxed and mailed to the letter managers where they are further sorted and placed into your envelopes. Once your envelope is full, it is then mailed to you. Last year the bureau handled 135,000 cards, down 15,000 from the 150,000 in 2003. More detailed information on how the bureau operates can be found on the web at / / Your individual letter managers are listed on the web site. Remember all of your bureau workers are volunteers. These men and women, some are not even active DXers, love the hobby enough to freely give their time and effort as a service to the DX community. Their desire is to provide first class service and for the most part, they do. Sometimes family commitments, vacations and work schedules impose an additional delay in the distribution system. However, in the big scheme of things where it takes an average of more than one year to turn a card around through the bureau system, that occasional week or two additional delay is minimal. If you appreciate your letter manager's effort, let 'em know. The positive feedback they receive is not adequately proportional to the positive work they do for you. Bureau correspondence can be directed to the bureau manager, Jay Slough, K4ZLE at: . C U in the pile-ups. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Ohio Section Section Manager: Joseph J. Phillips, K8QOE *What's happening in March* Wed Feb. 23 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Brian K4BRI Tue Mar 1 7:30 PM Club meeting at Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Rd Speaker: Clyde Haehnle, 700 WLW Wed Mar 2 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Carol WAYL Fri Mar 3 8 PM Hamilton Co Amateur Radio Pub Svc Corps at Hamilton Co Commun- ications Office Conference Rm, 2377 Civic Ctr Dr; park in Bd of Educ lot N side of Civic Ctr Dr Tue Mar 8 7 PM Technical Committee meeting, location TBA Wed Mar 9 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dale KC8HQS Sat Mar 12 10 AM Monthly fox hunt, hounds start from Mt Storm Park; talk-in to start 146.67 Wed Mar 16 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Dennis KB8ROA Thu Mar 17 7 PM Code & theory classes start, W Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Rd Mon Mar 21 7:30 PM Robotics Group at Brian K4BRI's Tue Mar 22 7:30 PM Board of Directors at Carol WA8YL's Wed Mar 23 9 PM Tech Talk, NCS Brian K4BRI Thu Mar 24 7 PM Code & theory classes, W Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Rd Tue Mar 29 7 PM Awards Dinner at Sorrento's, 8794 Reading Rd, Reading Wed Mar 30 9 PM Tech Talk, NCSW Rick KD4PYR Fri Apr 1 8 PM Hamilton Co Amateur Radio Pub Svc Corps at Hamilton Co Commun- ications Office Conference Rm, 2377 Civic Ctr Dr; park in Bd of Educ lot N side of Civic Ctr Dr Tue Apr 5 7:30 PM Club meeting at Western Hills Church of Christ, 5064 Sidney Rd Speaker: Tim Hedrick, Local12: Meteorology *News of members and students in recent classes* Deepest Sympathy to Mary K9MRS and Lee K9GPS Kissel on the loss of Mary's mother =*=>OHIO AMATEUR RECEIVES PRESIDENT'S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD* President George W. Bush has presented the President's Volunteer Service Award to Thomas J. "T. J." Powell, N8UIR, of Northfield, Ohio. Powell, 38, is an active volunteer with the Northeast Ohio Medical Reserve Corps (NEOMRC), a partner program of Citizen Corps . The president has called on all Americans to volunteer two years or 4000 hours over the course of their lifetimes, and he created USA Freedom Corps to help foster a culture of service, citizenship, and responsibility. NEOMRC provides medical support services for public events and emergency situations. As chief of NEOMRC and a certified emergency medical technician, Powell volunteers 800 to 1000 hours per year, helping with logistics, planning, Amateur Radio operations and first-aid for charitable fundraising events throughout Northeast Ohio. In addition, he assists local fire departments and emergency medical service agencies during incidents that impact public health. President Bush made the presentation during a January 27 visit to Cleveland. Powell, also a former American Red Cross volunteer and volunteer firefighter, greeted the President at Cleveland's Hopkins Airport. For more information on the Northeast Ohio Medical Reserve Corps, visit the NEOMRC Web site .--contributed by Joe Phillips, K8QOE -- /ARRL Letter/, Vol 24 #5, Feb 3, 2005 Copy deadline for April 2005 issue is Friday, March 18