The January membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, the 4th at 7:30 PM ET.

This meeting we will have a presentation on Modulation New and Old (With Just a Hint of Trig ). Presented by Dan Curtin KF4AV

We will look at SSB modulation and demodulation using the I/Q method, a modern version of the phasing method of the 50’s. The connection to trigonometry will be mentioned, but we’ll see the process that can be easily understood from visual representations alone, so no fear if your math is rusty!

The in-person meeting will be held at Lockland Church of the Nazarene, 335 West Wyoming Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. It’s right off I-75 at exit 12 (the Reading/Lockland exit southbound and the Davis St./Lockland/Reading exit northbound). Enter through the glass door by the mailbox under the awning. Be aware that there are about 5 steps down into the meeting room.

For those unable to attend the in-person meeting, you can still attend the meeting on Zoom.

Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 996 062 859
Password: 146670
As always, guest are welcome. We hope you can join us. 73!

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